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Last active September 14, 2023 13:12
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Vite plugin to place after the Qwik's static output plugin to generate fragment.html
* Creates embed-friendly dist/fragment.html
* Install qwik: `npm create qwik@latest`
* Configure static:
* In adapters/static/vite.config.ts place vitePluginQwikFragment() after the staticAdapter.
* Build: `npm run build`
* The file `dist/fragment.html` will be created.
* To test: `npx serve dist` and open http://localhost:3000/fragment.html
* @link
import * as fs from 'node:fs';
export default function vitePluginQwikFragment() {
return {
name: 'vite-plugin-qwik-fragment',
enforce: 'post',
closeBundle: {
order: 'post',
sequential: true,
async handler() {
if (!fs.existsSync('dist/index.html')) {
const markup = fs.readFileSync('dist/index.html').toString();
const { documentFragment } = extractQwikMarkup(markup);
fs.writeFileSync('dist/fragment.html', documentFragment);
function extractQwikMarkup(markup: string) {
let styles = '';
const htmlAttrs: Record<string, string | undefined> = {};
let body = '';
let bootScripts = '';
markup.replace(/<html ([^>]+)>/, (m0, m1: string) => {
m1.replace(/(q[^= ]+)(="([^"]*)")?/g, (m0, m1, m2, m3) => {
htmlAttrs[m1] = m3 ? m3 : '';
return m0;
return m0;
markup.replace(/<style [\w\W]*?<\/style>/g, (m0) => {
styles += m0;
return m0;
markup.replace(/<body .*?>([\w\W]*?)<\/body>/, (m0, m1) => {
body += m1;
return m0;
markup.replace(/<\/body>([\w\W]*?)<\/html>/, (m0, m1) => {
bootScripts += m1;
return m0;
const addHtmlAttrsScript = `
(() => {
const attrs = ${JSON.stringify(htmlAttrs)};
const html = document.querySelector('html');
for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(attrs)) {
html.setAttribute(k, v);
.replace(/\n {4}/g, '\n')
return {
parts: {
// Script to add qwik attributes to html element
documentFragment: [addHtmlAttrsScript, styles, body, bootScripts].join(
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