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Created October 12, 2016 00:06
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original desktop apollo featureset code
package apollo.datamodel;
import java.lang.Integer;
import java.util.*;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import apollo.util.SeqFeatureUtil;
import apollo.util.FeatureList;
import apollo.util.QuickSort;
import org.apache.log4j.*;
import org.apache.oro.text.*;
import org.apache.oro.text.regex.*;
* I think SeqFeature should implement all the functions of FeatureSet, so its
* polymorphic, so when you have a SeqFeatureI you dont have to care whether its
* a SeqFeature or a FeatureSet, so you dont have to keep downcasting to descend
* the datamodel (or do any other feature set functionality)
* As now you go through the Vector of SeqFeatures, cast to SeqFeature,
* then ask instanceof FeatureSetI and cast to FeatureSetI, which
* is potentially confusing.
public class FeatureSet extends SeqFeature implements FeatureSetI {
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Class/static variables
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
protected final static Logger logger = LogManager.getLogger(FeatureSet.class);
public static byte POLYA_REMOVED = 1<<1;
/** sometimes the translation may have an unconventional start
codon and we need to note this */
protected static String standard_start_codon = "ATG";
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Instance variables
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
protected Vector features = new Vector(2);
protected SequenceI hitSequence = null;
This flag is just for the use of bop to indicate that the
feature has already had a an exon removed. Or for other
simple flags that we don't want to allocate an entire boolean
protected byte flags;
// both of these are relative to the genomic, not the transcript
// and they are positions, meaning that they count from one
int translation_start = 0;
int translation_end = 0;
/* In the extremely unusual situation of a translational
frameshift this indicates the postion at which to introduce
the one base skip forward or alternatively a one base skip
protected int plus1_frameshift = 0;
protected int minus1_frameshift = 0;
/* In a limited number of genes, a special UGA codon, normally a
termination codon, is used as a codon for the unusual amino acid
Several enzymes (for example, glutathione peroxidase,
tetraikiodothyronine 5' deiodinase and formate dehydrogenase)
contain the unusual amino acid selenocysteine.
In the absence of selenium, protein synthesis from these mRNAs
terminates prematurely.
/* 10/3/2005: Can now set a specific residue for the readthrough stop (default is
now the generic X rather than the specific U). */
protected String readthrough_stop = null;
public String genericReadThroughStopResidue = "X";
// genomic position of a stop that is read through.
// this is not set, but is calculated internally
private int readthrough_pos = 0;
protected boolean trans_spliced = false;
/* some of the annotations are missing either their 5' or 3'
ends. That is either the ATG or the stop codon are missing
protected boolean missing_5prime = false;
protected boolean missing_3prime = false;
protected String start_codon = null;
* @see #setProteinCodingGene(boolean)
private boolean isProteinCodingGene = false;
public FeatureSet() {
public FeatureSet(SeqFeatureI sf) {
public FeatureSet(String type, int strand) {
public FeatureSet(int low, int high, String type, int strand) {
super(low, high, type, strand);
public FeatureSet(FeatureList kids, String name, String type, int strand) {
initRange(); // sets large start and end
// real start and end get set
for (int i=0; i<kids.size(); i++)
private void initRange() {
setStart( 1000000000);
setEnd (-1000000000);
public FeatureSet(FeatureSetI fs, String class_name) {
super (fs);
try {
Class sf_class = Class.forName (class_name);
for (int i = 0; i < fs.getFeatures().size(); i++) {
SeqFeatureI sf_from = fs.getFeatureAt(i);
SeqFeatureI sf_to = ((SeqFeatureI) sf_class.newInstance());
/* The strand and start and end must be set before
the feature is added, otherwise it can't be sorted
properly */
} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error ("Unable to get feature class " + class_name, e);
FeatureSetI parent = (FeatureSetI) getRefFeature();
if (parent != null) {
// Don't set the translation start if it's not a gene
if (parent.getFeatureType().equalsIgnoreCase("gene"))
/** FeatureSets have translations. It happens to be themselves - for now FeatSet
implements all the TranslationI methods - in the future this might be farmed
out to a separate Translation object */
public boolean hasTranslation() {
return true;
/** FeatureSetI itself implements TranslationI so just return self - in future this
may be done with a separate translation object */
public TranslationI getTranslation() {
return this;
Override this method to improve chances of getting a real name
public String getName() {
if (name.equals(Range.NO_NAME) && canHaveChildren() && size() > 0 &&
!(this instanceof Transcript))
return getFeatureAt(0).getName();
return name;
public boolean hasNameBeenSet() {
return !name.equals(Range.NO_NAME);
public int size() {
return features != null ? features.size() : 0;
/** Add feature to end of features list, recalc low and high */
public void addFeature(SeqFeatureI feature) {
insertFeatureAt (feature, features.size());
public void addFeature(SeqFeatureI feature, boolean sort) {
if(feature == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("Can't add null feature");
if (!sort) {
insertFeatureAt (feature, features.size());
} else {
insertFeatureAt (feature, calculateSortPosition (feature));
/** Add feature(kid) to features list at position position.
