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Last active December 9, 2022 01:02
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Go Lang - Scan Folder Recursive. Find all files and folders.
package main
import (
func scan_recursive(dir_path string, ignore []string) ([]string, []string) {
folders := []string{}
files := []string{}
// Scan
filepath.Walk(dir_path, func(path string, f os.FileInfo, err error) error {
_continue := false
// Loop : Ignore Files & Folders
for _, i := range ignore {
// If ignored path
if strings.Index(path, i) != -1 {
// Continue
_continue = true
if _continue == false {
f, err = os.Stat(path)
// If no error
if err != nil {
// File & Folder Mode
f_mode := f.Mode()
// Is folder
if f_mode.IsDir() {
// Append to Folders Array
folders = append(folders, path)
// Is file
} else if f_mode.IsRegular(){
// Append to Files Array
files = append(files, path)
return nil
return folders, files
func main() {
folders, files := scan_recursive("/Users/mustafa/vhosts", []string{".git", "/.git", "/.git/", ".gitignore", ".DS_Store", ".idea", "/.idea/", "/.idea"})
// Files
for _, i := range files {
// Folders
for _, i := range folders {
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