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Created August 22, 2020 20:10
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Save ofarukcaki/a725fce0346fa8bc4edca268855c3ead to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Here you can find (all of?) the commands used in Age of Empires III. I've taken them out of the exe and reorganized them because it was a complete mess (still is). I'd suggest you to search (ctrl+f) instead of browse through them. Anyway, they might be usefull when editing UIs, triggers etc. But most of them are useless for that I think, I don't…
- by Argalius; ordered alphabetically by daoo,
Created: 5th June 2006
Last Edited: 3rd July 2006
Here you can find (all of?) the commands used in Age of Empires III. I've taken them out of the exe and reorganized them because it was a complete mess (still is). I'd suggest you to search (ctrl+f) instead of browse through them. Anyway, they might be usefull when editing UIs, triggers etc. But most of them are useless for that I think, I don't really know exactly to be honest with you, do with it what you want.
ability( int abilityId, int unitID ) : Explorer Abilities use
addAttachment(fromBoneName, toBoneName, protoUnitName)
addImperialArmyUnit( int playerID, long puid ) : Adds an IA Unit
blackmap([integerState]) : toggles or sets unexplored black map rendering
breakTreaty() : break your treaties
cameraBackward([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that camera backward key has gone up or down
cameraDown([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that camera down key has gone up or down
cameraForward([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that camera forward key has gone up or down
cameraLeft([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that camera left key has gone up or down
cameraLocalYawLeft([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that camera 'Local Yaw left' key has gone up or down
cameraLocalYawRight([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that camera 'Local Yaw right' key has gone up or down
cameraNice : puts the camera in a reasonable orientation
cameraPitchBackward([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that camera pitch backward key has gone up or down
cameraPitchForward([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that camera pitch forward key has gone up or down
cameraRight([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that camera right key has gone up or down
cameraRollLeft([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that camera roll left key has gone up or down
cameraRollRight([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that camera roll right key has gone up or down
cameraRotate(<integerState>) : sets whether camera limiting is on
cameraUp([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that camera up key has gone up or down
cameraWorldBackward([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that camera world backward key has gone up or down
cameraWorldBackwardLeft([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that camera world backward & left key has gone up or down
cameraWorldBackwardRight([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that camera world backward & right key has gone up or down
cameraWorldForward([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that camera world forward key has gone up or down
cameraWorldForwardLeft([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that camera world forward & left key has gone up or down
cameraWorldForwardRight([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that camera world forward & right key has gone up or down
cameraYawLeft([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that camera yaw left key has gone up or down
cameraYawRight([integerKeyState]) : intended for ui use only. Indicates that camera yaw right key has gone up or down
cancelNativeTrain( int playerID, int civID, int type, int id, int index) : cancels the training native entity
