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Last active October 25, 2022 13:46
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calculate mri nifti segmentation dice score
import nibabel as nib
def test_nifti_all_labels_dice_score(seg_path, seg_file, truth_path, truth_file):
truth_uid = os.listdir(truth_path)
dice_score = 0
for uid in truth_uid:
seg_file_path = os.path.join(seg_path, uid, seg_file)
truth_file_path = os.path.join(truth_path, uid, truth_file)
seg_nib = nib.load(seg_file_path)
seg_data = seg_nib.get_data()
truth_nib= nib.load(truth_file_path)
truth_data = truth_nib.get_data()
uid_dice = calculate_nifti_all_labels_dice_score(seg_data, truth_data)
print('dice score:', dice_score/len(truth_uid))
def calculate_nifti_all_labels_dice_score(seg_data, truth_data):
z_range = range(seg_data.shape[-1])
z_len = len(z_range)
dice_sum = 0
for z in z_range:
seg_slice = seg_data[:,:,z]
truth_slice = truth_data[:,:,z]
slice_dice = calculate_slice_all_labels_dice_score(seg_slice, truth_slice)
return dice_sum / z_len
def calculate_slice_all_labels_dice_score(segmentation, truth):
area_sum = np.sum(segmentation) + np.sum(truth)
if area_sum > 0:
return np.sum(segmentation[truth>0])*2.0 / area_sum
return 1
def calculate_slice_one_label_dice_score(segmentation, truth, k):
return np.sum(segmentation[truth == k]) * 2.0 / (np.sum(segmentation) + np.sum(truth))
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should line 36 be 0 instead of 1?

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