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Created May 8, 2017 12:55
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Galicaster configuration files
admin = False
profile = Default
homepage = DIS
stopdialog = True
quit = False
shutdown = False
swapvideos = True
repository = /dvr/galicaster/
export = /dvr/export/
resolution = auto
legacy = False
tmp = /dvr/tmp/
foldertemplate = gc_{hostname}_{year}-{month}-{day}T{hour}h{minute}m{second}
path = /var/log/galicaster/galicaster.log
level = DEBUG
rotate = False
use_syslog = False
;; Metadata editor configuration
;; Two parameters are available:
;; - blocked: a blank-separated list of metadata fields that will be non-editable by the user
;; - mandatory: a blank-separated list of metadata fields that MUST NOT be blank in order to
;; apply the changes to the mediapackage
;; Both parameters admit the following values (unquoted):
;; - 'title'
;; - 'presenter' or 'creator'
;; - 'description'
;; - 'language'
;; - 'series', 'ispartof' or 'isPartOf'
active = True
visible_tracks = False
legacy = False ;For MH 1.2 and 1.3 compatibility
manual = immediately ;Possible values: none, immediately, nightly
scheduled = immediately ;Possible values: none, immediately, nightly
host =
username = opencast_system_account
password = CHANGE_ME
workflow = ng-schedule-and-upload
workflow-parameters = trimHold:true;videoPreview:true
multiple-ingest = False
connect_timeout = 30
timeout = 30
;Capture agent IP address, by default socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname())
address =
;Dict of parameters used as configuration
ca-parameters =
ignore_capture_devices = False
hostname = GC-Prototype-PUCV
;; This section sets allows filtering series shown in the drop down list of the metadata editor.
;; It accepts most of the filter values that Opencast endpoint accepts, namely:
;; seriesId, seriesTitle, creator, contributor, publisher, rightsholder, createdfrom,
;; createdto, language, license, subject, abstract, description
;; According to Opencast documentation, the date-like filters (createdfrom and createdto) must
;; follow the format yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'
;; In addition to the previous filters, the 'default' keyword accepts a series ID that will appear
;; in the series list, no matter what.
;; The values to the parameters may include placeholders for certain environment variables.
;; The only one supported currently is '{user}', that is substituted with the current user name.
default = 0491ccb9-d626-4384-a7e7-93e573141e49
;contributor = {user}
; ... etc
short = 10
long = 60
night = 00:00
layout = sbs ;Side by side layout. Possible values: pip-screen, pip-camera
manual = True
start = False
stop = False
pause = True
overlap = True
noaudiodialog = True
screensaver = False
cleanstale = False
forcedurationrec = False
shortcuts = True
checkrepo = True
rest = False
pushpic = False
setuprecording = True
hidetabs = False
retryingest = False
failovermic = False
keyboard = True
lockscreen = False
appearance = False
cameracontrol = False
muteinputs = False
path = /dev/ttyUSB0
zoom_levels = 7
max_speed_pan_tilt = 0x18
mute_on_startup = False
bins =
mute_type = input
hidecursor = True
settings = {"/org/compiz/profiles/unity/plugins/unityshell/reveal-trigger": "1", "/org/compiz/profiles/unity/plugins/unityshell/launcher-hide-mode" : "1", "/org/compiz/profiles/unity/plugins/core/hsize": "1", "/org/compiz/profiles/unity/plugins/core/vsize" : "1"}
defaultsettings = {"/org/compiz/profiles/unity/plugins/unityshell/reveal-trigger": "0", "/org/compiz/profiles/unity/plugins/unityshell/launcher-hide-mode" : "0", "/org/compiz/profiles/unity/plugins/core/hsize": "2", "/org/compiz/profiles/unity/plugins/core/vsize" : "2"}
password = 1234
authentication = basic
ldapserver = ldap://localhost
ldapserverport = 10389
ldapou = users system
ldapdc =
ldapusertype = cn
enable_quit_button = False
inactivity = 120
powersettings = {"/org/gnome/desktop/screensaver/lock-enabled":"false", "/org/gnome/desktop/screensaver/ubuntu-lock-on-suspend" : "false", "/org/gnome/desktop/screensaver/idle-activation-enabled":"false", "/org/gnome/settings-daemon/plugins/power/sleep-display-ac": "0", "/org/gnome/settings-daemon/plugins/power/sleep-display-battery" : "0", "/org/gnome/settings-daemon/plugins/power/active": "false", "/org/gnome/desktop/session/idle-delay": "0"}
defaultpowersettings = {"/org/gnome/desktop/screensaver/lock-enabled":"true", "/org/gnome/desktop/screensaver/ubuntu-lock-on-suspend" : "true", "/org/gnome/desktop/screensaver/idle-activation-enabled":"true", "/org/gnome/settings-daemon/plugins/power/sleep-display-ac": "0", "/org/gnome/settings-daemon/plugins/power/sleep-display-battery" : "0", "/org/gnome/settings-daemon/plugins/power/active": "false", "/org/gnome/desktop/session/idle-delay": "600"}
maxarchivaldays = 30
checkoninit = False
; Duration in minutes
duration = 240
min = -73
keep_closed = False
host =
port = 8080
;; check_after is the minimum number of seconds to wait between checking
;; to see that all recordings are successfully ingested.