cancelRepairUnit(int unitID): Cancels the auto repair on the specified unit
cancelTrainReinforcement( int armyID ) : Cancel training of a reinforcement
categoryFlash(<ID> <flash>) : turns gadget flashing on/off
commandResearch( int commandID, int unitID) : Researches the given command from the given unit
config(<stringToken>) : changes config state just like a .cfg line
configDef(<stringName>) : defines a config variable
configDump : sends to output a list of all current config vars
configGetByID(<intValue>) : look up config by enum ID
configHelp([symbolFilter]) : show all formally defined config variables that contain the filter string, or use no parameters for a full list
configHelpPrefix([symbolFilter]) : show all formally defined config variables that start with the filter string, or use no parameters for a full list
configSet(<stringName> <stringValue>) : sets a particular config var to a string value
configSetFloat(<stringName> <floatValue>) : sets a config var to a floating point value
configSetInt(<stringName> <integerValue>) : sets a config var to an integer value
configToggle(<stringName>) : defined var becomes undefined, and vice versa
configUndef(stringName) : un-defines a config variable
console : toggles the state of the console dialog
convertCoveredWagon() : Convert a covered wagon into a Town Center
createColonyWall() : build a town wall
display([integerState]) : with no arg, toggles display on/off. otherwise, sets display
displayType([integerState]) : with no arg, cycles through the various status display modes. otherwise sets display type
drawWorldTooltipClipRect() : Toggles whether or not to draw the world tooltip restricted screen rectangle
echo(<stringMessage>) : sends a message to the console output
echoLocalized(<stringID>) : sets the game status text from a string in the string resource
echoNum(<stringMessage>) : sends a number to the console output
editMode(<symbolModeName>) : changes the edit mode enterAttackMoveMode
exit: exits the game
fadeToColor(<r> <g> <b> <duration> <delay> <inout>): fade in/out using color specified
fog([integerState]) : toggles or sets LOS
fourOfAKind() : starts the four of a kind victory if valid
gadgetFlash(<stringName> <flash>) : turns gadget flashing on/off
gadgetReal(<stringName>) : makes real the named gadget
gadgetRealIfNotMP(<stringName>) : makes real the named gadget
gadgetRefresh(<stringName>) : refresh the contents of the named gadget
gadgetScrollDown : scrolls the gadget up one unit
gadgetScrollLeft : scrolls the gadget to the left one unit
gadgetScrollRight : scrolls the gadget to the Right one unit
gadgetScrollUp : scrolls the gadget up one unit
gadgetToggle(<stringName>) : toggles the reality of the named gadget
gadgetUnreal(<stringName>) : makes un-real the named gadget
gadgetWheelScroll: ui use. Scrolling function for hooking wheel to gadget scrolling
grantPower(string powerName, int uses, int playerID): Grants a power
grantVP(int playerID): Grants a special victory point to the player. Look in defaultvp.xml for VP info
help( string commandSubstring ) - Lists all of the commands that contain the given substring
helpPrefix( string commandPrefix ) - Lists all of the commands that start with the given prefix
helpText( string helptextSubstring ) - Lists all of the commands that contain the given substring in their help text
homeCityShipEject( int playerID, int buildingID, int puid, int index ) : Cancels the given unit out of the ship
homeCityTrain( int playerID, int buildingID, int puid ) : Trains the given PUID from the given home city building
homeCityTrain2( int playerID, int cardIndex ) : Sends the given HC card in the home city
homeCityTransport( int playerID ) : Transports units from the home city
IMEEnable(<true/false>) : enables or disables IME
loadCampaignScenario(<stringFilename>) : loads in a campaign scenario file
loadGrouping( string groupingName ) : Loads a grouping. No parameter pops up dialog
loadGroupingUnicode : For UI use only
loadGroupingUnicodeLUA : For UI use only
loadSavedHomeCity( string filename ) : TEST
