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Created November 18, 2011 01:46
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Save njakobsen/1375294 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Rails 3.1 poor handling of :dependent => :delete_all
require 'active_record'
require 'logger'
# Print out what version we're running
puts "Active Record #{ActiveRecord::VERSION::STRING}"
# Connect to an in-memory sqlite3 database (more on this in a moment)
ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection(:adapter => 'sqlite3', :database => ':memory:')
# Create the minimal database schema necessary to reproduce the bug
ActiveRecord::Schema.define do
create_table :discussions, :force => true do |t|
create_table :posts, :force => true do |t|
t.integer :discussion_id
# Create the minimal set of models to reproduce the bug
class Discussion < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :posts, :dependent => :delete_all
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :discussion
# Create some test data
# If you're demonstrating an exception, then this is probably not necessary,
# but if your bug is to do with the wrong data being returned from the database,
# then you'll probably need some test data to show that.
discussion = Discussion.create!
ActiveRecord::Base.logger =
1000.times do
Post.create(:discussion => discussion)
# Reproduce the actual bug!
ActiveRecord::Base.logger =
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Notice how Posts are loaded before cascading delete from discussion.destroy. Also notice how their IDs are included in the Post delete sql call.

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