Recalculate low and high */
protected void insertFeatureAt (SeqFeatureI feature, int position) {
if (feature == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("Can't add null feature");
if (!features.contains (feature)) {
if (position >= features.size())
features.insertElementAt (feature, position);
feature.setRefFeature (this);
// Set the reference sequence here
if (getRefSequence() != null &&
feature.getRefSequence() == null) {
} else if (this.getRefSequence() == null &&
feature.getRefSequence() != null) {
this.setRefSequence (feature.getRefSequence());
// sets low and high according to lowest low and highest high in kids
adjustEdges (feature);
private int calculateSortPosition(SeqFeatureI feature) {
int setSize = size();
int location = setSize;
if (setSize > 0) {
// its possible to have a child on the opposite strand?
if (feature.getStrand() != getStrand() ||
getStrand() == 0) {
// just do a low to high sort
boolean found = false;
for (int i = 0; i < setSize && !found; i++) {
SeqFeatureI sf = getFeatureAt(i);
if (feature.getLow() < sf.getLow()) {
location = i;
found = true;
} else {
if (pastThreePrimeEnd (feature)) {
location = setSize;
} else if (beforeFivePrimeEnd (feature)) {
location = 0;
} else {
boolean found = false;
SeqFeatureI preceding_sf = null;
for (int i=0; i < setSize && !found; i++) {
SeqFeatureI sf = getFeatureAt(i);
if ((feature.getStrand() == 1 &&
feature.getStart() < sf.getStart() &&
(preceding_sf == null ||
feature.getStart() >= preceding_sf.getStart()))
(feature.getStrand() == -1 &&
feature.getStart() > sf.getStart() &&
(preceding_sf == null ||
feature.getStart() <= preceding_sf.getStart()))) {
location = i;
found = true;
preceding_sf = sf;
return location;
* Returns true if the feature passed in has a 5 prime start
* that is located beyound the 3prime end of this feature.
* False is the feature is not 3prime of this feature
public boolean pastThreePrimeEnd (SeqFeatureI feature) {
if (feature.getStrand() != getStrand()) { (getName() + " and " + feature.getName() +
" are on opposite strands, so 5prime test " +
" is not relevant");
return false;
} else {
return ((getStrand() == 1 && feature.getLow() > getHigh()) ||
(getStrand() == -1 && feature.getHigh() < getLow()));
* Returns true if the feature passed in has a 3 prime end
* that is more 5prime than this feature. False is the feature
* is not 5prime of this feature
public boolean beforeFivePrimeEnd (SeqFeatureI feature) {
if (feature.getStrand() != getStrand()) { (getName() + " and " + feature.getName() +
" are on opposite strands, so 5prime test " +
" is not relevant");
return false;
} else {
return ((feature.getStrand() == 1 && feature.getHigh() < getLow()) ||
(feature.getStrand() == -1 && feature.getLow() > getHigh()));
public void deleteFeature(SeqFeatureI feature) {
if(feature == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("Can't remove null feature");
for (int i = 0; i < features.size(); ++i) {
SeqFeatureI feat = (SeqFeatureI)features.get(i);
if (feat == feature ||
feat.isClone() && feat.getCloneSource() == feature) {
public SeqFeatureI deleteFeatureAt(int i) {
if (i < size()) {
SeqFeatureI sf = getFeatureAt(i);
return sf;
return null;
public SeqFeatureI getFeatureAt(int i) {
return (i >= 0 && i < features.size() ?
(SeqFeatureI)features.elementAt(i) : null);
public Vector getFeatures() {
return features;
public void clearKids() {
/* this is only used when creating a clone of this feature
because the clone shares the Vector we don't want to clear
it, but actually replace it with another */
features = new Vector();
/* This is used in the base editor to find the leaf features that
overlap a base with a sequence edit on it */
public FeatureList getLeafFeatsOver(int pos) {
FeatureList leafFeatsOver = new FeatureList();
if (!hasKids()) // its a FeatureSet with no kids (e.g. 1 level annot)
return super.getLeafFeatsOver(pos); // SeqFeature checks self
int setSize = size();
for (int i = 0; i < setSize ;i++) {
return leafFeatsOver;
/** Set low and high according to lowest and highest coord in kids */
public void adjustEdges() {
low = 1000000000;
high = -1000000000;
for (int i=0; i< size(); i++) {
adjustEdges (getFeatureAt (i));
/** If span has higher high and or lower low than current, reset high/low */
public void adjustEdges (SeqFeatureI span) {
boolean adjusted = false;
if (span.getLow() < getLow()) {
adjusted |= true;
if (span.getHigh() > high) {
adjusted |= true;
if (adjusted && getRefFeature() != null) {
((FeatureSetI) getRefFeature()).adjustEdges();
// Internal methods
/** Returns FeatureList of Features with hit name. If parents alignement
* seq display id has name doesnt look at children
* This has pretty much been replaced by findFeaturesByAllNames,
* which checks hit names as well as regular names. So should this
* method be deleted, or is there still some use for it?
public FeatureList findFeaturesByHitName(String hname) {
FeatureList feats = new FeatureList();
if (getHitSequence() != null) {
if (getHitSequence().getName().equals (hname)) {
return feats;
int setSize = size();
for (int i = 0; i < setSize /*&& match == null*/; i++) {
SeqFeatureI sf = getFeatureAt(i);
if (sf instanceof FeaturePairI) {
if (((FeaturePairI) sf).getHname().equals(hname)) {
} else if (sf.canHaveChildren()) {
SequenceI s = ((FeatureSetI) sf).getHitSequence();
boolean found=false;
if (s != null) {
if (s.getName().equals (hname)) {
found = true;
// If not found recurse down
if (!found) {
FeatureList hitChildren = ((FeatureSetI) sf).findFeaturesByHitName(hname);
//return match;
return feats;
/** Returns a FeatureList of all SeqFeatureIs that have this name
* empty if no features match. This is changed from previous where it
* returned only one feature, the first feature with that name, but there
* could be more than one feature with that name couldnt there?
* Sometimes a parent FeatureSet has the same name as its children,
* I think if this is the case its probably uninteresting to get the children,
* so I think it should dig any deeper if it finds a match, but continue
* searching other branches.
