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Created March 14, 2023 17:18
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Parse crazy OCaml compiler errors
import sys
import os
import itertools
from rich.console import Console
from rich.syntax import Syntax
from import Style
from rich.progress_bar import ProgressBar
from rich.panel import Panel
from rich.console import Group
from rich.console import group
from rich.columns import Columns
from rich.layout import Layout
from rich.text import Text
from rich.table import Table
console = Console()
# Functions that can parse errors
def parse_error_inner(error, lines):
# now comes the hard part
# figure out from the error what it will look like
desc = error.split(": ")[1]
if desc.startswith("This expression has type"):
return "type is not compatible with type"
elif desc.startswith("The implementation"):
return parse_interface_match(error, lines)
return f"unknown error {desc}"
def parse_interface_match(error, lines):
# desc part
desc = error
in_desc = True
# bt part
in_frame = False
frame_error = ""
backtrace = []
# files part
in_files = False
expect_actual = []
for line in lines:
# end of description
if in_desc:
if ":" in line:
desc += line[:-1]
in_desc = False
desc += line
# start of files
if "File" in line:
if not in_files:
in_files = True
(filename, start_line, _) = parse_filename(line)
expect_actual.append((filename, start_line))
if in_files:
# end of suberrors part
if "Types for method" in line:
# start of a suberror
if "Values do not match:" in line or "The type" in line or "Type\n" in line or "Type " in line:
# not the first, let's add the previous one
if in_frame:
in_frame = True
frame_error = line
# append to frame error
frame_error += line
# reverse the backtrace
# second pass on the backtrace to get split the "impl" and "intf"
for (idx, bt) in enumerate(backtrace):
if "is not compatible with type" in bt:
backtrace[idx] = bt.split("is not compatible with type")
elif "is not compatible with the type" in bt:
backtrace[idx] = bt.split("is not compatible with the type")
elif "is not included in" in bt:
backtrace[idx] = bt.split("is not included in")
raise "could not split the suberror in two parts"
backtrace[idx][0] = backtrace[idx][0].lstrip("Type")
backtrace[idx][0] = backtrace[idx][0].lstrip("The type")
backtrace[idx][0] = backtrace[idx][0].lstrip("Values do not match:")
backtrace[idx][0] = backtrace[idx][0].strip()
backtrace[idx][1] = backtrace[idx][1].strip()
# description
yield Text("the implementation does not match the interface\n")
# files
table = Table(expand=True, box=None)
table.add_column(f"implementation: {expect_actual[1][0]}\n", justify="center",
style="cyan", no_wrap=True, ratio=1)
f"expected by interface: {expect_actual[0][0]}\n", style="magenta", justify="center", ratio=1)
# backtrace
for [impl, intf] in backtrace:
col1 = Panel(Syntax(impl, "ocaml", line_numbers=True,
col2 = Panel(Syntax(intf, "ocaml", line_numbers=True,
table.add_row(col1, col2)
yield table
# The rest
def parse_filename(line):
# these are all valid:
# `File "path", line 104, characters 1-3:`
# `File "path", lines 104-105, characters 1-3:`
# `File "path", lines 104-105:`
line = line.split(",")
filepath = line[0][6:].strip('"')
start_line = 0
end_line = 0
if "lines" in line[1]:
[start_line, end_line] = line[1][7:].strip().strip(":").split("-")
start_line = line[1][6:].strip().strip(":")
end_line = start_line
# characters = line[2][12:].split("-")
# get relative path
cwd = os.getcwd()
relpath = os.path.relpath(filepath)
# format and return
formatted = f"{relpath}:{start_line}"
return (formatted, start_line, end_line)
def parse_error(error_lines):
# parse a single error
lines = iter(error_lines)
# first line is the filename
(filename, start_line, end_line) = parse_filename(next(lines))
# next might come some snippet or "Error:"
snippet = []
marker = ""
for line in lines:
# we're out of the snippet
if line.startswith("Error:"):
parsed = parse_error_inner(line, lines)
# line number or `^^^^^^^` (highlight)
elif line[0].isnumeric():
parsed = line.split(" | ")
elif "^" in line:
marker += line
raise "Error: unexpected line in error"
result = {
"filename": filename,
"snippet": snippet,
"marker": marker,
"error": parsed,
return result
def print_error(idx, error):
# snippet
snippet = ""
if len(error["snippet"]) != 0:
# start line
start_line_str = error["snippet"][0][0]
start_line = int(error["snippet"][0][0])
last_line = int(error["snippet"][-1][0])
# snippet as string
snippet = ""
for [ln, line] in error["snippet"]:
snippet += f"{line}"
# use library to output
snippet = Syntax(snippet, "ocaml", line_numbers=True,
start_line=start_line, highlight_lines=[last_line])
# highlight characters
highlight_chars = [pos for pos, char in enumerate(
error["marker"]) if char == "^"]
offset = len(start_line_str) + 3
s1 = highlight_chars[0] - offset
s2 = highlight_chars[-1] + 1 - offset
style = Style(bgcolor='deep_pink4')
snippet.stylize_range(style, (1, s1), (1, s2))
# print snippet
# print error description
# print suberror
if snippet == "":
panel_group = Group(
panel_group = Group(
# error + filename
title = f"Error #{idx + 1} in {error['filename']}"
panel = Panel(panel_group, title=title)
def print_errors(errors):
for error in errors:
def split_errors(compiler_output):
# split errors from the compiler output
# (each error starts with `File "`
in_error = False
errors = []
current_error = []
for line in compiler_output:
# new error
if line[:6] == 'File "' and in_error:
current_error = []
# bad start
if not in_error:
if line[:6] != 'File "':
raise "Error: expected 'File' at start of line"
in_error = True
# just add to the current error
# last error pending
# return
return errors
def main():
# read stdin
compiler_output = sys.stdin.readlines()
# split errors
errors = split_errors(compiler_output)
print(f"Found {len(errors)} errors")
# print errors
for (idx, error) in enumerate(errors):
# error number
progress = ProgressBar(total=len(errors), completed=idx)
# parse
res = parse_error(error)
print_error(idx, res)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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