loadScenario(<stringFilename>) : loads in a scenario file
loadTutorial(<stringFilename>, <loadMode>, <loadImage>, <textID>) : loads in a tutorial scenario file
loadUserDefinedGrouping(string groupingName) : Loads a grouping from the user writable grouping directory
lookAt(float x, float z) : looks at given x,z location on terrain
lookAtArmy(int playerID, string armyName) : looks at given kb army
lookAtHomeCityBuilding( int building ) : View the specific home city building
map(<eventString> <contextString> <commandString> : maps input event to command, in that context. See input mapper design.doc for more details
mercTrain( int playerID, int buildingID, int puid ) : Trains the given merc from the given home city building
modeEnter(<stringMode>) : enters the named mode
modeToggleBetween(<stringMode1> <stringMode2>) : toggles between the two modes
modeToggleBetweenIfNotMP(<stringMode1> <stringMode2>) : toggles between the two modes only if we're not in a BMultiplayer game
musicPlaySong (songname, fadetime) : play a sound as if it were a music track
musicSetVolume (0.0f-1.0f) : set the current music volume
musicToggleBattleMode : toggles between battle mode and normal mode
nativeResearch( int playerID, int civID, int techID, int unitID) : Researches the given tech from the given native civ
nativeTrain( int playerID, int civID, int puid, long count, long unitID ) : Trains the given PUID from the given native civ
obscuredUnitToggle: Toggles between different ways obscured units are shown
outputBlankLine : Dumps a blank line to the output
pause([integerState]) : with no arg, toggles pause state on/off. otherwise, sets pause state
player([integerPlayer]) : with no arg, outputs current player. otherwise, sets current player to given argument
playMovie() : Plays movies from a playlist in the AVI directory.playlist.aom
ransomExplorer() : ransoms your explorer
reduceImperialArmyYear( int playerID ) : Reduces IA Year
renderAnisotropic([integerState]) : sets desired anisotropy
renderDecreaseGamma(int amount): Decreases gamma value by amount (default:1) in the range [1,254]. Lower numbers are darker, higher numbers are brighter. This maps into a log scale of values
renderDisplayBackBufferCount: Displays the current number of back buffers
renderDisplayMultisampleMode: Displays current multisample mode
renderFriendOrFoe([integerState]) : with no arg, toggles friend or foe colors. otherwise, sets it
renderGetGamma: Displays the current gamma value
renderIncreaseGamma(int amount): Increases gamma value by amount (default:1) in the range [1,254]. Lower numbers are darker, higher numbers are brighter. This maps into a log scale of values
renderRefresh([integerState]) : with no arg, changes refresh rate to 75hz in fullscreen. otherwise, sets fullscreen refresh to value
renderSetBackBufferCount(int count): (Attempts to) Set the back buffer count to the indicated number. Valid range is: 1 - 3
renderSetGamma(int val): Sets gamma to the specified value in the range [1,254]. Lower numbers are darker, higher numbers are brighter. This maps into a log scale of values
renderSetMultisampleMode(int mode): (Attempts to) Set multisampling to the indicated mode
renderTrilinear([integerState]) : sets trilinear filtering on/off
renderWindow([integerState]) : with no arg, toggles window/fullscreen. otherwise, sets mode to window(1)/fullscreen(0)
repairColonyWall() : repair a town wall
repairUnit(int unitID): Starts the auto repair on the specified unit
res(<integerXRes>) : changes screen resolution
resbpp(<integerXRes>, <integerBPP>) : changes screen resolution and bit depth
resetDefaultPlayerColors() : reloads the player colors from the XML file
resourceMarket(<intPlayerID> <stringResourceTo> <floatAmount> <stringResourceFrom>) : Sends out a market use command for the given player, resource and amount. Negative means selling
resourceTrade(<intPlayerID> <stringResourceTo> <floatAmountTo> <stringResourceFrom> <resourceAmountFrom>) : Sends out a trade resource command for the given player, resource and amount
saveHomeCity( string filename ) : TEST..
