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Created August 20, 2015 14:49
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var modules = require('modules');
var DIRECTIVE_NAME = 'validationList';
function validationList() {
return {
restrict: 'C',
link: function(scope, elem, attrs) {
var liExprs = [];
var lis = elem.children();
var ngAttrs = ['ng-show', 'ng-if', 'ng-hide'];
var ulExpr = extractExprs(elem[0], ngAttrs);
// First, snag the expressions being used to show the UL's children
_.forEach(lis, function(li) {
liExprs.push(extractExprs(li, ngAttrs));
// All conditions must be met
var watchExpr = ulExpr.join(' && ') + ((ulExpr.length && liExprs.length) ? ' && ' : '');
// The expression used to show the UL, must be combined
// with that of the children.
watchExpr += liExprs.length ? '(' + liExprs.join(' || ') + ')' : '';
// Set this up as the watch expr.
var evaluator = function() {
return scope.$eval(watchExpr);
// If the watch expression evaluates to true,
// it means that the list + an error is displaying.
// So, add the class
scope.$watch(evaluator, function(newVal, oldVal) {
if (newVal === oldVal) { return; }
elem.parent().toggleClass('active-validation-list', newVal);
* @param {object} el - The element to extract expressions from
* (Not an angular.element, but a DOM node)
* @param {array} attrs - Array of attributes to extract.
function extractExprs(el, attrs) {
var found =, function(a) {
var expr = el.getAttribute(a);
if (!expr) { return null; }
// If it's an ng-hide, inverse the logic so it matches
return a === 'ng-hide' ? '!(' + expr + ')' : expr;
return _.compact(found);
modules.common.directive(DIRECTIVE_NAME, validationList);
module.exports = {
component: validationList
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