;; check_published is whether to check that the mediapackage is already published
;; on the opencast server and if so, sets the ingest state to succeeded
;; without reingesting.
;; check_nightly will mark the mediapackage as 'nightly' and postpone the ingest.
check_after = 300
check_published = True
nightly = False
; 'device' is the pulse audio device that will be used to record the failover audio track.
; 'failover_threshold' is the threshold rms amplitude at which the audio will be replaced.
; this number is between -100 and 0
; the galicaster vumeter gives a rough visual indication of this value.
; 'audio_device' if multiple audio sources are used, this number corresponds
; to the audio track to replace. 1 = the first audio track.
device = default
failover_threshold = -50
audio_device = 1
;; Configuration for the setuprecording plugin.
;; The following keys define the values that will be pre-filled in the metadata editor
;; when the "REC" button is pressed:
;; - title: Sets up the default value for the recording title
;; - presenter or creator: Sets up the default "Presenter" value
;; - description: Sets up the default "Description" value
;; - language: Sets up the default "Language" value
;; - series, ispartof or isPartOf: Sets up the default "Series" id. The ID must exist,
;; otherwise it will be ignored.
;; The following list of "placeholders" may be used in the previous values.
;; - {user}: This string will be substituted by the current Unix login name
;; For instance: "presenter = {user}" will set up the default presenter
;; value to the current user
;; This is the configuration section for the plugin
;; The currently available configuration keys are:
;; - hide: A space-separated list of tabs that will be hidden in the record UI
;; Possible values are: 'events', 'recording' and 'status' (unquoted)
;; - default: Name of the tab that will be initially displayed in the UI
;; Possible values are: 'events', 'recording' and 'status' (unquoted)
;; A space-separated list of operations that are to be hidden in the
;; corresponding pop up in the manager UI.
;; The possible values for both parameters are (unquoted):
;; 'ingest', 'exporttozip' and 'sidebyside'
;hide = ingest exporttozip sidebyside
;hide_nightly = ingest exporttozip sidebyside
hide =
hide_nightly =
autorecover = True
pausetype = recording
main = Visit
text = ...or contact us on our community list.
classic = false
none = #FFF0AA ;yellow
nightly = #AEFFAE ; light green
pending = #AEFFAE ; light green
processing = #FFAE00 ; orange
done = #88FF88 ; green
failed = #FFAEAE ;red
name = Bars
pattern = 0
caps = video/x-raw,format=YUY2,framerate=25/1,width=640,height=480
color1 = 4294967295
color2 = 4278190080
location = default_bars
file = CAMERA.avi
device = videotest
flavor = presenter
active = True
name = Static
device = videotest
location = default_static
file = SCREEN.avi
flavor = presentation
caps = video/x-raw,format=YUY2,framerate=25/1,width=640,height=480
pattern = 1
color1 = 4294967295
color2 = 4278190080
active = True
name = Noise
device = audiotest
location = default_noise
file = sound.mp3
flavor = presenter
pattern = pink-noise
frequency = 440
volume = 0.3
player = True
vumeter = True
amplification = 1.0
active = True
admin = True
quit = False
profile = Screen-Camera-Mic
hostname = GC-PUCV-Prototype
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