screenshot: take a screen shot
setAVIRecordFilterName(name) : Sets the AVI record filter name (examples: box, tent, mitchell, lanczos3, blackman, kaiser, gaussian)
setAVIRecordFilterScales(xscale, yscale) : Sets the sharpness of the resampled output (less than 1.0 is sharper, higher blurrier)
setAVIRecordResolution(width, height) : Sets the AVI's resolution
setDropDefaultMips( int num ) : Set mip levels to skip for default category textures
setDropTerrainMips( int num ) : Set mip levels to skip for terrain category textures
setGameFadeIn(<r> <g> <b> <duration> <delay> <inout>): turn fade in on/off, set color duration
setGraphicDetail(<detailLevel>) : Sets the graphic detail. (0 = HIGH, 1 = MEDIUM, 2 = LOW)
setHDRMultisampleFactor([int]) : sets HDR multisample factor [1,8] - 1 is disabled
setHomeCityGatherUnit(int unitID): Sets the home city gather point to the specified unit
setMinimapUnitFilter() : sets the minimap filter for units
setShadowBiasMul( [biasMultiplier] ): set the shadow buffer bias multipler (supaScreenshot only)
setShadowQuality( [qualityLevel] ): set the quality level of shadows
setShadowRotationOp( [bool] ): controls shadow projection rotation optimization
setShadowSnapping( [bool] ): controls shadow matrix snapping
setSuperSampleFactors([floatX], [floatY]) : sets HDR supersampling factors (1.0 to 2.0, both 1.0 is off)
setSuperSampleFilterIndex([int]) : sets supersample filter kernel
setSuperSampleFilterScales([floatX], [floatY]) : sets supersample kernel scales(1.0 = normal, less = blurrier, higher = sharper)
setWorldTooltipRectDims1024(minX, minY, maxX, maxY) : Sets the world tooltip restricted screen rectangle to the given dimensions relative to 1024x768 resolution
showSPCNote(title, text) : Display's the SPC Note Dialog with the specified title and text
spawnUnits(protoname, count, unitID) : Spawn Units from the UnitID building
specialPower( int playerID, int powerEntryIndex, int powerID ) : Special power use
squadMode: Sets the mode for a squad
squadWheel( float angle, int squadID ) : Wheels the squad
startAVIRecord(string filename, int fps, bool showCursor) : Start AVI recording
startCampaign( string campaignName ) : starts the given campaign
startMoviePlayback(string filename, long sizing, float fadeIn, float fadeOut) : Start fullscreen playback of a movie
stopAVIRecord() : Sop AVI recording
supaScreenshot(<xRes> <singleImage>): take a supa screen shot (HACK!!!)
techFlash(<techID> <flash>) : turns gadget flashing on/off
toggleAVIRecord(int fps, bool showCursor) : Toggle AVI recording on/off
toggleHomeCityView( ) : Toggles home city view for the current player
toggleHomeCityViewTech( ) : Toggles tech home city view for the current player
toggleShadows(void) : toggle shadows on/off
toggleWorldTooltipClipRect() : Toggles whether or not world tooltips are using the restricted screen rectangle
tradeRouteCommand( int playerID, int tradeRoutUnit, int commandID ) : Adds the given command to the trade post bucket
tradeRouteTrain( int playerID, int tradeRoutUnit, int puid ) : Trains the given PUID from the given trade post on the trade route
trainFlash(<protoID> <flash>) : turns gadget flashing on/off
trainReinforcement( int armyID ) : Trains a reinforcement
uiAddChatNotification : Adds a notification to the game's chat output, can play a sound too
uiAddSelectionButtonDown : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the add selection button has been pressed
uiAddSelectNumberGroup([integerGroup]) : adds the units in the given number group to current selection
uiBuildAtPointer( ) : instructs the currently selected unit(s) to build the current proto unit cursor building type at the pointer location
uiBuildMode([integerType]) : does and editMode and setProtoID, after verifying sufficient resources for the current player
uiBuildWallAtPointer : instructs the currently selected unit(s) to build the current proto unit cursor building type at the pointer location, with wall-like endpoint behavior
uiCameraControl([x],[y]) : Controls camera with gamepad stick
uiCameraScroll([fast],[x],[y]) : Scrolls the game view
uiCenterPointer : Centers mouse pointer
uiChatDisplayModeToggle : Toggles the chat display mode
uiChatDisplayModeToHistory : Toggles the chat display mode to history mode
uiChatDisplayModeToRecent : Toggles the chat display mode to recent mode
uiChatScrollBack([integerKeyState]) : Scrolls chat back one
uiChatScrollForward([integerKeyState]) : Scrolls chat forward one
