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Created April 5, 2016 19:36
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Mike Peltzer Resume
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Michael Peltzer's Resume</title>
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<div id="header">
<div id="left"><h1>Michael Peltzer</h1></div>
<div id="right"><p class="corner">714.869.5713<br> mspeltzer[at]<br> </p>
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<text x="329" y="388" transform="rotate(50 340 385)" font-family="Lato" font-size="60" fill="white">-11</text>
<text x="348" y="353" transform="rotate(75 345 365)" font-family="Lato" font-size="60" fill="white">-12</text>
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<text x="287" y="323" transform="rotate(180 364 375)" font-family="Lato" font-size="60" fill="white">-16</text>
<div class="container-div">
<div id="left">
<div id="CloudPassage" class="job" >
<div class="line b7"></div>
<h4>CloudPassage Software Engineer 2014-2016</h4>
<p>Angular/Flux Javascript Developer<br>Migrate and rebuild front-end from Backbone.js to Angular/Flux<br>Design, prototype and implement production level data visualization based dashboards</p>
<div id="TheRealReal" class="job" >
<div class="line b1"></div>
<h4>TheRealReal Software Engineer 2013-2014</h4>
<p>Full Stack Ruby on Rails Developer<br>Own development of Mobile Web experience and functionality<br>Work on Internal Analytics tools for business development</p>
<div id="Jamlabs" class="job" >
<div class="line b3"></div>
<h4>JAMLabs Dev/Project Manager 2012-2013</h4>
<p>Oversee design and implementation of Rails Backend for iOS app<br>Manage Dev team consisting of one iOS developer and three Rails developers using Campfire and Pivotal Tracker<br></p>
<div id="right">
<div id="AMR">
<div class="line b4"></div>
<h4>AMR Marketing(Contractor)2012-2013</h4>
<p>Long term contract with AMR to develop email and web campaigns for D-Link and Toshiba</p>
<div id="Freelancer">
<div class="line b2"></div>
<h4>Freelancer 2011-Present</h4>
<p>Develop Sentiment Analysis Prototype for Seagate<br>Website design and development as well as
CMS training for various small businesses in Santa Cruz, Ca.</p>
<div id="Connection">
<div class="line b5"></div>
<h4>Connection Rio 2010-2011</h4>
<p>Manage online presence and SEO<br>Oversee 100% growth in business size during employment</p>
var resume_dataset =
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{job:"#AMR", start:2012, end: 2013.25, color: "#d0ebe9"},
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{job:"#Jamlabs", start:2012.50, end: 2013.50, color: "#9999cc"},
{job:"#TheRealReal", start:2013, end: 2014, color:"#cccc99"},
{job:"#CloudPassage", start:2014, end: 2016, color:"#6ECFF6"}
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var i = d3.interpolate({start:2009, end: 2009},a);
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