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Data Visualization: On-Time Arrival Rates for Selected Airline by Airport and Year by Mohammad Yaqoob

Data Visualization: On-Time Arrival Rates for Selected Airline by Airport and Year

by Mohammad Yaqoob For Udacity Nano Degree


This data visualization charts On-Time Arrival Rates for Selected Airline by Airport and Year. For each selected Airline, Airport, and Year, it shows the monthly average of on-time arrivals. The data was collected from RITA and contain years 2003-2015.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>Airline Performance, 2003-2014</title>
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<!-- <h1> U.S. Domestic Airlines Performance </h1> -->
<h2> On-Time Arrival Rates for Selected Airline by Airport and Year </h2>
<td style="height:10px;" colspan="5"></td>
<form name="OnTime" id="OnTime" method="POST" action="OT_CHART()"></form>
<label for="CarrierForm">
<a class="tsslcLbl" style="color: #000000;text-decoration:none;" >Select a carrier: </a>
<label for="Airport">
<a class="tsslcLbl" style="color: #000000;text-decoration:none;" >Select an airport:</a>
<label for="YearForm">
<a class="tsslcLbl" style="color: #000000;text-decoration:none;" >Select a Year:</a>
<label for="PeriodFrom">
<a class="tsslcLbl" style="color: #000000;text-decoration:none;" >From Month:</a>
<label for="PeriodTo">
<a class="tsslcLbl" style="color: #000000;text-decoration:none;" >To Month:</a>
<td style="padding-top:0px;">
<select name="CarrierForm" id="selectCarrier" placeholder="American Airlines, Inc." class="slcBox" style="width:210px;" >
<!-- <option selected="American Airlines, Inc." </option> -->
<td style="padding-top:0px;">
<select name="Airport" id="Airport" placeholder="BDL" class="slcBox" style="width:210px;" >
<!-- <option selected="JFK" </option> -->
<td style="padding-top:0px;">
<select name="YearForm" id="selectYear" placeholder="2015" class="slcBox" style="width:210px;" >
<!-- <option selected="2015" </option> -->
<select name="PeriodFrom" id="PeriodFrom" placeholder="9" class="slcBox" style="width:150px;">
<!-- <option selected="1" </option> -->
<select name="PeriodTo" id="PeriodTo" placeholder="10" class="slcBox" style="width:150px;">
<! -- <option selected="12" </option> -->
<td colspan="4" style="VERTICAL-ALIGN:BOTTOM;text-align:right;">
<button id="submit" type="submit" style="font-size:7pt;">Submit</button>
<div class="container">
<div class="row">
<section id="content" class="col-md-6"></section>
<section id="content2" class="col-md-6"></section>
d3.csv("data/473753677_82015_1729_airline_delay_causes.csv", function(d) {
return {
'Year': +d.year,
'Month': +d.month,
'Carrier Name': d.carrier_name,
'Airport': d.airport,
'delay': +d.arr_delay,
'On Time': +(1.00-(d.arr_del15/d.arr_flights)),
'Arrivals': +d.arr_flights
}, function(data) {
'use strict';
// ** Remove comments to enable debugger
// ** debugger;
// ** Get dropdown element from DOM
var Ydropdown = document.getElementById("selectYear");
// ** Loop through the array
var YearArray = d3.set();
data.forEach(function(d) {
// ** Append the element to the end of Array list
if(YearArray.has(d['Year']) === false) {
var Yel = document.createElement("option");
Yel.textContent = d['Year'];
Yel.value = d['Year'];
// ** Remove comments to enable debugger
// ** debugger;
// ** Get dropdown element from DOM
var select = document.getElementById("selectCarrier");
var CarrierArray = d3.set();
data.forEach(function(d) {
// ** CarrierArray.add(d['Carrier Name']);
if(CarrierArray.has(d['Carrier Name']) === false) {
var el = document.createElement("option");
el.textContent = d['Carrier Name'];
el.value = d['Carrier Name'];
CarrierArray.add(d['Carrier Name']);
// ** Get dropdown element from DOM
var Airdropdown = document.getElementById("Airport");
// ** Loop through the array
var AirportArray = d3.set();
data.forEach(function(d) {
// ** Append the element to the end of Array list
if(AirportArray.has(d['Airport']) === false) {
var Airel = document.createElement("option");
Airel.textContent = d['Airport'];
Airel.value = d['Airport'];
// ** Get dropdown element from DOM
var PFdropdown = document.getElementById("PeriodFrom");
// ** Loop through the array
var PFArray = d3.set();
data.forEach(function(d) {
// ** Append the element to the end of Array list
if(PFArray.has(d['Month']) === false) {
var PFel = document.createElement("option");
PFel.textContent = d['Month'];
PFel.value = d['Month'];
// ** Lets sort the list
var selectList = $('#PeriodFrom option');
a = a.value;
b = b.value;
return b-a;
// ** Remove comments to enable debugger
// ** debugger;
