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Last active March 3, 2020 08:51
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Help (shell)
Command line
Force argument: interface=${1:? "usage"}
Resize gnome-terminal: resize -s 50 140
Find file with wildcard: find . -name 'test*'
Untar --extract --file: tar xf archive.x.y.z -C directory
Unzip to directory: unzip -d directory
Zip directory: zip -r directory
Inline sed: sed -i '/Term/s/^/#/'
Process substitution: meld <(xxd file1) <(xxd file2) <(xxd file3)
Make Android screenshot: adb shell screencap -p | dos2unix > screen.png
Restart unity panel: killall unity-panel-service
File exists? [ -e "$file" ] && echo "present" || echo "absent"
Var set? [ -n ${var+x} ] && echo "set" || echo "unset"
Var set and non-empty? [ -n "${var}" ] && echo "set and non-empty" || echo "unset or empty"
Var not set? [ -z ${var+x} ] && echo "unset" || echo "set"
Var not set or empty? [! -n "${var}" ] && echo "unset or empty" || echo "set and non-empty"
Var set only if not set var=${var:-default}
Var equal to value (sh) if [ "$var" = "value" ]; then
Extract path ${VAR%/*}
Extract file ${VAR##*/}
Extract file without ext ${VAR%%.*}
Extract file without one ext ${VAR%.*}
Extract extension (.gz) ${VAR##*.}
Extract extension (.tar.gz) ${VAR#*.}
Unix time to date: date --date='@1425908833.293774'
Time date time msec date '+%Y%m%d_%H%M%S_%3N'
Module param values: sudo grep '' /sys/module/i915/parameters/*
Prettify json: < file.json python -m json.tool > pretty.json
Prettify json: < file.json jq .
Get json field 'results': < file.json jq '.results'
Get json array: < file.json jq '.results[]'
Build json struct: < file.json jq '.results[] | {address: .address, city: .city}'
Select based on subfield < file.json jq '.[] | select(.field == "text")'
List gsettings values: gsettings range org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.power critical-battery-action
List gsettings keys: gsettings list-recursively org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.power
Deep rsync: rsync -avzul --copy-links src dest
Find .deb package: dpkg -S /some/file
Sed substitution sed 's/test=\(.*\)/test=\1/g'
Cat including filename tail -n +1 directory/*
Copy completions (zsh) compdef cmd1=cmd2
Get column 2 and 3 csvtool col 2-3 input.csv
Sum col 12 cat input.csv | csvtool drop 1 - | csvtool col 12 - | paste -s -d+ - | bc
Find files & print full path find . -type f -name "*.mp4" -exec readlink -f {} \;
Find process using port sudo ss -lptn 'sport = :8200'
Find TCP ports in use ss -t -a
Open last screenshot gimp ~/pictures/*(.om[1])
List packages on size dpkg-query -W -f='${Installed-Size;8}\t${Package}\t${status}\n' | grep -v 'deinstall' | cut -f1-2 | sort -n
Remove newlines \nmatch sed ':r;$!{N;br};s/\nmatch//g'
Clean up hcidump sudo hcidump -x -R -t | sed 's/ /\n/g' | awk 'BEGIN{RS="\n\n" ; ORS="";}{ print }'
Remove empty lines | grep .
Sum numbers per line | paste -s -d+ - | bc
Drop last line sed '$ d'
Drop last line head -n -1
Sum values in column cat numbers.txt | jq -s 'add'
Get Google Drive pdf getpdf file.gddoc
Use ctags for C++ ctags --c++-kinds=+p --fields=+iaS --extra=+q --language-force=c++ -R .
