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Created October 17, 2014 20:44
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# -*- mode: ruby -*-
# vi: set ft=ruby :
Vagrant.configure(VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION) do |config| = 'genome/ubuntu-lucid-puppet'
config.vm.hostname = 'localhost'
config.librarian_puppet.puppetfile_dir = '../../'
config.vbguest.auto_update = false
# Here we pass configuration paramaters to puppet.
#config.vm.provision :shell, :inline => "echo -n 'apt-get update... ' && apt-get update -qq && echo done"
config.vm.provision :puppet, :options => ['--environment', 'vagrant'] do |puppet|
puppet.module_path = '../../modules'
puppet.manifests_path = '..'
puppet.manifest_file = 'vagrant.pp'
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