// ** Get dropdown element from DOM
var PTdropdown = document.getElementById("PeriodTo");
// ** Loop through the array
var PTArray = d3.set();
data.forEach(function(d) {
// ** Append the element to the end of Array list
if(PTArray.has(d['Month']) === false) {
var PTel = document.createElement("option");
PTel.textContent = d['Month'];
PTel.value = d['Month'];
// ** Lets sort the list
var selectList = $('#PeriodTo option');
a = a.value;
b = b.value;
return a-b;
// ** Remove comments to enable debugger
// ** debugger;
// ** //////////////////////////////////////////////////
// ** Let us a filter the huge file by the selections.
// **
// **
// ** First lets read all values in selection boxes
// ** /////////////////////////////////////////////////
var filteredData = [];
var filteredDataC = [];
var filteredDataA = [];
var Y1 = document.getElementById("selectYear");
var Y1Value = Number(Y1.options[Y1.selectedIndex].text);
var C1 = document.getElementById("selectCarrier");
var C1Value = C1.options[C1.selectedIndex].text;
var A1 = document.getElementById("Airport");
var A1Value = A1.options[A1.selectedIndex].text;
var PF1 = document.getElementById("PeriodFrom");
var PF1Value = Number(PF1.options[PF1.selectedIndex].text);
var PT1 = document.getElementById("PeriodTo");
var PT1Value = Number(PT1.options[PT1.selectedIndex].text);
filteredDataC = data.filter(function(d) {
return ((d['Carrier Name'] === C1Value));
filteredDataA = filteredDataC.filter(function(d) {
return ((d['Airport'] === A1Value));
filteredData = filteredDataA.filter(function(d) {
return ((d['Year'] === Y1Value));
// ** Remove comments to enable debug
// ** Debugging for values
// ** console.log(filteredDataC[0],filteredDataA[0],filteredData[0]);
filteredData.forEach(function(d) {
// ** display each row of data
// ** Remove comments to enable debugger
// ** debugger;
// ** set svg
var margin = {top: 20, right: 10, bottom: 20, left: 10};
var width = 960 - margin.left - margin.right,
height = 640 - - margin.bottom;
// ** var width = 1500,
// ** height = 640;
// ** var svg = dimple.newSvg('#content', width + margin.left + margin.right, height + + margin.bottom);
var svg = dimple.newSvg('#content',"100%", 400)
var svg ="content").append("svg")
.attr("width", width + margin.left + margin.right)
.attr("height", height + + margin.bottom)
.attr("transform", "translate(" + margin.left + "," + + ")");
// ** Remove comments to enable debugger
// ** ////////////////////////
// ** debugger;
// ** /////////////////////////
var myChart = new dimple.chart(svg, filteredData);
// ** set y axis
var minY = 0.5,
maxY = 1;
var y = myChart.addMeasureAxis('y', 'On Time');
y.tickFormat = '%';
y.overrideMin = minY;
y.overrideMax = maxY;
y.title = '%age of Arrival on-Time';
// ** set x axis
var minX = 1,
maxX = 12;
var x = myChart.addMeasureAxis('x','Month','%b');
//x.ticks = 12;
x.tickFormat = ',d';
x.overrideMin = minX;
x.overrideMax = maxX;
x.title = 'Month';
// ** set series and legend
var s = myChart.addSeries(['Month','Airport','Carrier Name'], dimple.plot.scatter);
var p = myChart.addSeries('Month', dimple.plot.line);
var legend = myChart.addLegend(width*0.95, 30, width*0.25, 30, 'right');
legend.series = [s];
// ** draw
// ** Remove comments to enable debugger
// ** debugger;
// ** ///////////////////////////////////////////
// ** Remove comments to enable debugger
// ** debugger;
// ** /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// ** This is where if the button is clicked, We need to get new selection
// ** Filter the data based on selection, either draw chart or raise alert if no
// ** filtered values found asking user to make new selection."#submit").on("click", function() {
var Y1 = document.getElementById("selectYear");
var Y1Value = Number(Y1.options[Y1.selectedIndex].text);
var C1 = document.getElementById("selectCarrier");
var C1Value = C1.options[C1.selectedIndex].text;
var A1 = document.getElementById("Airport");
var A1Value = A1.options[A1.selectedIndex].text;
var PF1 = document.getElementById("PeriodFrom");
var PF1Value = Number(PF1.options[PF1.selectedIndex].text);
var PT1 = document.getElementById("PeriodTo");
var PT1Value = Number(PT1.options[PT1.selectedIndex].text);
// ** debug values
// ** stop and debug
// ** Remove comments to enable debugger
// ** debugger;
// ** filter Data
filteredDataC = data.filter(function(d) {
return ((d['Carrier Name'] === C1Value));
filteredDataA = filteredDataC.filter(function(d) {
return ((d['Airport'] === A1Value));
filteredData = filteredDataA.filter(function(d) {
return ((d['Year'] === Y1Value));
}); = filteredData;
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