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Created June 13, 2018 05:07
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The bootcode of my toy kernel following Phil-Opp's OS tutorials
;Based on the tutorials by Phil Opperman
global start
extern long_mode_start
section .text
bits 32
mov esp, stack_top ;ESP is the stack pointer register, so (I think?) telling computer where stack is
mov edi, ebx ; Move Multiboot info pointer to edi
call check_multiboot
call check_cpuid
call check_long_mode
call setup_page_tables
call enable_paging
call get_vesa_info
; load the 64-bit GDT
lgdt [gdt64.pointer]
jmp gdt64.code:long_mode_start
mov eax, p4_table
or eax, 0b11 ; present + writable
mov [p4_table + 511 * 8], eax
; map first P4 entry to P3 table
mov eax, p3_table
or eax, 0b11 ; present + writable
mov [p4_table], eax
; map first P3 entry to P2 table
mov eax, p2_table
or eax, 0b11 ; present + writable
mov [p3_table], eax
mov ecx, 0
; map ecx-th P2 entry to a huge page that starts at address 2MiB*ecx
mov eax, 0x200000 ; 2MiB
mul ecx ; start address of ecx-th page
or eax, 0b10000011 ; present + writable + huge
mov [p2_table + ecx * 8], eax ; map ecx-th entry
inc ecx ; increase counter
cmp ecx, 512 ; if counter == 512, the whole P2 table is mapped
jne .map_p2_table ; else map the next entry
; load P4 to cr3 register (cpu uses this to access the P4 table)
mov eax, p4_table
mov cr3, eax
; enable PAE-flag in cr4 (Physical Address Extension)
mov eax, cr4
or eax, 1 << 5
mov cr4, eax
; set the long mode bit in the EFER MSR (model specific register)
mov ecx, 0xC0000080
or eax, 1 << 8
; enable paging in the cr0 register
mov eax, cr0
or eax, 1 << 31
mov cr0, eax
section .rodata
dq 0 ; zero entry
.code: equ $ - gdt64 ; new
dq (1<<43) | (1<<44) | (1<<47) | (1<<53) ; code segment
dw $ - gdt64 - 1
dq gdt64
; Prints `ERR: ` and the given error code to screen and hangs.
; parameter: error code (in ascii) in al
mov dword [0xb8000], 0x4f524f45
mov dword [0xb8004], 0x4f3a4f52
mov dword [0xb8008], 0x4f204f20
mov byte [0xb800a], al
; Throw error 0 if eax doesn't contain the Multiboot 2 magic value (0x36d76289).
cmp eax, 0x36d76289
jne .no_multiboot
mov al, "0"
jmp error
; Throw error 1 if the CPU doesn't support the CPUID command.
pushfd ; Store the FLAGS-register.
pop eax ; Restore the A-register.
mov ecx, eax ; Set the C-register to the A-register.
xor eax, 1 << 21 ; Flip the ID-bit, which is bit 21.
push eax ; Store the A-register.
popfd ; Restore the FLAGS-register.
pushfd ; Store the FLAGS-register.
pop eax ; Restore the A-register.
push ecx ; Store the C-register.
popfd ; Restore the FLAGS-register.
xor eax, ecx ; Do a XOR-operation on the A-register and the C-register.
jz .no_cpuid ; The zero flag is set, no CPUID.
ret ; CPUID is available for use.
mov al, "1"
jmp error
; Throw error 2 if the CPU doesn't support Long Mode.
mov eax, 0x80000000 ; Set the A-register to 0x80000000.
cpuid ; CPU identification.
cmp eax, 0x80000001 ; Compare the A-register with 0x80000001.
jb .no_long_mode ; It is less, there is no long mode.
mov eax, 0x80000000 ; Set the A-register to 0x80000000.
cpuid ; CPU identification.
cmp eax, 0x80000001 ; Compare the A-register with 0x80000001.
jb .no_long_mode ; It is less, there is no long mode.
mov al, "2"
jmp error
; Hopefully VBE Stuff
mov ax, 0x4f00
mov [es:di], vbe_info_structure
int 0x10
.signature db "VBE2" ; indicate support for VBE 2.0+
.table_data: resb 512-4 ; reserve space for the table below
section .bss
align 4096
resb 4096
resb 4096
resb 4096
resb 4096*4
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