// 4/24/2003: Made case-insensitive
// SMJS added kidsOverParents option like in findFeaturesByAllNames
public FeatureList findFeaturesByName(String name) {
return findFeaturesByName(name,false);
public FeatureList findFeaturesByName(String name, boolean kidNamesOverParent) {
FeatureList feats = new FeatureList();
boolean selfMatches = false;
// check own name
if (getName().equalsIgnoreCase(name) ||
(getId() != null && getId().equalsIgnoreCase(name))) {
// if looking for kids over parents then just note that self matched and
// search kids below
if (kidNamesOverParent) {
selfMatches = true;
} else {
return feats; // dont search children
// check children
int setSize = size();
for (int i = 0; i < setSize; i++) {
SeqFeatureI sf = getFeatureAt(i);
// SMJS Used to just do getName check here, unlike above. Seemed wrong to me. Added getId checks here too.
if (sf.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(name) ||
(getId() != null && getId().equalsIgnoreCase(name))) {
} else if (sf.canHaveChildren()) {
FeatureList fl = ((FeatureSetI) sf).findFeaturesByName(name);
// if doing kids over parents only add self if no kids matched & self matched
if (kidNamesOverParent && selfMatches && feats.isEmpty())
return feats;
/** Searches recursively on both name and hit name */
public FeatureList findFeaturesByAllNames(String name) {
// false means don't use regular expression matching
return findFeaturesByAllNames(name, false);
public FeatureList findFeaturesByAllNames(String searchString, boolean useRegExp) {
return findFeaturesByAllNames(searchString,useRegExp,false);
/** useRegExp is whether to search using pattern as a regular expression
In fact, we ALWAYS do a RegExp search with the ORO pattern matchers.
However, if useRegExp is FALSE, we prepend "^" on the pattern,
but we still allow user to specify a "*" wildcard, which we
replace with ".*" for compatibility with RegExp. Note there is no longer
any need to lower case names and patterns as the pattern will be
compiled with the CASE_INSENSITIVE_MASK
@parameter kidNamesOverParents means if a kid/descendant has the searchString
then return the kid instead of the parent - even if the parent matches
this is needed as if a parent as NO_NAME it will take on the name of its
first kid - so you could end up with an ancestor of the feature you really
are after.
public FeatureList findFeaturesByAllNames(String searchString, boolean useRegExp,
boolean kidNamesOverParent) {
FeatureList feats = new FeatureList();
// "no_name" is a common place holder for a name in apollo
// and should be excluded as a find
//support for case insensitive ORO matching
Perl5Compiler p5Compiler = new Perl5Compiler();
Perl5Pattern pattern = null, defaultPattern = null;
Perl5Matcher matcher = new Perl5Matcher();
//if not using RegExp, clean up the search string
searchString = prepareNonRegExpString(searchString);
defaultPattern =
(Perl5Pattern)p5Compiler.compile("invalid perl5 expression");
pattern =
(Perl5Pattern) p5Compiler.compile(searchString,
}catch(MalformedPatternException ex){
pattern = defaultPattern;
// "no_name" is a common place holder for a name in apollo
// and should be excluded as a find */
if (matcher.contains("no_name",pattern))
return feats;
boolean selfMatches = false;
// check own name
if (matcher.contains(getName(),pattern)){
// if looking for kids over parents then just note that self matched and
// search kids below
if (kidNamesOverParent) {
selfMatches = true;
else {
return feats; // dont search children
// check hit name
else if (getHitSequence() != null) {
if (matcher.contains(getHitSequence().getName(),pattern)){
if (kidNamesOverParent) {
selfMatches = true;
else {
return feats;
// check children
int setSize = size();
for (int i = 0; i < setSize; i++) {
SeqFeatureI sf = getFeatureAt(i);
if (matcher.contains(sf.getName(),pattern)){
} else if (sf instanceof FeaturePairI) {
if ( matcher.contains(((FeaturePairI) sf).getHname(),pattern) ){
} else if (sf.canHaveChildren()) {
SequenceI s = ((FeatureSetI) sf).getHitSequence();
boolean found=false;
if (s != null) {
if (matcher.contains(s.getName(),pattern)) {
//match = sf;
found = true;
// If not found recurse down
if (!found) {
FeatureList hitChildren = ((FeatureSetI) sf).findFeaturesByAllNames(searchString, true);//the string is already cleaned, can treat like a regexp,hence the true arg.
// if doing kids over parents only add self if no kids matched & self matched
if (kidNamesOverParent && selfMatches && feats.isEmpty())
return feats;
/** This is presently used to locate features that have
a drawable. If the feature can't be found then the
drawable is removed. Called after FeatureChangeEvent.SYNC
occurs. And this happens when additional features are
added - move to SeqFeatureUtil? rename containsFeature? **/
// moved to SeqFeatureUtil.containsFeature
// public boolean findFeature(SeqFeatureI sf) {
// boolean found = false;
// int setSize = size();
// for (int i = 0; i < setSize && !found; i++) {
// SeqFeatureI check = getFeatureAt(i);
// found = (sf == check);
// if (!found && (check.canHaveChildren())) {
// found = ((FeatureSetI) check).findFeature(sf);
// }
// }
// return found;
// }
public void setRefSequence(SequenceI seq) {
this.refSeq = seq;
// The ref sequence for the feature set will be the ref sequence
// for all its sub features
int setSize = size();
for (int i=0; i < setSize; i++) {
/** Is this an explicit alignment used by jalview? -
* the alternative to cigars?
* no I dont think it is - its used by the analysis adapters & game
* if kids have hit feats then this is the hit seq associated with them
* This is a convenience for having to get hit seq from kids */
public void setHitSequence(SequenceI seq) {
this.hitSequence = seq;
/** if kids have hit feats then this is the hit seq associated with them
* This is a convenience for having to get hit seq from kids */
public SequenceI getHitSequence() {
return this.hitSequence;
public double getScore() {
double bestScore = 0.0;
int setSize = size();
for (int i=0; i < setSize; i++) {
if (getFeatureAt(i).getScore() > bestScore) {
bestScore = getFeatureAt(i).getScore();
return bestScore;
// This method counts SeqFeatures in this set. FeatureSets are NOT
// included in the count.
