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Last active March 26, 2023 10:46
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Change screen resolution AppleScript
local index1, index2
set index1 to 3 -- 1920 x 1200
set index2 to 4 -- 1280 x 800
-- Launch "System Preferences", open the "Displays" options and change to the "Display" tab
tell application "System Preferences"
set the current pane to pane id ""
reveal anchor "displaysDisplayTab" of pane id ""
end tell
local indexToUse
-- Now lets make the necessary changes
tell application "System Events"
tell window "SyncMaster" of application process "System Preferences" of application "System Events"
tell tab group 1
-- Click the "Scaled" radio button
click radio button "Scaled"
tell radio group 1 of group 1
-- Depending on what scale option/index is current selected, set the appropriate new option/index to use
if (value of radio button index1) is true then
set indexToUse to index2
else if (value of radio button index2) is true then
set indexToUse to index3
set indexToUse to index1
end if
-- Click the radio button for the new scale option/index
click radio button indexToUse
end tell
end tell
-- If option/index 1 is selected a warning prompt is displayed, click the OK button to dismiss the prompt
if indexToUse = 1 then
click button "OK" of sheet 1
end if
end tell
end tell
-- Quit "System Preferences"
quit application "System Preferences"
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