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Created December 9, 2020 09:46
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// custom error handling logic
const retryThreeTimes = obs =>
obs.retry(3).catch(_ => Rx.Observable.of('ERROR!'));
const examplePromise = val =>
new Promise(resolve => resolve(`Complete: ${val}`));
//faking request
const subscribe = Rx.Observable.of('some_url')
.mergeMap(url => examplePromise(url))
// could reuse error handling logic in multiple places with let
//output: Complete: some_url
.subscribe(result => console.log(result));
const customizableRetry = retryTimes => obs =>
obs.retry(retryTimes).catch(_ => Rx.Observable.of('ERROR!'));
//faking request
const secondSubscribe = Rx.Observable.of('some_url')
.mergeMap(url => examplePromise(url))
// could reuse error handling logic in multiple places with let
//output: Complete: some_url
.subscribe(result => console.log(result));
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