public int getNumberOfDescendents() {
int numFeat = 0;
int setSize = size();
for (int i=0; i<setSize; i++) {
SeqFeatureI feat = getFeatureAt(i);
if (feat.hasKids()) { //canHaveChildren()) {
numFeat += ((FeatureSetI)feat).getNumberOfDescendents();
} else {
return numFeat;
/** This method determines if there are any child SeqFeatures in
this set (FeatureSets are NOT included). */
public boolean canHaveChildren() {
return true;
public boolean hasDescendents() {
int setSize = size();
boolean leaves = false;
for (int i=0; i<setSize && !leaves; i++) {
SeqFeatureI feat = getFeatureAt(i);
if (feat.canHaveChildren()) {
if(((FeatureSetI)feat).hasDescendents()) {
leaves = true;
} else {
leaves = true;
return leaves;
/** Returns the FIRST feature in the set containing the position
return this if none of children contain pos but FS does (intron)
return null if doesnt contain position. */
public SeqFeatureI getFeatureContaining (int position) {
int setSize = size();
SeqFeatureI container = null;
if (canHaveChildren()) {
for (int i=0; i<setSize && container == null; i++) {
SeqFeatureI sf = getFeatureAt (i);
if (sf.contains (position))
container = sf;
else {
if (this.contains(position))
container = this;
return container;
// Returns the FIRST feature in the set containing the position
public int getIndexContaining (int position) {
int setSize = size();
int feature_index = -1;
for (int i=0; i < setSize && feature_index < 0; i++) {
SeqFeatureI sf = getFeatureAt (i);
if (sf.contains (position))
feature_index = i;
return feature_index;
public int getFeatureIndex(SeqFeatureI sf) {
if (features.contains(sf)) {
return features.indexOf(sf);
else {
return -1;
public void sort(int sortStrand) {
sort(sortStrand, false);
/** sort the child features of the set
* @param sortStrand - sort by minus strand or positive/no strand
* @param byLow - sort by genomic position
* @see SeqFeatureUtil.sort()
public void sort(int sortStrand, boolean byLow)
SeqFeatureUtil.sort(features, sortStrand, byLow);
public String translate() {
String aa = "";
String mRNA = get_cDNA();
if (mRNA == null) { // This sometimes happens with ChadoXML ARGS
return "";
if (mRNA.length() > 2) {
aa = getUntrimmedAA(get_ORF(mRNA),
getFeaturePosition(translation_start) - 1);
logger.debug("FeatureSet.translate(): getUntrimmedAA() returned " + aa);
if (unConventionalStart()) {
// !! This isn't a fix for the problem--the problem is that a non-gene
// annotation (HP2047) is being asked to translate itself, which it
// shouldn't do. Need to fix. Fixed, but leaving the check Suz
// i think this is ok now because isCodingGene() is used as filter?
if (aa.length() < 2) {
logger.error("untrimmed aa sequence for " +
getName() +
", which has unconventional start, is too short: "
+ aa + " mRNA = " + mRNA);
return null; // shouldnt this be ""?
aa = "M" + aa.substring(1);
return aa;
/** This sets the start at a standard start
codon that gives the longest peptide (which may not be the first start codon).
The stop codon is also automatically set (if there is one). If a longer peptide
results from starting at the beginning of the transcript (with missing 5 prime)
then the start of the transcript is used and missing5Pime is true. Also sets stop
- if there is no stop, missing 3 prime is set to true (& trans end is 0)*/
public void calcTranslationStartForLongestPeptide() {
logger.debug("setting translation start at first codon for " + getName());
// and with the longest possible translation
translation_end = 0;
// hope for the best
String the_mRNA = get_cDNA();
if (the_mRNA == null) {
logger.warn("calcTranslationStartForLongetPep: no cDNA sequence for " + getName());
String longest_peptide = "";
int best_start_index = -1;
logger.debug("setTranslationStartAtFirstCodon: the_mRNA.length() = " + the_mRNA.length());
// to handle very short features (e.g. insertions)
// these shouldn't be translated, but in case they are...
if (the_mRNA.length() > 3) {
// Find the first start codon
int start_index = the_mRNA.indexOf(standard_start_codon);
while (start_index >= 0) {
String aa = getTrimmedAA(get_ORF(the_mRNA, start_index, -1),
if (aa.length() > longest_peptide.length()) {
longest_peptide = aa;
best_start_index = start_index;
start_index = the_mRNA.indexOf(standard_start_codon, start_index + 1);
/* just in case the 5 prime end is missing see if
a longer translation can be obtained without looking
for the ATG */
start_index = 0;
while (start_index < 3) {
String orf = get_ORF(the_mRNA, start_index, -1);
String aa = getTrimmedAA(orf, start_index);
if (aa.length() > longest_peptide.length()) {
longest_peptide = aa;
best_start_index = start_index;
if (best_start_index >= 0) {
boolean setEnd = true;
initTranslationStart (getGenomicPosition(best_start_index + 1), setEnd);
} else {
translation_start = 0;
private String getUntrimmedAA (String orf, int orf_offset) {
String aa = na2aa (orf);
int stop_index = aa.indexOf('*');
if (stop_index >= 0 && readthrough_stop != null) {
int stop_offset = (3 * stop_index) + orf_offset;
readthrough_pos = getGenomicPosition(stop_offset + 1);
// replace the stop with the IUPAC code for selenocysteine
// 9/2005: Use X as the generic readthrough stop codon rather than U.
// If it's going to be U, then it will be explicitly encoded in the
// AA sequence.
String tmp = (aa.substring(0, stop_index) +
readthrough_stop +
aa.substring(stop_index + 1));
aa = tmp;
return aa;
private String getTrimmedAA (String orf, int orf_offset) {
String aa = getUntrimmedAA(orf, orf_offset);
int stop_index = aa.indexOf('*');
if (stop_index >= 0)
aa = aa.substring (0, stop_index);
return aa;
* A setter is needed for some featureSet, like gene prediction results,
* which can have translation start and stop whithout being instances of transcripts
* @author cpommier
public void setProteinCodingGene(boolean isProteinCodingGene){
/** Whoa! Why does this always return true? Are all FeatureSets really protein
* coding genes? Or is it just that this method is never called, because it is
* overridden in more specific classes?
