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Created April 8, 2017 19:27
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Convert a binary search tree into a linked list in place.
* This file contains 3 ways to solve the problem of:
* converting a binary search tree into a sorted linked list in-place
* In place means that no extra memory should be used, no structures are copied
* 1. Using ref nodes
* 2. Using records with mutable fields
* 3. Using immutable Cons and Nil linked list
* The 3rd way is not in-place, but I thought it would be interesting to code it out anyway.
* Example tree we will use in all our examples:
* 8
* / \
* 4 10
* / \ / \
* 1 6 9 12
* *)
* Implementation 1: ref nodes
* The left child, right child are references.
* It's an option type because nodes might not have either/both children.
* The last reference is the next pointer in the linked list.
* *)
type 'a refnode =
RefNode of
'a (* value *)
* 'a refnode option ref (* left *)
* 'a refnode option ref (* right *)
* 'a refnode option ref (* next *)
(* Set n's next node to next. *)
let set_next n next = match n with
RefNode(v, _, _, n') -> n' := next
* Convert bst (with left and right refs) into a linked list, by setting the next ref.
* The algorithm is recursive and has 3 steps:
* - convert the left subtree into a linked list
* - convert the right subtree into a linked list
* - merge the left linked list with the current node and the right linked list
* Each conversion will return the head and last node of the linked list so that
* merging can happen without traversing the entire list.
* *)
let ref_convert bst: 'a refnode =
let rec helper n : ('a refnode * 'a refnode) =
match n with
| RefNode(v, l, r, next) ->
let lh, lt =
match !l with
| None -> RefNode(v, l, r, next), RefNode(v, l, r, next)
| Some left -> let lh, lt = helper left in set_next lt (Some n); lh, lt
let rh, rt =
match !r with
| None -> RefNode(v, l, r, next), RefNode(v, l, r, next)
| Some right -> let rh, rt = helper right in set_next n (Some rh); rh, rt
lh, rt
fst (helper bst)
(* Prints the resulting linked list *)
let rec pr_ref_list (n : int refnode) = match n with
| RefNode (v, _, _, next) ->
match !next with
| None -> string_of_int v
| Some n -> string_of_int v ^ ", " ^ (pr_ref_list n)
(* Example for ref node *)
let n1 = RefNode(1, ref None, ref None, ref None)
let n6 = RefNode(6, ref None, ref None, ref None)
let n4 = RefNode(4, ref (Some n1), ref (Some n6), ref None)
let n9 = RefNode(9, ref None, ref None, ref None)
let n12 = RefNode(12, ref None, ref None, ref None)
let n10 = RefNode(10, ref (Some n9), ref (Some n12), ref None)
let n8 = RefNode(8, ref (Some n4), ref (Some n10), ref None)
let _ = n8 |> ref_convert |> pr_ref_list |> print_endline
* Implementation 2: record with mutable fields
* The left child, right child, and next pointer in linked list are
* ref types in the record.
* *)
type 'a recnode = {
value: 'a;
mutable left: 'a recnode option;
mutable right: 'a recnode option;
mutable next: 'a recnode option;
* The algorithm is the same as the ref node implementation.
* *)
let record_convert (bst : 'a recnode) : 'a recnode =
let rec helper n : ('a recnode * 'a recnode) =
let lh, lt =
match n.left with
| None -> n, n
| Some left -> let lh, lt = helper left in <- Some n; lh, lt
let rh, rt =
match n.right with
| None -> n, n
| Some right -> let rh, rt = helper right in <- Some rh; rh, rt
lh, rt
fst (helper bst)
(* Prints the resulting linked list *)
let rec pr_record recnode = match with
| None -> string_of_int recnode.value
| Some next -> string_of_int recnode.value ^ ", " ^ (pr_record next)
(* Example for record node *)
let nn1 = { value = 1; left = None; right = None; next = None }
let nn6 = { value = 6; left = None; right = None; next = None }
let nn9 = { value = 9; left = None; right = None; next = None }
let nn12 = { value = 12; left = None; right = None; next = None }
let nn4 = { value = 4; left = Some nn1; right = Some nn6; next = None }
let nn10 = { value = 10; left = Some nn9; right = Some nn12; next = None }
let nn8 = { value = 8; left = Some nn4; right = Some nn10; next = None }
let _ = nn8 |> record_convert |> pr_record |> print_endline
* Implementation 3: immutable structure
* A tree is an ADT, either a Leaf, or a Node that has left and right subtrees.
* A llist is a linked list, either a Cons of a head and tail (llist), or Nil (end of list).
* *)
type 'a tree = Leaf of 'a | Node of ('a tree) * 'a * ('a tree)
type 'a llist = Nil | Cons of 'a * 'a llist
(* Appends l' to l *)
let rec append l l' = match l, l' with
| Nil, Nil -> Nil
| Nil, l' -> l'
| l, Nil -> l
| Cons (a, al), l' -> Cons (a, append al l')
* Immutable makes things slightly different because we have to always copy the list,
* so we don't have to return the head and last node of the list in each call
* *)
let convert bst : 'a llist =
let rec helper node : 'a llist =
match node with
| Leaf a -> Cons(a, Nil)
| Node (l, n, r) ->
let l_hd = helper l in
let r_hd = helper r in
append (append l_hd (Cons (n, Nil))) r_hd
helper bst
(* Prints the resulting linked list *)
let rec pr_lst ls = match ls with
| Nil -> ""
| Cons (hd, tl) ->
match tl with
| Cons _ -> (string_of_int hd) ^ ", " ^ (pr_lst tl)
| Nil -> string_of_int hd
(* Example for immutable structure *)
let bst = Node (Node(Leaf(1), 4, Leaf(6)), 8, Node(Leaf(9), 10, Leaf(12)))
let _ = bst |> convert |> pr_lst |> print_endline
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