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Last active July 12, 2020 04:16
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#' All Factors of a Number
#' @param x The number that you want to find the factors of.
#' @examples
#' factors_of(8)
#' @export
factors_of <- function(x) which(!x %% seq_len(x))
#' Common Factors of Multiple Numbers
#' @param \dots The numbers that you want to get the common factors of.
#' @param greatest Logical. Should the result be only the greatest common factor? Defaults to `FALSE`.
#' @examples
#' common_factors(18, 48)
#' common_factors(25, 50, 100)
#' @export
common_factors <- function(..., greatest = FALSE) {
out <- Reduce(intersect, lapply(
unlist(list(...), use.names = FALSE), factors_of))
if (isTRUE(greatest)) max(out) else out
# Get the first million primes
# tmp <- tempfile()
# curl_download("", tmp)
#' Prime Factors of a Number
#' @param x The number that you want the prime factors of.
#' @param unique Logical. Should the function return all prime factors
#' (where `prod(prime_factors(x)) == x`) or just the unique prime factors?
#' Defaults to `TRUE`.
#' @examples
#' prime_factors(100, unique = FALSE)
#' prime_factors(100)
#' @export
prime_factors <- function(x, unique = TRUE) {
if (x %in% primes) {
facs <- x
} else {
facs <- c()
i <- 2
rem <- x
while (prod(facs) != x) {
if (!rem %% i) {
facs <- c(facs, i)
rem <- rem/i
i <- 1
i <- i + 1
if (isTRUE(unique)) unique(facs) else facs
#' Least Common Multiple of a Set of Numbers
#' @param \dots The numbers for which you want the least common multiple.
#' @examples
#' least_common_multiple(4, 7, 11)
#' @export
least_common_multiple <- function(...) {
L <- list(...)
l <- sort(unlist(L, use.names = FALSE))
if (all(!max(l) %% l)) {
} else {
out <- lapply(l, prime_factors, unique = FALSE)
out <- unique(, lapply(
out, function(y) data.frame(unclass(rle(y))))))
out <- out[as.logical(with(
out, ave(lengths, values, FUN = function(x) x == max(x)))), ]
prod("^", rev(out)))
#' Convert a Decimal to an Approximate Fraction
#' @param number The decimal you want to convert to a fraction.
#' @param precision The number of digits to round the decimal to before trying
#' to convert the result to a fraction. Must be greater than 1 but less than 8.
#' @param improper Logical. Should the fraction be a returned as an improper
#' fraction or a proper fraction? Defaults to `TRUE`.
#' @return A formatted `list` printed with `print.fraction()`. The `list`
#' includes four elements:
#' * `whole`: The absolute value of the whole number part of the decimal. This
#' is `NULL` if `improper = TRUE`.
#' * `numerator`: The numerator of the resulting fraction.
#' * `denominator`: The denominator of the resulting fraction.
#' * `sign`: `-1` if the input is negative; `1` if the input is positive.
#' @examples
#' as_fraction(3.2454)
#' as_fraction(3.2454, 2, TRUE)
#' as_fraction(3.2454, 2, FALSE)
#' as_fraction(3.2454, 1, FALSE)
#' @export
as_fraction <- function(number, precision = 3, improper = TRUE) {
if (as.integer(number) == as.numeric(number)) {
structure(list(whole = abs(as.integer(number)),
numerator = NULL,
denominator = NULL,
sign = sign(number)),
class = c("fraction", "whole", "list"))
} else {
if (precision <= 0) stop("frac is intended for decimals")
if (precision >= 8) stop("precision is limited to truncating numbers 7 digits after the decimal")
number <- round(number, precision)
decimal <- as.integer(sub(".*\\.", "", number))
whole <- abs(as.integer(sub("(.*)\\..*", "\\1", number)))
whole_sign <- sign(number)
fraction <- .frac(decimal, den = NULL)
if (isTRUE(improper)) {
structure(list(whole = NULL,
numerator = (whole * fraction[[2]]) + fraction[[1]],
denominator = fraction[[2]],
sign = whole_sign),
class = c("fraction", "improper", "list"))
} else {
structure(list(whole = whole,
numerator = fraction[[1]],
denominator = fraction[[2]],
sign = whole_sign),
class = c("fraction", "proper", "list"))
.frac <- function(num, den = NULL) {
if (is.null(den)) den <- 10^nchar(num)
a <- prime_factors(num)
b <- prime_factors(den)
while (any(as.logical(intersect(a, b)))) {
m <- prod(intersect(a, b))
num <- num/m
den <- den/m
a <- prime_factors(num)
b <- prime_factors(den)
list(num, den)
print.fraction <- function(x, ...) {
cl <- intersect(class(x), c("improper", "proper", "whole"))
out <- switch(
improper = sprintf("%s/%s", format(x[["numerator"]] * x[["sign"]], scientific = FALSE),
format(x[["denominator"]], scientific = FALSE)),
proper = if (x[["whole"]] == 0) {
sprintf("%s/%s", format(x[["sign"]] * x[["numerator"]], scientific = FALSE),
format(x[["denominator"]], scientific = FALSE))
} else {
sprintf("%s %s/%s", format(x[["sign"]] * x[["whole"]], scientific = FALSE),
format(x[["numerator"]], scientific = FALSE),
format(x[["denominator"]], scientific = FALSE))
whole = format(x[["whole"]] * x[["sign"]], scientific = FALSE))
#' Parse a String as a Fraction
#' @param string The input character to be parsed.
