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Last active October 12, 2019 17:36
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A class for manipulating and creating custom numeric formatting
* Class used for converting between bases
* and custom bases using digit libraries.
* @see
* @author Nathan Fiscaletti
class Base
* The library to use.
* @var array
private $library = [];
* The base to convert to.
* @var int
private $base;
* Construct the new BaseConverter.
* If base is 36 or below, the library
* for this base will be automatically
* loaded using [0-9][A-Z]. Otherwise,
* you need to load your own library
* using the setLibrary and putLibrary
* member functions.
* @param int $base The base to convert to.
public function __construct(int $base)
$this->base = $base;
if ($base <= 36) {
* Set the library to a specific library.
* This will override all existing libraries.
* @param array $library The new library.
public function setLibrary(array $library)
$this->library = [-1 => $library];
* Add a new library.
* @param array $library The new library.
* @param int $placement The placement to use for this library.
* For Base-10: 0 = 1s place, 1 = 10s place, ...
public function putLibrary(array $library, int $placement = -1)
if (count($library) != $this->base) {
throw new \Exception(
'BaseConverter: Invalid library size. Not equal to base.'
$this->library[$placement] = $library;
return true;
* Set the library to base-36 [0-9][a-z].
private function setLibraryToBase36()
explode(' ', '0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9'),
range('a', 'z')
* Convert a number to the base that this class uses.
* @param int $input The number to convert.
* @param int $maxDigits The maximum number of digits the
* resulting number may have.
* @return string The number converted to this base.
public function parse(int $input, int $maxDigits = -1)
if (! array_key_exists(-1, $this->library)) {
throw new \Exception('Base: Missing default library.');
// Compile the indexs to retrieve from the library
// based on the information provided.
$compiled = $this->makeIndexes($input, $maxDigits);
// Retrieve the corresponding entries from
// the library to build the resulting string.
// Make sure each words has it's first letter
// set to Upper Case so that digits are
// distinct from one another.
$result = [];
foreach ($compiled as $placement => $compiledDigit) {
$result[] = ucfirst(
array_key_exists($placement, $this->library)
? $this->library[$placement][$compiledDigit]
: $this->library[-1 ][$compiledDigit]
// Return the result.
return implode('', array_reverse($result));
* Converts a value using this base back to base-10.
* @param string $value The value to convert to base-10.
* @return number The resulting base-10 number.
public function toBase10(string $value)
$pieces = preg_split('/(?=[A-Z0-9])/', $value);
$pieces = array_slice($pieces, 1, count($pieces) - 1);
$pieces = array_reverse($pieces);
$compiled = [];
foreach ($pieces as $placement => $digit) {
$digit = strtolower($digit);
$compiled[] = (
array_key_exists($placement, $this->library)
? array_search($digit, $this->library[$placement], true)
: array_search($digit, $this->library[-1 ], true)
$result = 0;
foreach ($compiled as $placement => $index)
$result += ($index*pow($this->base, $placement));
return $result;
* Generate the indexes for a converted number based on this base.
* @param int $input The number to convert.
* @param int $maxDigits The maximum number of digits the
* resulting number may have.
* @return array The resulting indexes as an array in reverse order.
private function makeIndexes(int $input, int $maxDigits = -1)
// Make sure our input isn't larger than the maxium
// number allowed based on maxDigits and base.
if ($input > pow($this->base, $maxDigits) && $maxDigits != -1) {
throw new \Exception(
'Base: Input is larger than maximum supported '.
'number based on library size and maximum digits.'
// Generate our compiled list of digits.
$compiled = [];
do {
$d = (int)($input / $this->base);
$r = $input % $this->base;
$compiled[] = $r;
$input = $d;
} while ($input >= $this->base);
if ($input > 0) {
$compiled[] = $input;
return $compiled;
* Convert a string conforming to the format of this
* base to another base.
* @param string $val The value to convert.
* @param self|int $base The base to convert to.
* @return string The value.
public function convert(string $val, $base)
if (! ($base instanceof self)) {
if (! is_int($base) || $base < 2 || $base > 36) {
throw new \Exception(
'Base: Inavlid base to convert to. '.
'Must be within range of 2 - 36 (inclusive).'
$base = new self($base);
return $base->parse(
* Perform a mathematical expression using numbers of this base.
* Example:
* $result = $base2->math(
* '(#a * #b) / #c',
* [
* 'a' => $base2_13, // $base2_13 is 1101
* 'b' => $base2_10, // $base2_10 is 1010
* 'c' => $base2_2 // $base2_2 is 10
* ]
* );
* // result is '1000001' or, in base-10, 65
* @param string $expression The expression to run. This should contain variables mapped with '#'.
* @param array $map The map of variables to use for the expression.
public function math(string $expression, array $map) {
$map_b10 = [];
foreach ($map as $variable => $value) {
$map_b10[$variable] = $this->toBase10($value);
$input = $expression;
foreach ($map_b10 as $variable => $value) {
$input = str_replace('#'.$variable, $value, $input);
$input = str_replace(',', '.', $input);
$input = preg_replace('[^0-9\.\+\-\*\%\/\(\)]', '', $input);
return $this->parse(eval('return '.$input.';'));
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