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Last active July 15, 2020 07:03
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// Direcory Listing Downloader - "Index Of/" Downloader
// Moe Khalil -
// This is to download files located in directories with directory list permissions enabled
// set MINIMUM_SIZE to filter smaller files.
// File names will be what they are on server with date prepended and host domain appended.
(() => {
// minimum file-size to download
const MINIMUM_SIZE = '800K';
const bytesLUT = { K: 10**3, M: 10**6, G: 10**9, T: 10**12 };
const toBytes = x => parseInt(x.match(/[0-9.]*/)[0], 10) * bytesLUT[x.substr(-1)];
const minimumBytes = toBytes(MINIMUM_SIZE);
// filename-prefix: en-CA => 12-31-2020. this => 12.31.2020
const prefix = new Date().toLocaleDateString('en-CA').replace(/-/g, '.');
const suffix = `[${}]`;
// filename
const namer = (x) => {
const ogName = x.href.split(/\//).pop();
const [name, extension] = [ogName.slice(0, ogName.lastIndexOf('.')), ogName.slice(ogName.lastIndexOf('.'))];
return `${prefix}-${name}-${suffix}${extension}`;
// to download based on size in table and MINIMUM_SIZE
// the seemingly FRAGILE Dom navigation navigates to the size column of the table
const toDownload = (x) => {
const fileSize = x.parentElement.nextSibling.nextSibling.textContent;
const fileSizeInBytes = toBytes(fileSize);
return toBytes(fileSize) >= minimumBytes;
const downloader = (file, k) => {
if (!toDownload(file)) { return; } = namer(file);
globalThis.setTimeout(() =>, k * 100);
document.querySelectorAll('table td a').forEach(downloader);
// For non-standard "/index of" pages
// Make sure the next sibling of the anchor tag includes file size.
const FILTER = "filename-includes-this";
).filter(i =>
i.text.toLowerCase().includes(FILTER) &&
i.nextSibling.textContent.match('[0-9]*k') >= MINIMUM_SIZE
).forEach((file, k) => { = namer(file);
globalThis.setTimeout(() =>, k * 100);
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