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Last active October 3, 2022 18:17
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""" Script to find the (hopefully) least number of moves to solve a Waffle (
The program works by greedily trying to find loops, in which N squares can be moved in a circle to where they should be,
which means we have corrected N squares in N-1 moves.
There's probably a lot of room for optimizations if you want it to run in 0.0000001 seconds instead of 0.000001.
(For example; I have never seen it need n squares in a loop and then later finding a loop with a length < n which
probably means logically it doesn't need to try shorter loops than the last loop found)
Author: Anton (@ntoonio)
Copyright: GPL-3.0-only
class Square():
def __init__(self, current: str, right: str):
self._current = current
self._right = right
def isLocked(self):
return self._current == self._right
def getValue(self):
return self._current
def setValue(self, v):
self._current = v
def getCorrect(self):
return self._right
class Board():
def __init__(self, startLines, correctLines) -> None:
self._squares = [x for x in self._bakeLines(startLines, correctLines)]
def _bakeLines(startLines, correctLines):
for i in range(0, 5):
for j in range(0, len(startLines[i])):
yield Square(startLines[i][j], correctLines[i][j])
def iterateAll(self):
return range(0, len(self._squares))
def iterate(self):
return [i for i in self.iterateAll() if not self.getSquare(i).isLocked()]
def getSquare(self, i):
return self._squares[i]
def value(self, i):
return self.getSquare(i).getValue()
def correct(self, i):
return self.getSquare(i).getCorrect()
def move(self, a, b):
c = self.value(a)
def isCompleted(self):
return len(self.iterate()) == 0
def print(self):
for i in self.iterateAll():
s = self.getSquare(i)
print(("\033[92m" if s.getCorrect() == s.getValue() else "") + s.getValue() + "\033[0m ", end="")
if i in [4, 7, 12, 15, 20]:
if i in [5, 6, 13, 14]:
print(" ", end="")
def _findLoopFrom(board: Board, start: int, square: int, length: int, visited: list[int]):
if length == 0:
return False
newVisited = visited.copy()
for i in board.iterate():
if i in visited:
if board.correct(square) == board.value(i):
if length == 1 and board.correct(i) == board.value(start):
return [i, square]
stack = _findLoopFrom(board, start, i, length - 1, newVisited)
if stack != False:
return stack
return False
def findLoopFrom(board, start, length):
return _findLoopFrom(board, start, start, length - 1, [])
def applyLoop(board: Board, loop: list[int]):
lastSquare = loop[-1]
for l in loop:
board.move(lastSquare, l)
def solve(board):
while not board.isCompleted():
resetLength = False
for l in range(2, len(board.iterate()) + 1):
if resetLength:
for s in board.iterate():
loop = findLoopFrom(board, s, l)
if loop != False:
print("Applying loop", loop, "of length", l)
applyLoop(board, loop)
resetLength = True
def main():
# 1 A P S E E
# U O S
# 2 I D P U P
# R M H
# 3 N S E E R
# 4 5 6
startLines = ["apsee", "uos", "idpup", "rmh", "nsere"]
# 1 A M U S E
# S P R
# 2 H I P P O
# E E D
# 3 N U R S E
# 4 5 6
correctLines = ["amuse", "spr", "hippo", "eed", "nurse"]
B = Board(startLines, correctLines)
if __name__ == "__main_":
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