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Created March 21, 2014 21:35
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Getting xtable to play nicely with lmer output in R
# This is only for fixed effects, so it's kind of a hacky solution. I'm working (slowly) on an alternative that includes more info.
mlm1<-lmer(Your Equation Here)
outmat<-cbind(fixed(mlm1), se.fixef(mlm1))
outmat<-cbind(outmat, se <- sqrt(diag(mixed.1$vcov)))
outmat<-cbind(outmat, (outmat[,1]/outmat[,2]))
outmat<-cbind(outmat, 2*pnorm(-abs(outmat[,3])))
outmat<-round(outmat, 4)
# then you can just output using xtable, but you have to name your columns and rows
col.names(mlm1.out)<-c("Coef.", "SE", "t-value", "p")
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