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Created January 28, 2019 12:25
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public protocol Changeable {}
extension Changeable {
/// Calls the `changes` closure passing the receiver value as an `inout` parameter. The final value of the argument
/// after the `changes` closure returns is then returned from this method. Benefits to using this function come
/// when used against value types.
/// Example:
/// extension UIEdgeInsets: Changeable {}
/// let justBottomInsets ={ $0.bottom = 8 })
public func applying(_ changes: (inout Self) -> Void) -> Self {
var newValue = self
return newValue
/// Mutates the receiver in-place by calling the `changes` closure and passing the receiver value as an `inout`
/// parameter. The final value of the argument after the `changes` closure returns will replace the receiver.
/// Benefits to using this function come when used against value types.
/// Example:
/// extension UIEdgeInsets: Changeable {}
/// var insets =
/// insets.apply({ $0.bottom = 8 })
public mutating func apply(_ changes: (inout Self) -> Void) {
let newValue = applying(changes)
self = newValue
extension MutableCollection where Element: Changeable {
/// Returns a collection of type `Self` with each element having `elementChanges` applied to it.
public func applyingToElements(_ elementChanges: (inout Element) -> Void) -> Self {
var newValue = self
for index in newValue.indices {
return newValue
/// Mutates the collection in-place with each element having `elementChanges` applied to it.
public mutating func applyToElements(_ elementChanges: (inout Element) -> Void) {
let newValue = applyingToElements(elementChanges)
self = newValue
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