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Forked from quickbreach/
Last active August 11, 2021 23:11
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Convert mysqldump to JSON, optional upload to elastic
import re
import csv
import json
import sys
import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
import hashlib
Usage: 'python3 <targetFile.sql>
Parses an '.sql' file from mysqldump and converts it to JSON for elastic or other document DBS.
The mysqlFileToIter function parses the sql file into into python objects & arrays, which can be converted into JSON with json.dumps(arrayOfObjects)
Each resulting object represents a row from a table in the original SQL.
mysqlFileToIter adds the fields 'sqltojson_table_name' and 'sqltojson_source_file' to each document. keep or delete them as you wish, ie.
# The brains of the operation
def mysqlFileToIter(sqlFile):
tac = dict()
currentTable = ''
inTableStructure = False
for line in open(sqlFile, "r"):
if'^CREATE TABLE `\S.+`', line) != None:
inTableStructure = True
currentTable ='^CREATE TABLE `\S.+`', line).group(0).replace('CREATE TABLE ', '').replace('`', '')
tac[currentTable] = []
if inTableStructure:
if line.find('PRIMARY KEY') > -1 or line.find(' KEY `') > -1:
# Create a map of each table name and it's associated columns. Each column name is preceeded by two spaces
if'^\ \ `\S.+`', line) != None:
columnName ='^\ \ `\S.+`', line).group(0).strip().replace('`', '')
# This tells us that we are no longer in table description
if'^\)', line) != None:
inTableStructure = False
if'^INSERT INTO `' + currentTable + '` VALUES', line) != None:
line = line[line.find("("):]
entriesArray = line.split("),(")
# Remove the semicolon at the end of the last entry
if (entriesArray[-1][-1] == ';'):
entriesArray[-1] = entriesArray[-1][:-1]
# iterate through the table rows
for entry in entriesArray:
tmp = dict()
# Carve apart the row with the CSV parser
cvp = list(csv.reader([entry], quotechar="'", delimiter=',', escapechar='\\'))[0]
# Create
for x in range(0, len(cvp)):
columnName = tac[currentTable][x]
tmp[columnName] = cvp[x]
tmp['sqltojson_table_name'] = currentTable.replace(");", "")
tmp['sqltojson_source_file'] = sqlFile
yield tmp
except Exception as e:
print("Exception in line-49 loop: " + str(e), file=sys.stderr)
# Takes in the array from sqlFileToArray, then converts each document in it to JSON and posts it to elastic
def sample_postToElastic(document):
indexName = ""
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
# Choose your own adventure: you pick what index the data goes into. I'm recreating the speration of tables here
indexName = document['sqltojson_table_name']
# Helps avoid duplicate entries, especially if you run the job multiple times
s = hashlib.sha1()
docId = s.hexdigest()
# Posts the document to an index with the same name as the original table
resp ='' + indexName + '/_doc/' + str(docId), auth = HTTPBasicAuth('username', 'password'), headers = headers, data = json.dumps(document))
if(resp.status_code != 200 and resp.status_code != 201):
# Something went wrong
print("Elastic returned non-successful response")
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
print("Usage: python3 <targetFile.sql>")
# Convert the sql file to an array of JSON documents. Each will have an added 'sqltojson_table_name' field to identify which "table" it belongs to
convertedDb = mysqlFileToIter(sys.argv[1])
# Add each document to elastic. modify the sample_postToElastic to fit your needs
for document in convertedDb:
# Modify the object as you wish here, ie add an '_id' field
s = hashlib.sha1()
document['_id'] = s.hexdigest()
# Prints out the converted document
# Add the document to your db
# sample_postToElastic(document)
# Modify sample_postToElastic for your elastic stack, or use it as guide for other NoSQL document DBs
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