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Last active January 2, 2023 19:34
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Ruby function to create a new Heroku app with the Heroku Platform API
# Function to create a new Heroku app instance using the ruby Heroku Platform API
# Documentation:
# Add the gem 'platform-api'
require "platform-api"
def create_heroku_app(app_name:, heroku_org:, branch:, github_account:, github_repo:, config_vars:)
# requires a github token with "repo" access. Create one here:
github_token = ENV["GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN"]
raise "GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN" unless github_token
heroku_token = ENV["HEROKU_TOKEN"] || `heroku auth:token`.strip.presence
raise "You are not logged into heroku cli. Log in with heroku login" unless heroku_token
client = PlatformAPI.connect_oauth(heroku_token)
app_setup_client =
app: {
name: app_name,
organization: heroku_org
source_blob: {
overrides: {
env: config_vars
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mpvosseller commented Apr 19, 2022

Then deploy updates using git and destroy the app when you are done:
You might name the app something like mycompany-pr123 and the remote pr123

# add the git remote
heroku git:remote -a <app-name> -r <git-remote-name>

# deploy via git
git push <git-remote_name> <branch>:master

# destroy the app when done
heroku apps:destroy -a <app-name>

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One improvement you can make is to have the script wait for the app to finish being created. You can do this by polling the app status. A basic function to wait for an app would look like the below. You get setup_id from the response of app_setup_client.create call.

  def wait_for_app_setup(setup_id)
    puts "waiting for app setup to complete..."

    prev_status = {}

    loop do
      status =

      if status["status"] != "pending"
        puts # add new line after the progress dots
        return status

      puts status if status.to_json != prev_status.to_json
      print "."
      sleep 5
      prev_status = status

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chaadow commented Apr 22, 2022

Thank you so much for this script

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chaadow commented Apr 22, 2022 sometimes throws a 500 error ( the app still is created so thankfully not that blocking) i haven't still investigated the issue, but have u encountered the error, and if so do u know what might cause the issue

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@chaadow Sorry, I have not run into that issue. Are you sure you passing in the correct setup_id? Would look something like this:

setup_response = create_heroku_app(...)
setup_id = setup_response["id"]

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chaadow commented Apr 26, 2022

It worked, thanks again!

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chaadow commented Jan 1, 2023

Thanks to you, I've recreated an entire review app generation system that integrates with github through a webhook. and Even though the github integration came back, I just stuck with my system since it's better :D

The platform API is really cool and allows you to customize a LOT. The heroku github integration has its own limitations, ( cannot execute scripts at certain levels/states of the deployment)

I can launch a db restoration process, shutdown/startup dynos on the fly, remap the dyno formation, create addons on the fly by adding enabling/disabling github labels etc..
It also allowed us to optimize drastically our dyno/addon costs!

Thanks again, your gist in addition to the def wait_for_app_setup(setup_id) ( i've opted for a clock process that checks on the status every minute and saves the build state in a db table ) were more than enough to get me started 👌

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@chaadow Awesome! Glad to hear it.

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