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Created January 4, 2017 07:24
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Gradle task for the verification that any Android device is connected and launching a simulator if not.
apply plugin: ''
task connect(type: ConnectDevicesTask) {
description 'Verifies that any Android device is connected and runs a simulator if not.'
import org.gradle.tooling.BuildException
class ConnectDevicesTask extends DefaultTask {
void connect() { "Detecting devices..."
AndroidDebugBridge.initIfNeeded false /*clientSupport*/
AndroidDebugBridge bridge = AndroidDebugBridge.createBridge(,
false /*forceNewBridge*/
long timeOut = 30000 // 30 sec
int sleepTime = 1000
while (!bridge.hasInitialDeviceList() && timeOut > 0) {
sleep sleepTime
timeOut -= sleepTime
if (timeOut <= 0 && !bridge.hasInitialDeviceList) {
throw new BuildException("Timeout getting device list.", null)
IDevice[] devices = bridge.devices
if (devices.length == 0) {
String emulator = + "/tools/emulator"
String command = "$emulator -list-avds"
String avds = command.execute().text
if (avds?.trim()) {
String avd = avds.split()[0]
String runCmd = "$emulator -avd $avd" "Launching emulator for $avd ..."
timeOut = 30000 // 30 sec
while (bridge.devices.length == 0 && timeOut > 0) {
sleep sleepTime
timeOut -= sleepTime
if (bridge.devices.length == 0 && timeOut <= 0) {
throw new BuildException("Timeout launching the emulator.", null)
} else {
throw new BuildException("No registered AVDs!", null)
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