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Last active October 17, 2023 20:44
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HTML wrapper for class-enhanced create-table

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<title>PIKCHR Test</title>
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<text class="token glyph always" x="503" y="260" text-anchor="middle" font-weight="bold" fill="rgb(0,0,0)" dominant-baseline="central">)</text>
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<pre class='hidden'> linerad = 10px
linewid *= 0.5
$h = 0.21
circle radius 10%
A0: arrow 2*arrowht
CR: ~keyword ~token ~always [oval "CREATE" fit]
T1: ~keyword ~token ~optional [oval "TEMP" fit] with .w at (linewid right of CR.e,.8*$h below CR)
T2: ~keyword ~token ~optional [oval "TEMPORARY" fit] with .w at 1.25*$h below T1.w
TBL: ~keyword ~token ~always [oval "TABLE" fit] with .w at (linewid right of T2.e,CR)
arrow from CR.e right even with T2; arrow to TBL.w
arrow from CR.e right linerad then down even with T1 then to T1.w
arrow from CR.e right linerad then down even with T2 then to T2.w
line from T2.e right linerad then up even with TBL \
then to arrowht left of TBL.w
line from T1.e right even with linerad right of T2.e then up linerad
arrow from TBL.e right
~keyword ~token ~optional [oval "IF" fit]
arrow right 2*arrowht
~keyword ~token ~optional [oval "NOT" fit]
arrow 2*arrowht
ETS: ~keyword ~token ~optional [oval "EXISTS" fit]
# IF NOT EXISTS bypass
Y1: .5*$h below T2.s # vertical position of back-arrow
~bypass arrow from TBL.e right linerad then down even with Y1 then left even with T2
~bypass arrow from ETS.e right linerad then down even with Y1 \
then left even with ETS.w
line left even with TBL.w
# second row
arrow left even with first circle then down $h*1.25 then right 2*arrowht
SN: ~rule ~optional ~literal ~identifier [oval "schema-name" fit]
arrow 2*arrowht
DOT: ~token ~glyph ~optional [oval "." bold fit]
TN: ~rule ~literal ~identifier ~always [oval "table-name" fit]
# schema-name bypass
~bypass arrow from (first circle,SN.n) down even with $h below SN \
then right even with SN
line right even with arrowht right of DOT.e then up even with DOT \
then right linerad
# Loop back from table-name
arrow from TN.e right linerad then down even with DOT.s-(0,2*$h) \
then left even with DOT
# third row
arrow left even with first circle then down $h*1.25 then right 2*arrowht
LP: ~token ~glyph ~choice-of ~always [oval "(" bold fit]
CD: ~rule ~always [box "column-def" fit]
TC: ~rule ~optional [box "table-constraint" fit] with .w at CD.e+(1.5*linewid,-1.25*$h)
arrow &lt;- from TC.e right 1.5*arrowht
C2: ~token ~glyph ~optional [oval "," bold fit]
RP: ~token ~glyph ~always [oval ")" bold fit] at (2*linewid right of C2,LP)
arrow from RP.e right 3*arrowht
TO: ~rule ~optional [box "table-options" fit]
# column-def loop
C1: ~token ~glyph ~optional [oval "," bold fit] at 1.25*$h below CD
arrow from CD.e right linerad then down even with C1 then to C1.e
line from C1.w left even with 2*arrowht left of CD.w then up even with CD \
then to arrowht left of CD.w
# table-constraint bypass
arrow from CD.e right
~bypass arrow to RP.w
# table-constraint loop
arrow from (C2.e,RP) right 2*arrowht then down even with C2 then to C2.e
line from TC.w left linerad then up even with RP then right 2*arrowht
# exit circle and table-options bypass
arrow from RP.e right linerad then up 1.5*$h then right even with TO.n
arrow right even with TO.e then right 3*arrowht
EC: circle same
# table-options exit
arrow from TO.e right linerad then up 1.5*$h then right even with EC.w
# AS select clause
arrow from TN.e right 250%
AS: ~choice-of ~always [oval "AS" fit]
arrow 2*arrowht
~rule ~always [box "select-stmt" fit]
arrow right
line right even with linerad right of TO.e then down even with last circle \
then right linerad
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