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Forked from ncarchedi/server.R
Created September 3, 2018 00:36
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Dynamically append arbitrary number of inputs (Shiny)
shinyServer(function(input, output) {
output$allInputs <- renderUI({
# Get value of button, which represents number of times pressed (i.e. number of inputs added)
inputsToShow <- input$appendInput
# Return if button not pressed yet
if(is.null(inputsToShow) || inputsToShow < 1) return()
# Initialize list of inputs
inputTagList <- tagList()
# Populate the list of inputs
# Define unique input id and label
newInputId <- paste0("input", i)
newInputLabel <- paste("Input", i)
# Prevent dynamic inputs from resetting
newInputValue <- "Option 1"
if (newInputId %in% names(input)) {
newInputValue <- input[[newInputId]]
# Define new input
newInput <- selectInput(newInputId, newInputLabel, c("Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3"), selected=newInputValue)
# Append new input to list of existing inputs
inputTagList <<- tagAppendChild(inputTagList, newInput)
# Return updated list of inputs
# Application title
headerPanel("Dynamically append arbitrary number of inputs"),
# Sidebar with a slider input for number of bins
actionButton("appendInput", "Append Input")
# Show a plot of the generated distribution
p("This shows how to add an arbitrary number of inputs
without resetting the values of existing inputs each time a new input is added.
For example, add a new input, set the new input's value to Option 2, then add
another input. Note that the value of the first input does not reset to Option 1.")
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Have you tried to put this inside of a shiny module? the tagAppendChild blows up and throws an error: Error in as.vector: cannot coerce type 'closure' to vector of type 'character'

I cannot figure out a way around it.

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