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Created August 26, 2020 16:33
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Code for the custom Sugar CRM Custom connector
title: "SugarCRM",
connection: {
fields: [
name: "base_url",
hint: "Provide the REST endpoint for your Sugar CRM Instance. " \
"The REST version and the release version are different. See " \
"<a href='' " \
"target='_blank'>Docs</a> for more details.",
optional: false
label: "Client Id",
name: "client_id",
optional: false,
label: "Client Secret",
name: "client_secret",
optional: true
name: "username",
hint: "Enter your sugar CRM username.",
optional: false
name: "password",
hint: "Enter your sugar CRM password.",
control_type: "password",
optional: false
authorization: {
type: 'custom-auth',
acquire: lambda do | connection|
response = post(connection["base_url"] + '/oauth2/token',
grant_type: "password",
client_id: connection["client_id"],
client_secret: connection["client_secret"],
username: connection["username"],
password: connection["password"],
platform: "leadMethod"
access_token: response["access_token"],
refresh_token: response["refresh_token"]
refresh_on: [401, 403],
refresh: lambda do | connection, refresh_token|
response = post(connection["base_url"] + '/oauth2/token',
grant_type: "refresh_token",
refresh_token: refresh_token,
client_id: connection["refresh_token"],
client_secret: connection["client_secret"],
platform: "leadMethod"
access_token: response["access_token"],
refresh_token: response["refresh_token"]
# TODO: This access token isn't showing up the way it should.
# Ass a work around for building action we can insert out own token but this must get fixed.
apply: lambda do |connection, access_token|
headers(Authorization: "Bearer #{connection["access_token"]}")
test: lambda do |connection |
post(connection['base_url'] + '/oauth2/token',
grant_type: "password",
client_id: connection["client_id"],
client_secret: connection["client_secret"],
username: connection["username"],
password: connection["password"],
platform: "leadMethod"
object_definitions: {
opporutnity: {
fields: ->(){
{name: "id", type: "string"},
{name: "name", type: "string"},
{name: "date_entered", type: "string"},
{name: "date_modified", type: "string"},
{name: "modified_user_id", type: "string"},
{name: "modified_by_name", type: "string"},
{name: "modified_by_link", type: "object",
properties: [
{name: "full_name", type:"string"},
{name: "id", type:"string"},
{name: "_acl", type:"object",
properties: [
{name: "fields", type: "object",
properties: [
{name: "user_name", type: "object",
properties: [
{name: "write", type: "string"},
{name: "create", type: "string"},
{name: "user_hash", type: "object",
properties: [
{name: "read", type: "string"},
{name: "write", type: "string"},
{name: "create", type: "string"},
{name: "system_generated_password", type: "object",
properties: [
{name: "read", type: "string"},
{name: "write", type: "string"},
{name: "create", type: "string"},
{name: "pwd_last_change", type: "object",
properties: [
{name: "write", type: "string"},
{name: "create", type: "string"},
{name: "authenticate_id", type: "object",
properties: [
{name: "read", type: "string"},
{name: "write", type: "string"},
{name: "create", type: "string"},
{name: "sugar_login", type: "object",
properties: [
{name: "read", type: "string"},
{name: "write", type: "string"},
{name: "create", type: "string"},
{name: "is_admin", type: "object",
properties: [
{name: "write", type: "string"},
{name: "create", type: "string"},
{name: "external_auth_only", type: "object",
properties: [
{name: "read", type: "string"},
{name: "write", type: "string"},
{name: "create", type: "string"},
{name: "last_login", type: "object",
properties: [
{name: "write", type: "string"},
{name: "create", type: "string"},
{name: "title", type: "object",
properties: [
{name: "write", type: "string"},
{name: "create", type: "string"},
{name: "department", type: "object",
properties: [
{name: "write", type: "string"},
{name: "create", type: "string"},
{name: "status", type: "object",
properties: [
{name: "write", type: "string"},
{name: "create", type: "string"},
{name: "license_type", type: "object",
properties: [
{name: "write", type: "string"},
{name: "create", type: "string"},
{name: "portal_only", type: "object",
properties: [
{name: "read", type: "string"},
{name: "write", type: "string"},
{name: "create", type: "string"},