#' @return A formatted `list` printed with `print.fraction()`. The `list`
#' includes four elements:
#' * `whole`: The absolute value of the whole number part of the decimal. This
#' is `NULL` if `improper = TRUE`.
#' * `numerator`: The numerator of the resulting fraction.
#' * `denominator`: The denominator of the resulting fraction.
#' * `sign`: `-1` if the input is negative; `1` if the input is positive.
#' @note The string can be entered either as an improper fraction
#' (for example, `"5/2"`) or as a proper fraction (for example,
#' `"2 1/2"`). Depending on how it is entered, the resulting `list`
#' will have a value in `"whole"` or `"whole"` will be `NULL`.
#' @examples
#' parse_fraction
parse_fraction <- function(string, improper = TRUE, reduce = TRUE) {
if (!grepl("[ /]", string)) {
cl <- "whole"
whole <- abs(as.integer(string))
numerator <- NULL
denominator <- NULL
whole_sign <- sign(as.integer(string))
} else {
a <- strsplit(string, "[ /]")[[1]]
b <- as.integer(a)
whole_sign <- sign(b[1])
cl <- if (improper) "improper" else "proper"
if (length(b) == 3) {
denominator <- b[3]
numerator <- if (improper) (abs(b[1]) * b[3]) + b[2] else b[2]
whole <- if (improper) 0L else abs(b[1])
if (reduce) {
tmp <- .frac_reduce(whole, numerator, denominator, cl)
numerator <- tmp[["numerator"]]
denominator <- tmp[["denominator"]]
whole <- tmp[["whole"]]
cl <- tmp[["cl"]]
} else {
denominator <- b[2]
numerator <- abs(b[1])
whole <- 0L
if (improper) {
if (reduce) {
tmp <- .frac_reduce(whole, numerator, denominator, cl)
numerator <- tmp[["numerator"]]
denominator <- tmp[["denominator"]]
whole <- tmp[["whole"]]
cl <- tmp[["cl"]]
} else {
if (numerator > denominator) {
whole <- whole + (numerator %/% denominator)
numerator <- numerator %% denominator
} else if (numerator < denominator) {
numerator <- numerator
} else if (numerator == denominator ) {
whole <- whole + 1
numerator <- 0L
denominator <- 0L
if (reduce) {
tmp <- .frac_reduce(whole, numerator, denominator, cl)
numerator <- tmp[["numerator"]]
denominator <- tmp[["denominator"]]
whole <- tmp[["whole"]]
cl <- tmp[["cl"]]
structure(list(whole = whole,
numerator = numerator,
denominator = denominator,
sign = whole_sign),
class = c("fraction", cl, "list"))
.frac_reduce <- function(who, num, den, cla) {
whole <- who
cl <- cla
if (any(c(num == 0, den == 0))) {
cl <- "whole"
} else {
if (num == den) {
whole <- whole + 1L
cl <- "whole"
} else {
tmp <- .frac(num = num, den = den)
if (tmp[[2]] == 1L) {
whole <- whole + tmp[[1]]
cl <- "whole"
} else {
numerator <- tmp[[1]]
denominator <- tmp[[2]]
list(whole = whole,
numerator = if (cl == "whole") NULL else numerator,
denominator = if (cl == "whole") NULL else denominator, cl = cl)
parse_fraction("4/4") # "1"
parse_fraction("4/4", reduce = FALSE) # "4/4"
parse_fraction("4/4", FALSE) # "1"
parse_fraction("32/4") # "8"
parse_fraction("32/4", reduce = FALSE) # "32/4"
parse_fraction("32/4", FALSE) # "8"
parse_fraction("33/4") # "33/4"
parse_fraction("33/4", FALSE) # "8 1/4"
parse_fraction("34/4", reduce = FALSE) # "34/4"
parse_fraction("34/4") # "17/2"
parse_fraction("34/4", FALSE, FALSE) # "8 2/4"
parse_fraction("34/4", FALSE, TRUE) # "8 1/2"
parse_fraction("4") # "4"
parse_fraction("4 2/4") # "9/2"
parse_fraction("4 2/4", TRUE, FALSE) # "18/4"
parse_fraction("4 2/4", FALSE) # "4 1/2"
parse_fraction("4 4/4") # "5"
parse_fraction("4 4/4", reduce = FALSE) # "20/4"
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