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Created June 8, 2018 19:59
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import sys
import numpy as np
import operator
# def discriminant(a,b,c):
# return (b**2) - 4*a*c
# def quadratic(a,b,c):
# """Compute roots from a polynomial of the form ax^2 + bx + c."""
# ops = [operator.add, operator.sub]
# return [op(-b, discriminant(a,b,c)**(.5))/(2*a) for op in ops]
def unwrap_R(R):
"""Going to look like:
[[ fib(n-1), fib(n) ]
[ fib(n), fib(n) ]]
so we can take any of the values except for (0,0).
return int(R[1,1])
def fib(n):
"""Compute fibonacci number using linear algebra."""
# Magic matrix that represents the fibonacci function
R = np.array([[0,1],[1,1]])
# Constants computed from quadratic formula x^2 - x - 1 = 0
phi = .5 - 5**(.5)/2
phi_prime = .5 + 5**(.5)/2
# Or:
# phi, phi_prime = quadratic(1., -1., -1.)
# Formula derived at end of Eugene's talk
prefix = 1 / (phi_prime - phi)
expr = (phi_prime**n - phi**n)*R + (phi_prime**(n-1) - phi**(n-1))
return unwrap_R(prefix * expr)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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