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Created March 1, 2017 08:14
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Meetup #2 - Data Science Career Inspiration Night
I was at first unwilling to attend tonight's meetup because it seemed like it was more for people who were still exploring
Data Science as a career. And I was already committed to Data Science. So maybe not tonight.
However, the point of me going to these meet-ups were not to just hear some advice, but to meet people, network with others in the Data Science space. And I was able to meet Michelle Kelsey, who is part of IBM's Watson Cognitive team. This really excited me because I was first exposed to IBM's Watson Cognitive through Serena's Watson. She was able to feed her play data into Watson, who predicted for her the best move/s for her next game.
The same cognitive solution was demonstrated with Cognotoy dino, a toy that learns, remembers and responds through dialog with the
thw user. This got the best of me. Now I want my own cognotoy dino. I ended up meeting Michelle face-to-face as planned, got her business card and took up her offer to meet her back in the city (SF) sometime in April to discuss more!
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