{name: "show_on_employees", type: "object",
properties: [
{name: "read", type: "string"},
{name: "write", type: "string"},
{name: "create", type: "string"},
{name: "employee_status", type: "object",
properties: [
{name: "write", type: "string"},
{name: "create", type: "string"},
{name: "reports_to_id", type: "object",
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{name: "create", type: "string"},
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{name: "create", type: "string"},
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{name: "write", type: "string"},
{name: "create", type: "string"},
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{name: "delete", type: "string"},
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{name: "massupdate", type: "string"},
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{name: "date_closed_timestamp", type: "integer"},
{name: "next_step", type: "string"},
{name: "sales_stage", type: "string"},
{name: "sales_status", type: "string"},
{name: "probability", type: "string"},
{name: "best_case", type: "string"},
{name: "worst_case", type: "string"},
{name: "commit_stage", type: "string"},
{name: "service_start_date", type: "string"},
{name: "service_open_revenue_line_items", type: "string"},
{name: "service_start_date_cascade", type: "string"},
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{name: "closed_revenue_line_items", type: "integer"},
{name: "included_revenue_line_items", type: "integer"},
{name: "renewal_parent_id", type: "string"},
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{name: "product_summary_c", type:"array", of:"string"},
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{name: "developer", type: "string"},
{name: "_hash", type: "string"},
{name: "opportunities_so_sales_orders_1so_sales_orders_idb", type: "string"},
{name: "distance", type: "string"},
{name: "geolocation", type: "string"},
{name: "gc_status_c", type: "string"},
{name: "wmaps_balloon_c", type: "string"},
{name: "gc_latitude_c", type: "number"},
{name: "gc_longitude_c", type: "number"},
{name: "gc_status_detail_c", type: "string"},
{name: "gc_date_c", type: "string"},
{name: "wmaps_pushpin_icon_c", type: "string"},
{name: "contact_id_c", type: "string"},
{name: "mrkto2_fiscal_quarter_c", type: "string"},
{name: "mrkto2_forecastcategoryname_c", type: "string"},
{name: "mrkto2_forecastcategoryname_c", type: "string"},
{name: "_acl", type: "object",
properites: [
{names: "fields", type: "object"}
{name: "_module", type: "string"},
opporutnity_update_fields: {
fields: ->() {
{name: "name", type: "string"},
{name: "account_id", type: "string"},
{name: "date_closed", type: "string"},
{name: "assigned_user_id", type: "string"},
{name: "region_c", type: "string"},
{name: "sales_stage", type: "string"},
{name: "opportunity_type", type: "string"},
{name: "lead_source", type: "string"},
{name: "next_step", type: "string"},
{name: "mkto_sync", type: "boolean"}
actions: {
read_opporutnity: {
input_fields: lambda do
{ name: "id", optional: false }
execute: lambda do |connection, input|
get(connection["base_url"] + "/Opportunities/#{input["id"]}")
output_fields: lambda do |object_definitions|
update_opporutnity: {
input_fields: lambda do |object_definitions|
{ name: "id", optional: false }
execute: lambda do |connection, input| {|k, v|}
updated_input = input.reject { |k,v| k == 'id' or v == nil or v == "" or v == "null" }
put(connection["base_url"] + "/Opportunities/#{input["id"]}", updated_input)
output_fields: lambda do |object_definitions|
triggers: {
new_or_modified_opportunitites: {
#type: :paging_desc,
input_fields: -> () {
name: "date_modified",
type: :timestamp,
optional: false
name: "offset",
type: :integer,
optional: false,
value: 0
poll: -> (connection, input) {
max_num = 1;
offset = input["offset"];
can_poll_more = true;
params = {
max_num: max_num,
offset: offset
}.reject {|k, v| v.present? == false}
date_modified_since = (input["date_modified"]).to_time.utc.iso8601
# response = post(connection["base_url"] + "/Opportunities/filter",
response = post("",
"$gte": "#{date_modified_since}"
opportuntities = response["records"][0];
if response["next_offset"] == -1
can_poll_more = false
events: opportuntities,
offset: response["next_offset"],
can_poll_more: can_poll_more
output_fields: -> (object_definitions){
dedup: ->(event){
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