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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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Test of three-author mn2e support. See
% We must have both mn2e.cls and the repository mn2e-bst.sty in the TEXINPUTS path.
% Run latex on this file, and observe that the 'first-use' form appears once in the text,
% and the 'short-form' thereafter; and observe that only the 'short-form' appears in the caption.
Here is a document.
\caption{We refer to \citet{threea} and \citet{threeb} in the caption}
We refer to both
\citet{threea} and \citet{threeb}.
Then, for the sake of variety, we refer to
\citet{threea} and \citet{threeb} again.
\bibitem[\protect\citeauthoryear{One, Two \&
Three}{\protect\mniiiauthor{threea}{One, Two \& Three}{One
One A., Two B., Three C., 2001a, MNRAS, 3, 301
\bibitem[\protect\citeauthoryear{One, Two \&
Monkey}{\protect\mniiiauthor{threeb}{One, Two \& Monkey}{One
One A., Two B., Monkey C., 2001b, MNRAS, 3, 302
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