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Last active December 20, 2021 08:30
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Quick way to extract opengraph and twitter card attributes from a page in python
from lxml import html
from urllib import request
from collections import defaultdict
url = ""
doc = html.parse(request.urlopen(url))
data = defaultdict(dict)
props = doc.xpath('//meta[re:test(@name|@property, "^twitter|og:.*$", "i")]',
namespaces={"re": ""})
for prop in props:
if prop.get('property'):
key = prop.get('property').split(':')
key = prop.get('name').split(':')
if prop.get('content'):
value = prop.get('content')
value = prop.get('value')
if not value:
value = value.strip()
if value.isdigit():
value = int(value)
ref = data[key.pop(0)]
for idx, part in enumerate(key):
if not key[idx:-1]: # no next values
ref[part] = value
if not ref.get(part):
ref[part] = dict()
if isinstance(ref.get(part), str):
ref[part] = {'url': ref[part]}
ref = ref[part]
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