* I agree - changing to return false - MG 11.21.05
* Change, now return the value of isProteinCodingGene (this flag defaults to false) Cyril P 01.15.06
* @see #setProteinCodingGene(boolean)
* */
public boolean isProteinCodingGene() {
//return true;
//return false;
return isProteinCodingGene;
/** Sets the translation end to the end of the ORF from the current
translation start OR to the end of the last exon if no stop
codons are found in phase. if missing stop then stop is set to 0 and missing3Prime
is set to true. */
public void setTranslationEndFromStart() {
// First set the end to the end of the last exon
if (!this.contains (translation_start) && isProteinCodingGene()) {
// Usually this means something is screwy with the data
logger.warn ("translation start set inappropriately to " + translation_start + " for " + getName() +
" (low = " + getLow() + ", high = " + getHigh() + ")");
// If it was already marked as missing the start codon, don't try to set
// the translation start or end
if (missing_5prime) {
translation_start = 0; // give up
translation_end = 0; // can't set the end if we can't set the start
// This can cause an infinite loop if the transcript is weird and it's
// not marked as missing_5prime--should we not do it?
translation_end = 0;
if (!isProteinCodingGene())
// Translate the transcript
String the_mRNA = get_cDNA();
String orf = get_ORF(the_mRNA);
int orf_offset = getFeaturePosition(translation_start) - 1;
String aa = getUntrimmedAA (orf, orf_offset);
boolean foundStop = false;
// Find the first stop codon
if (aa != null) {
int stop_index = aa.indexOf('*');
if (stop_index > 0) {
int stop_offset = (3 * stop_index) + orf_offset;
/* account for the base that was deleted from the
mRNA which would make the offset be short by one */
stop_offset += edit_offset_adjust;
// NOTE: We aren't dealing in offsets and counting from zero
// instead we are counting from 1, so add 1 here
int stopPos = getGenomicPosition(stop_offset + 1);
// Set the new stop and likewise set up the phase for each exon
foundStop = true;
} else if (stop_index == 0) {
// Yikes the first codon is for a stop!!!
// might be better to move this to setTranslationEnd itself??
logger.warn (getName() +": the first codon is a stop codon!");
foundStop = (!isMissing3prime() && translation_start > 0);
// SUZ: If we haven't found a stop set the fact that
// this appears to be missing the 3 prime end
setMissing3prime(!foundStop && translation_start != 0);
} else {
logger.error("failed to set translation limits");
public boolean setTranslationStart (int pos) {
return setTranslationStart(pos, false);
/** If pos is not contained in FeatureSet, set trans start fails and false
is returned, true on success. */
public boolean setTranslationStart (int pos, boolean set_end) {
SeqFeatureI held_in = (SeqFeatureI) getFeatureContaining (pos);
setMissing5prime(held_in == null);
if (!missing_5prime) {
initTranslationStart(pos, set_end);
} else {
translation_start = 0;
logger.warn ("unable to set translation start to " +
pos + " for " + getName() + ", which has " + size() + " exons:");
for (int i = 0; i < size(); i++) {
RangeI sf = getFeatureAt(i);
logger.debug ("\tExon " + i + ": " +
sf.getStart() + "-" + sf.getEnd());
// System.out.println("setTranslationStart(" + pos + ")--missing_5prime=" + missing_5prime); // DEL
return (!missing_5prime);
/** This internal method doesn't mess with the 5prime flag
which may have already been set in setTranslationStartAtFirstCodon
private void initTranslationStart(int pos, boolean set_end) {
translation_start = pos;
if (!missing_5prime &&
getRefSequence() != null &&
getRefSequence().isSequenceAvailable(pos)) {
start_codon = getRefSequence().getResidues(pos, pos+(2*getStrand()));
// System.out.println("initTranslationStart: set start codon to " + start_codon + " for " + getName()); // DEL
if (set_end)
public void setTranslationEndNoPhase(int pos) {
translation_end = (int) pos;
if (this.plus1_frameshift != 0) {
/* make sure the position is even on this transcript */
if (!withinCDS(plus1_frameshift)) { (getName() + " clearing +1 frameshift");
this.plus1_frameshift = 0;
if (this.minus1_frameshift != 0) {
/* make sure the position is even on this transcript */
if (!withinCDS(minus1_frameshift)) { (getName() + " clearing -1 frameshift");
this.minus1_frameshift = 0;
public void setTranslationEnd(int pos) {
/** Returns start of translation in genomic coords */
public int getTranslationStart() {
return translation_start;
public int getTranslationEnd() {
return translation_end;
/** Returns true if there is end of translation for the transcript,
ie getTranslationEnd()!=0. Sometimes a valid stop codon does not exist
for a transcript. This can happen with funny sequence data, like
if theres a gap in the sequence where the stop is. Also in an
intermediate editing state the exon with the stop codon might get
deleted and the annotator has not added or extended an exon yet. */
public boolean hasTranslationEnd() {
return getTranslationEnd() != 0;
/** Returns true if transcript has a translation start (!=0) */
public boolean hasTranslationStart() {
return getTranslationStart() != 0;
public int getPositionFrom(int base_position, int base_offset) {
int end_base = 0;
if (base_position > 0) {
int at_trans_pos = getFeaturePosition (base_position);
end_base = getGenomicPosition (at_trans_pos + base_offset);
if (end_base <= 0)
end_base = getEnd();
return end_base;
public int getLastBaseOfStopCodon() {
return (getPositionFrom (translation_end, 2));
public String get_cDNA() {
if (hasKids())//canHaveChildren())
return (getSplicedTranscript (0, size()));
return super.get_cDNA();
// this is so we can specifically get the portion of a transcript
// associated with one half or another of a dicistronic gene
// or the portion for transcripts that share a 5' first exon
public String getSplicedTranscript(int startExon, int endExon) {
StringBuffer dna = new StringBuffer();
SequenceI seq = getRefSequence();
// there may need to be adjustsments, if there are any
// sequencing errors detected in the transcript
edit_offset_adjust = 0;
if (seq == null) {
return "";
} else {
for (int i = startExon; i < endExon; i++) {
SeqFeatureI span = getFeatureAt(i);
String res = seq.getResidues ((int)span.getStart(),
if (res != null)
dna.append (res);
dna = amend_RNA(dna);
return dna.toString();
public int getSplicedLength() {
return (getSplicedLength (0, size()));
// this is so we can specifically get the length of a transcript
// associated with one half or another of a dicistronic gene
// or the portion for transcripts that share a 5' first exon
/** This needs to be fixed to account for edits to the genomic
sequence */
public int getSplicedLength(int startExon, int endExon) {
int spliced_length = 0;
for (int i = startExon; i < endExon; i++) {
SeqFeatureI span = getFeatureAt(i);
spliced_length += span.length();
return spliced_length;
/** will return an empty string if the translation start site has
not been set. this is in contrast to a SeqFeature which returns
whatever it can */
public String get_ORF (String mRNA) {
if (canHaveChildren()) {
if (this.contains (translation_start)) {
int start_offset = getFeaturePosition(translation_start) - 1;
// JC: subtract one to account for the fact that the translation end coordinate
// specifies the location of the 1st base in the stop codon
int end_offset = ((translation_end > 0) ?
