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Last active May 13, 2018 16:17
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A simple naive bayes implementation
import csv, random
class NaiveBayes(object):
def __init__(self, filename, split_ratio):
:param filename: a csv filename with absolute or full path
:param split_ratio: test to train ratio
self.train, self.test = self._splitDataset(self._loadCsv(filename), split_ratio)
self.labels = set(self.train[6])
def _loadCsv(self, filename):
:param filename: filename passed from the constructor of the class
:return: returns the datsaet
lines = csv.reader(open(filename, "r"))
dataset = list(lines)
for _ in dataset:
for i in [29, 28, 17, 0]:
del _[i]
for i in range(len(dataset)):
dataset[i] = [float(x) for x in dataset[i]]
return dataset
def _splitDataset(self, dataset, splitRatio):
:param dataset: the dataset provided bt the _load_csv function
:param splitRatio: split ratio as in the constructor
:return: training and testing data
trainSize = int(len(dataset) * splitRatio)
trainSet = []
copy = list(dataset)
while len(trainSet) < trainSize:
index = random.randrange(len(copy))
return [trainSet, copy]
def getAccuracy(self):
:return: returns accuracy of the classifier
testSet, predictions = self.test, self.new_predictions
# print(predictions)
correct = 0
for x in range(len(testSet)):
if testSet[x][6] == predictions[x]:
correct += 1
return (correct / float(len(testSet))) * 100.0
def naive_bayes(self):
naive bayes as the name suggests (for categorical values)
:return: returns null
self.new_predictions = []
for i in range(len(self.test)):
_label = ''
val = -1
if i == 6:
for label in self.labels:
prob_class = self.prob_class(label)
tot_prob = 0
for index in range(len(self.test[i])):
tot_prob *= self.prob(self.test[i][index], index, label) # p(E|C) = (p(E) * P(C|E)) / P(C)
if val < tot_prob * prob_class:
val = tot_prob * prob_class
_label = label
def prob(self, attribute, attribute_index, label):
c = 0
for row in self.train:
if row[attribute_index] == attribute and row[6] == label:
c += 1
return c / len(self.train)
def prob_class(self, label):
c = 0
for i in self.train:
if i[6] == label:
c += 1
return c / len(self.train)
if __name__ == '__main__':
clf = NaiveBayes(filename='', split_ratio=0.67)
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