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Dependency Injection & Service Lookup

Dependency Inject & Service Lookup

Dependency injection and service lookup are two important framework concepts. The first, dependency injection, refers a dependent object being injected onto another object during instantiation. For example, all route objects have the property router set on them during instantiation. We say that the dependency of the router has been injected onto the route objects.

App.IndexRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
  actions: {
    showPath: function(){
      // Dependency injection provides the router object to our
      // route instance.

Sometimes an Ember.js library will use dependency injection to expose its API to developers. An example of this is Ember-Data, which injects its store into all routes and controllers.

App.IndexController = Ember.ObjectController.extend({
  actions: {
    findItems: function(){
      var controller = this;
      // Dependency injection provides the store object to our
      // controller instance.'item').then(function(items){
        controller.set('items', items);

These are just two examples of how dependency injection, or DI, is used in Ember applications.

The second tool, service lookup, describes when a dependency is created or fetched on demand. Service lookup is the simpler pattern, and will be discussed first. Fundamentally, these two patterns share the same goals:

  • Isolate responsibilities in an application
  • Avoid the use of global variables and instances (important for testing)
  • Allow single object instance to represent state, but share that state with other instances.

Lightweight Services with needs

A common use-case for service lookup is that of a singleton service. Often, these services will live near application state, and thus Ember provides an API that makes controller services easy to write.

For example, a session service can easily be made available to this index controller:

var App = Ember.Application.create();
App.SessionController = Ember.Controller.extend({
  isAuthenticated: false
// The index controller may need access to that state:
App.IndexController = Ember.Controller.extend({
  needs: ['session'],
  // Using needs, the controller instance will be available on `controllers`
  isLoggedIn: Ember.computed.alias('controllers.session.isAuthenticated')

The controllers computed property returns an hash of the controllers listed in needs. Controllers in Ember.js are singletons, meaning the same instance is always returned when they are requested.

A second controller can take advantage of this singleton nature to also access the session service:

App.SignInController = Ember.Controller.extend({
  needs: ['session'],
  isLoggedIn: Ember.computed.alias('controllers.session.isAuthenticated'),
  actions: {
    signIn: function(){
      // There is an alias to the session property, so this change propagates
      // to the session object then the IndexController.
      this.set('isLoggedIn', true);

The session object in both classes is the same. needs provides us an easy way to share state across controllers.

Services with DOM via needs

The needs array can fetch any singleton controller in an Ember application. This can be combined with the render helper to create services that also have access to the DOM.

Let's build a controller that manages audio playback and makes it available to other controllers.

First, we create hook AudioController to the DOM by using the render helper. This helper renders a template, and backs that template with a controller of the same name.

{{! application.hbs }}
{{render "audio"}}

And we must create an audio.hbs template to render:

{{! audio.hbs }}
<audio id="audio" controls loop>
  <source {{bind-attr src=currentSrc}} type="audio/mpeg"></source>

The render helper will back this template with a controller of the same name. We create that controller, and have it maintain the currentSrc property:

App.AudioController = Ember.Controller.extend({
  currentSrc: null,
  play: function(src){
    this.set('currentSrc', src);

To allow other controllers to play audio, we use the needs array to look up our new service:

App.IndexController = Ember.Controller.extend({
  needs: ['audio'],
  actions: {
    selectSrc: function(src){

The the index controller calls this.get(''), the audio service is returned. Other controllers can also use needs to access the audio service.

A functional version of this demo is provided below:

Ember Starter Kit<script src=""></script>

Services are a simple way to share behavior between controllers and isolate responsibilities in an application. needs is an easy and quick way to create services and share them between an application's controllers.

Dependency Management in Ember.js

When an Ember application starts running, it will create and use a single instance of the Ember.Container object. This container object is responsible for managing factories and the dependencies between then. At the level of the container, a factory can be any framework component. The index template is a factory with the name template:index, and the application route is a factory with the name route:application. The container understands how to use these factories (are they singleton? Should they be instantiated?) and manages their dependencies.

Factory names have two parts segmented by a :. The first segment is the framework component type, and the second is the name of the component requested. Hence, an application view would be named view:application.

If the container does not already have a requested factory, it uses a resolver to discover that factory. The resolver is responsible for mapping the factory name of view:application to the global variable of App.ApplicationView. Tools like ember-cli may use alternative rules for resolving factories. After optionally adding dependencies to the requested factory, that factory is cached and returned.

Ember's container should be viewed as an implementation detail, and is not part of the supported public API.

Dependency Injection with register/inject

Instead of accessing the container directly, Ember provides an API for registering factories and managing injections on the application instance.

There are two ways to access this API. Many Ember applications can access this API directly on the application instance:

App = Ember.Application.create();
App.register('logger:main', {log: function(m){ console.log(n); }}, {instantiate: false});
App.inject('route', 'logger', 'logger:main');

But ember-cli applications (and libraries) will need to use a more flexible hook, an initializer:

App = Ember.Application.extend();
  name: 'logger',
  initialize: function(container, application){
    application.register('logger:main', {log: function(m){ console.log(m); }}, {instantiate: false});
    application.inject('route', 'logger', 'logger:main');

Initializers can be declared at any time before an application is instantiated, making them easier to declare than directly registering factories on the application.

The above example was comprised of two parts. The first is the factory registration:

var logger = {log: function(m){ console.log(m); }};
application.register('logger:main', logger, {instantiate: false});

The register function adds the factory (logger) into the container. It adds it with the full name of logger:main, and with the option not to instantiate. When this factory is injected onto another object, it will be injected "as-is". More often, a class is registered into the container:

var Logger = Ember.Object.extend({ log: function(m){ console.log(m); } });
application.register('logger:main', Logger);

This class will be instantiated before it is used by the container. This has the important benefit of it being able to accept injections of its own.

The second part of the above example is the dependency injection:

application.inject('route', 'logger', 'logger:main');

This is an example of a type injection. Onto all factories of the type route the property logger will be injected with the factory named logger:main. Routes in this example application could now call the logger:

App = Ember.Application.extend();
App.Logger = Ember.Object.extend({
  log: function(m){ console.log(m); }
App.IndexRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
  activate: function(){
    // The logger property is injected into all routes
    this.logger.log('Entered the index route!');

  name: 'logger',
  initialize: function(container, application){
    application.register('logger:main', App.Logger);
    application.inject('route', 'logger', 'logger:main');


Injections can also be make on a specific factory by using its full name:

application.inject('route:index', 'logger', 'logger:main');

Injections can be made onto all of Ember's major framework classes, including views, helpers, components, controllers, routes, and the router.

What follows is a full implementation of the above logger service:

Ember Starter Kit<script src=""></script>

Dependency injection and service lookup are two powerful tools in your Ember.js toolset, and every mature Ember application will require their use.

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