getFeaturePosition(translation_end) - 1 : -1);
// This shouldn't happen:
if (start_offset < 0) {
logger.error (getName() + " has start offset < 0");
return get_ORF(mRNA, start_offset, end_offset);
} else {
logger.error (getName() + " does not have translation start");
return "";
else {
return super.get_ORF(mRNA);
// will return an empty string if the translation start site has
// not been set. this is in contrast to a SeqFeature which returns
// whatever it can
protected String get_ORF (String mRNA, int start_offset, int end_offset) {
if (!canHaveChildren())
return super.get_ORF(mRNA);
StringBuffer orf = new StringBuffer();
if (mRNA != null) {
int prior_offset = start_offset;
SequenceEdit [] edit_list = buildORFEditList();
SequenceEdit [] mRNA_edit_list = buildmRNAEditList();
/* All of the edits that are needed for the mRNA before it
can be translated in sequential order */
int edits = (edit_list != null ? edit_list.length : 0);
for (int i = 0; i < edits; i++) {
SequenceEdit edit = edit_list[i];
String edit_type = edit.getEditType();
int edit_offset = getAdjustedFeaturePosition(edit.getPosition(),
mRNA_edit_list) - 1;
if (edit_type.equals(SequenceI.DELETION)) {
orf.append(getSubSequence(mRNA, prior_offset, edit_offset));
prior_offset = edit_offset + 1;
else if (edit_type.equals(SequenceI.INSERTION)) {
orf.append(getSubSequence(mRNA, prior_offset, edit_offset) +
prior_offset = edit_offset;
//adjust the end_offset if needed
if(end_offset!=-1) {
int mRNA_edits = (mRNA_edit_list != null ? mRNA_edit_list.length : 0);
for (int i = 0; i < mRNA_edits; i++) {
String type = mRNA_edit_list[i].getEditType();
if (type.equals(SequenceI.DELETION))
else if (type.equals(SequenceI.INSERTION))
orf.append(getSubSequence(mRNA, prior_offset, end_offset));
} else {
logger.warn(getName() + " has no mRNA");
return orf.toString();
Positions of edits within the ORF are dependent upon
positions of edits that have already taken place in
the transcript - what a fussy bit of code */
private int getAdjustedFeaturePosition(int genomic_pos,
SequenceEdit [] edit_list) {
int plain_pos = getFeaturePosition(genomic_pos);
int feat_pos = plain_pos;
if (edit_list != null) {
for (int i = 0; i < edit_list.length; i++) {
SequenceEdit seq_edit = edit_list[i];
if ((seq_edit.getPosition() < genomic_pos && getStrand() >= 0) ||
(seq_edit.getPosition() > genomic_pos && getStrand() < 0)) {
if (seq_edit.getEditType().equals(SequenceI.DELETION)) {
if (seq_edit.getEditType().equals(SequenceI.INSERTION)) {
return feat_pos;
* This is an important method. (SUZ)
* It tranforms a position that is in genomic coordinates into
* the equivalent position in feature coordinates. In simpler,
* more practical terms: If a there is a translation start site
* that is located on the genomic at position N, this returns
* where the translation start site would be on the mRNA (edited).
* So it starts from the beginning of the transcript (base 1 to
* the transcript and some bigger number on the genomic) and
* returns an offset relative to that 1, not the genomic.
public int getFeaturePosition (int genomic_pos) {
int offset = 0;
int transcript_position = 1;
boolean stop = false;
SeqFeatureI previous = null;
if (!this.canHaveChildren())
return super.getFeaturePosition (genomic_pos);
SeqFeatureI held_in = (SeqFeatureI) getFeatureContaining (genomic_pos);
int setSize = size();
if (held_in != null && genomic_pos != 0) {
// the following only works if all of the
// spans are in order and are all on the same strand
if (!trans_spliced) {
if (getStrand() == 1) { // forward strand
for (int i = 0; i < setSize && ! stop; i++) {
SeqFeatureI span = getFeatureAt(i);
if (previous == null) {
offset = genomic_pos - span.getStart();
} else {
offset -= (span.getStart() - previous.getEnd()) - 1;
stop = (genomic_pos <= span.getEnd());
previous = span;
} else { // reverse strand
for (int i = 0; i < setSize && ! stop; i++) {
SeqFeatureI span = getFeatureAt(i);
if (previous == null) {
offset = span.getStart() - genomic_pos;
} else {
offset -= (previous.getEnd() - span.getStart()) - 1;
stop = (genomic_pos >= span.getEnd());
previous = span;
transcript_position = offset + 1;
else {
// this only assumes that the spans/exons are in
// the correct splicing order
for (int i = 0; i < setSize && ! stop; i++) {
SeqFeatureI span = getFeatureAt(i);
stop = span.contains (genomic_pos);
if (stop) {
offset += Math.abs(genomic_pos - span.getStart());
} else {
offset += span.length();
transcript_position = offset + 1;
} else {
logger.warn("featureSet.getFeaturePosition: " + getName() +
" (" + getStart() + "-" + getEnd() + ")" +
" has no feature containing genomic_pos " + genomic_pos);
transcript_position = 0;
// new Throwable().printStackTrace();
// System.out.println ("genomic position " + genomic_pos +
// " is transcript position " + transcript_position);
return transcript_position;
/** Converts a transcript position (1 based without introns of course)
to a genomic position */
public int getGenomicPosition(int transcript_pos) {
if (!this.canHaveChildren())
return super.getGenomicPosition (transcript_pos);
int genome_pos = -1;
int transcript_offset = transcript_pos - 1;
int setSize = size();
for (int i = 0; i < setSize && genome_pos < 0; i++) {
SeqFeatureI span = getFeatureAt(i);
int start = span.getStart();
int check = (span.getStrand() == 1 ?