Specify ctags .h and .c files find . \( -name "*.h" -or -name "*.c" \) -exec ctags {} +
Subtree push: git subtree push --prefix docs/html upstream gh-pages
Revert single file: git checkout -- src/file.cpp
Unstage single file: git reset src/file.cpp
Diff file: git diff HEAD^^..HEAD src/file.cpp
Get folder from branch: git checkout master; git checkout branch folder
over files
Find and grep find . -name "*.cpp" -exec grep ENCYR {} \;
Find and sed find . -name "*.cpp" -exec sed -i 's/ENCYR/ENCRY/g' {} \;
Resize image: convert input_file -resize 100x100 output_file
Convert *.png -> *.jpg for f in *.png; convert $f -resize 375x667 "${f%.*}.jpg"
Convert to color for f in *.png; convert $f -fuzz 40% -fill "#007cc3" -opaque black ../blue/$f
Convert to particular size convert -define jpeg:extent=500kb input_file output_file
Convert transparent (order!) convert -background none img.svg img.png
Create movie ffmpeg -f image2 -r 6 -pattern_type glob -i "*.png" output.mp4 -pix_fmt yuv420p
Create gif ffmpeg -ss 0:50 -i input.mkv -t 30 -s 480x270 result.gif -hide_banner
Crop 50px from left and right convert ifile -shave 50x0+50+0 +repage ofile
Crop bottom 50px convert ifile -gravity South -chop 0x50 ofile
Crop 640x480 with offset convert ifile -crop 640x480+50+100 ofile
List DPI identify -format %x,%yn -units PixelsPerInch ifile
Crop circularly step 1 convert -size 200x200 xc:Black -fill White -draw 'circle 100 100 100 1' -alpha Copy mask.png
Crop circularly step 2 convert ifile -gravity Center mask.png -compose CopyOpacity -composite -trim ofile
Add color to both sides convert ifile -background '#003e52' -gravity center -extent 3200x1800 ofile
Reverse order pdf pdftk ifile cat end-1 output ofile
Merge odd and even pdf pdftk A=fileA B=fileB shuffle A B output ofile
View pdf zathura ifile
Revert colors of pdf zathura: Ctrl+r
Change case ~
Record macro, example qa~wq @a
Count words select block; g Ctrl+g
Replace word :%s/\<foo\>/bar/g
Toggle header-source file :FSHere
Toggle header-source file :tag header (Ctrl+t to go back)
Open file :find cs_Error.h
Go to class :tag ADC
Go to definition Ctrl+]
Go back Ctrl+T (or :pop)
Show all tags g]
From "x" to <x> s/"\([^"].*\)./<\1>/g
Remove trailing whitespace s/[ \t]*$//g
Sort and make unique :sort u
Enhance list s/.*/case &:\rreturn "&";/g
Show matched lines: g/match/
Remove matched lines: g/match/d
Copy to system clipboard :'<,'>w !cb'
Add character ë or â Ctrl+K e: or Ctrl+K a^
Html URL to markdown :%s/<a href="\(.*\)">\(.*\)<\/a>/[\2](\1)/
Html h1 to markdown :%s/<h1>\(.*\)<\/h1>/# \1/g
Html h2 to markdown :%s/<h2>\(.*\)<\/h2>/## \1/g
Where is an option set? :verbose set tabstop?
How to remove ^M? :%s/<Ctrl-V><Ctrl-M>//g (so first type Ctrl-V for ^ sign)
Update vim plugins vim +PluginInstall +qall
Remove vim plugins vim +PluginClean +qall
Update gam bash <(curl -s -S -L -l
Remove spam filter gam update group spam_moderation_level allow
Add user to group gam update group add member user
netrw (vim file explorer)
Create new file %
Exit/quit session Meta+Shift+e
Lock screen Meta+Alt+l
Disable power down /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/inet change POWR
Tail last file tail *(.om[1])
Go to window on the left Ctrl+B <-
Increase width to the right Ctrl+B Ctrl+->
Add padding padding top right bottom left [px] (clockwise starting with top)
Turn on wifi nmcli r wifi on
List all wifi networks nmcli c
Scan for networks nmcli d wifi rescan
List wifi networks nmcli d wifi list
Connect with network nmcli d wifi connect 'Wifi network' [password]
Print label lpr -o landscape -o fit-to-page -P Zebra_Technologies_ZTC_GK420d file
Set brightness echo 70 | sudo tee /sys/class/backlight/intel_backlight/brightness
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