start + transcript_offset :
start - transcript_offset);
if (span.contains (check))
genome_pos = check;
transcript_offset -= span.length();
return genome_pos;
/** For a position in peptide coordinates get the corresponding genomic position
For now just do this in FeatureSet, I could imagine having a peptide object */
public int getGenomicPosForPeptidePos(int peptidePosition) {
int featPos = peptidePosition * 3 + getFeaturePosition(getTranslationStart()) - 3;
return getGenomicPosition(featPos);
protected void setPhases() {
int setSize = size();
if (setSize == 0) {
SeqFeatureI start_span = getFeatureContaining(getTranslationStart());
SeqFeatureI end_span = getFeatureContaining(getTranslationEnd());
if (start_span == null || end_span == null) {
logger.warn ("FeatureSet.setPhases: " + getName() +
" can't set phases--some sites undefined " +
" tss=" + getTranslationStart() +
" tes=" + getTranslationEnd());
int start_index = getFeatureIndex (start_span);
int end_index = getFeatureIndex (end_span);
// For exons before first coding exon set 0 phase
for (int i = 0; i < start_index; i++) {
// For first coding exon calculate phase
// using the translation start position
int phase = (int)(Math.abs(getTranslationStart() -
start_span.getStart()) % 3);
for (int i = start_index; i <= end_index; i++) {
// For remaining coding exons set phase using getEndPhase()
phase = (3 - getFeatureAt(i).getEndPhase()) % 3;
// For any further non coding exons set 0 phase
for (int i = end_index+1; i < setSize; i++) {
* General implementation of Visitor pattern. (see apollo.util.Visitor).
public void accept(apollo.util.Visitor visitor){
}//end accept
public boolean isTransSpliced() {
return trans_spliced;
public void setMissing5prime (boolean partial) {
this.missing_5prime = partial;
// the start codon can be neither the standard nor
// the oddball case if it is missing
if (partial)
start_codon = null;
public boolean isMissing5prime () {
return missing_5prime;
public void setMissing3prime (boolean partial) {
this.missing_3prime = partial;
public boolean isMissing3prime () {
return missing_3prime;
public boolean unConventionalStart() {
return (start_codon != null && !start_codon.equals(standard_start_codon));
public String getStartAA() {
return na2aa(start_codon);
public String getStartCodon() {
return start_codon;
public boolean hasReadThroughStop() {
return readthrough_stop != null;
public String readThroughStopResidue() {
return readthrough_stop;
public int readThroughStopPosition() {
if (readthrough_stop != null)
return readthrough_pos;
return 0;
/** The generic version--set readthrough stop to true or false.
If true, the readthrough residue is set to the genericReadThroughStopResidue. */
public void setReadThroughStop(boolean readthrough) {
// Only do this if this is a change from what we had
if ((this.readthrough_stop == null && readthrough) ||
(this.readthrough_stop != null && !readthrough)) {
if (!readthrough)
this.readthrough_stop = null;
this.readthrough_stop = genericReadThroughStopResidue;
public void setReadThroughStop(String residue) {
// Old style--value is just true/false
if (residue.equals("true") || residue.equals("false"))
// Actual residue--see if it changes anything
else if ((this.readthrough_stop == null && residue != null) ||
(this.readthrough_stop != null && !(this.readthrough_stop.equals(residue)))) {
// Check whether this is a valid amino acid--complain if not
// (but accept it anyway).
// Should this check be done in all the adapters instead?
if (!(residue.equals("U")) &&
!org.bdgp.util.DNAUtils.isValidOneLetterAA(residue)) {
String warn = "transcript " + getName() + " contains invalid amino acid code '" + residue + "' for readthrough stop codon";
if (apollo.config.Config.internalMode())
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "WARNING: " + warn);
this.readthrough_stop = residue;
/** any errors in the genomic sequence will apply to all of the
transcripts for the gene */
public boolean isSequencingErrorPosition(int base_position) {
if (getRefSequence() != null)
return getRefSequence().isSequencingErrorPosition(base_position);
return false;
/** any errors in the genomic sequence will apply to all of the
transcripts for the gene */
public SequenceEdit getSequencingErrorAtPosition(int base_position) {
if (getRefSequence() != null)
return getRefSequence().getSequencingErrorAtPosition(base_position);
return null;
/** Overrides SeqFeature.flipFlop.
flipFlops descendants as well via recursion.
copied from berkeley_branch(old MAIN trunk)
public void flipFlop () {
setStrand (getStrand() * -1);
for (int i = 0; i < size(); i++) {
SeqFeatureI span = getFeatureAt(i);
span.flipFlop(); // recurses if FeatureSet
/** to get a field-by-field replica of this feature */
public Object clone() {
FeatureSetI clone = (FeatureSetI)super.clone();
if (clone != null) {
if (canHaveChildren()) {
int setSize = size();
((FeatureSet) clone).clearKids();
for (int i = 0; i < setSize; i++) {
SeqFeatureI span = getFeatureAt(i);
clone.addFeature((SeqFeatureI) span.clone());
return clone;
/** clean up a string that was NOT intended as a RegExp search:
escape all special chars other than "*", replace "*" with ".*",
and sandwich prepend "^"
String prepareNonRegExpString(String in) {
StringBuffer cleaned = new StringBuffer("^");
char [] chars = in.toCharArray();
for(int index = 0; index < chars.length; index++){
switch (chars[index]) {
case '*':
case '[':
case ']':
case '(':
case ')':
case '|':
case '$':
case '^':
case '.':
case '?':
case '+':
case '\\':
case '#':
return cleaned.toString();
/** TranslationI interface */
public RangeI getTranslationRange() {
return new Range(getTranslationStart(),getTranslationEnd());
/** TranslationI method - no-op overridden by Transcript. dont think FeatureSet
needs to implement as i think only annotation Transcripts lose can become
invalidated, but if so we can always migrate Transcripts stuff here. */
public void setPeptideValidity(boolean validity) {}
public SequenceEdit [] buildEditList() {
SequenceEdit [] mRNAedits = buildmRNAEditList();
SequenceEdit [] ORFedits = buildORFEditList();
if (mRNAedits != null || ORFedits != null) {
SequenceEdit [] edit_list;
if (mRNAedits != null && ORFedits != null) {
int edits = mRNAedits.length + ORFedits.length;
int [] int_list = new int [edits];
edit_list = new SequenceEdit [edits];
for (int i = 0; i < mRNAedits.length; i++) {
SequenceEdit seq_edit = mRNAedits[i];
int_list[i] = seq_edit.getPosition();
edit_list[i] = seq_edit;
for (int i = 0; i < ORFedits.length; i++) {
SequenceEdit seq_edit = ORFedits[i];
int_list[i] = seq_edit.getPosition();
edit_list[i] = seq_edit;
QuickSort.sort(int_list, edit_list);
} else if (mRNAedits != null)
edit_list = mRNAedits;
edit_list = ORFedits;
return edit_list;
} else
return null;
protected SequenceEdit [] buildORFEditList() {
int edits = ((plus1_frameshift > 0 ? 1 : 0) +
(minus1_frameshift > 0 ? 1 : 0));
if (edits > 0) {
int [] int_list = new int [edits];
SequenceEdit [] edit_list = new SequenceEdit [edits];
int count = 0;
if (plus1_frameshift > 0) {
int_list[count] = plus1_frameshift;
edit_list[count] = new SequenceEdit(SequenceI.DELETION,
if (minus1_frameshift > 0) {
int_list[count] = minus1_frameshift;
/* get 2 bases so that rev-comp is carried out */
String base = (refSeq != null &&
refSeq.isSequenceAvailable(minus1_frameshift) ?
refSeq.getResidues(minus1_frameshift - strand,
minus1_frameshift) :
edit_list[count] = new SequenceEdit(SequenceI.INSERTION,
QuickSort.sort(int_list, edit_list);
return edit_list;
} else {
return null;
public int plus1FrameShiftPosition() {
return plus1_frameshift;
public int minus1FrameShiftPosition() {
return minus1_frameshift;
public boolean setPlus1FrameShiftPosition(int shift_pos) {
boolean okay = true;
/* since so much work is involved, avoid it for no change */
if (this.plus1_frameshift != shift_pos) {
if (shift_pos > 0) {
/* make sure the position is even on this transcript */
okay = withinCDS(shift_pos);
} else {
/* if this is being unset, then the Stop of translation may
be affected, so keep reset_end true */
shift_pos = 0;
if (okay) {
this.plus1_frameshift = shift_pos;
return okay;
public boolean setMinus1FrameShiftPosition(int shift_pos) {
boolean okay = true;
/* since so much work is involved, avoid it for no change */
if (this.minus1_frameshift != shift_pos) {
if (shift_pos > 0) {
/* make sure the position is even on this transcript */
okay = withinCDS(shift_pos);
} else {
/* if this is being unset, then the Stop of translation may
be affected, so keep reset_end true */
shift_pos = 0;
if (okay) {
this.minus1_frameshift = shift_pos;
return okay;
public boolean withinCDS(int pos) {
/* since so much work is involved, avoid it for no change */
boolean okay = true;
int first_base = translation_start;
int last_base = getLastBaseOfStopCodon();
/* make sure the position is even on this transcript */
if (pos > 0) {
okay = (getIndexContaining (pos) != -1);
/* make sure that the position is within the
open reading frame (including the stop codon).
In other words, the start of translation must be set and this
position must be downstream of that. Further
if the end position is also set then this
must be upstream of that */
okay &= ((getStrand() >= 0 && pos >= first_base) ||
(getStrand() == -1 && pos <= first_base));
okay &= ((last_base == 0) ||
(last_base != 0 && getStrand() >= 0 && pos <= last_base) ||
(last_base != 0 && getStrand() == -1 && pos >= last_base));
return okay;
return the current state of the bit for this flag
public boolean isFlagSet(int mask) {
return ((flags & mask) != 0);
public void setFlag(boolean state, byte mask) {
if (state) {
flags |= mask;
} else if ((flags & mask) == mask) {
flags ^= mask;
/** For debugging */
public String toString() {
return "[FeatureSet " + id + ": type = " + type + ", biotype = " + biotype + ", range = " + getStart() + "-" + getEnd() + ((getStrand() == -1) ? " (minus)" : "") + "; has " + getFeatures().size()+"" + " children]"; // DEL
/** Return true if range has been assigned high & low */
public boolean rangeIsUnassigned() {
return super.rangeIsUnassigned() || (low == 1000000000 && high == -1000000000);
/* remove tagged method. if it is generally useful, then
add it to the interface (and here), but this is a special
case and I think it should not be in the datamodel */
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