uiCircleSelect([on],[doubleClick],[leaveSelected]) : Start/stop circle selection
uiCircleSelectResize([x],[y]) : Circle selection resizing
uiClearChat(clearOnly) : Clears the chat and resets to recent mode. clearOnly == true if you don't want it to populate the chat, but only clear it
uiClearCursor : resets the cursor to the basic pointer
uiClearGatherPoint: Clears the gather point for the selected unit(s), returning it to a default state
uiClearMenu : removes any dangling child menus off of the given gadget
uiClearNumberGroup([integerGroup]) : erases the given number group
uiClearSelection : deselects all selected units
uiCloseDialog: closes (as if clicked on the close button) any active dialog
uiCloseFieldSet : closes (as if clicked on the close button) any active field set
uiCommsFlareAtPointer : Used when flaring a position for player comms dialog
uiCreateNumberGroup([integerGroup]) : creates a number group with the currently selected units
uiCWAtPointer( ) : Builds a covered wagon at the current position
uiCycleCurrentActivate : acts like the current cycle gadget has been pressed
uiCycleGadget([integerDelta]) : cycles through the 'active' child gadget of a deluxe gadget
uiDeleteAllSelectedUnits : deletes all selected unit
uiDeleteSelectedUnit() : deletes selected unit
uiDoubleClickSelect([integerAdd], [checkAction]) : intended for ui use only. Double click select at pointer location
uiDumpAllUnitHotKeyMappings(): spews all hot key mappings that create units to the console
uiDumpKeyMappings ( stringContext ): spews all key mappings out to the console
uiDumpUnmappedKeys ( stringContext ) : spews all empty keys out to the console
uiEjectAtPointer: intended for UI use only. Sends an ejection command with waypoint for the selected unit
uiEjectGarrisonedUnits: intended for UI use only. Sends an ejection command for the selected unit
uiEmpowerAtPointer: Commands the selected unit(s) to Empower the target building at the pointer position
uiEnterContext(<stringContext>) : enters the specified UI context
uiEnterGameMenuModeIfNotResigned : Wrapper that enters GameMenu mode if the player isn't resigned
uiExpireCurrentObjectiveNotification: Causes the currently displaying objective notification to fade out (or disappear), depending on the param passed in
uiFindAlliedNatives() : finds allied natives of the current player in order, so that it can be called repeatedly to cycle
uiFindGatherersNotGathering () : finds the gatherer unit that's not gathering in the arbitrary order of unit ID, so that it can be called repeatedly to cycle
uiFindIdleType ([typeName]) : finds the next idle unit of the given type in the arbitrary order of unit ID, so that it can be called repeatedly to cycle
uiFindKeyMapping ( stringKeyname ) : finds all key mappings for a given key
uiFindResourceGatherers ([typeName]) : finds the next resource gatherer unit of the given resource type in the arbitrary order of unit ID, so that it can be called repeatedly to cycle
uiFindTownBellTC () : finds the next town center that has the town bell active, so that it can be called repeatedly to cycle
uiFindType ([typeName]) : finds the next unit (idle or not) of the given type in the arbitrary order of unit ID, so that it can be called repeatedly to cycle
uiFlareAtPointer : Sends out a flare at the pointer position
uiForceShift([on]) : Force shift key on or off
uiFormationOrientation( ) : Sets the orientation of a formation
uiGarrisonToPointer: Commands the selected unit(s) to garrison in a building at the pointer position
uiGuardAtPointer: intended for UI use only. Sends an guard order
uiHandleIdleBanner ([typeName]) : does the right thing
uiHelpAtPointer : Sends out a Help at the pointer position
uiHideCursor: testing only
uiIgnoreNextKey : used when activating a text box with a key to avoid having that key go into the text box too
uiLastDetailHelp : goes back to the most recent help entry
uiLeaveContext(<stringContext>) : leaves the specified UI context
uiLeaveModeOnUnshift : causes game to return to editMode none when shift hotkey is released
uiLookAtAndSelectUnit : moves the camera to see the specified unit and selects it
uiLookAtBattle: moves the camera to see the specified battle
uiLookAtNumberGroup([integerGroup]): moves the camera to see the given number group
uiLookAtProto : moves the camera to see the first instance of proto unit X owned by the current player
uiLookAtSelection : moves the camera to see the first selected unit
uiLookAtUnit : moves the camera to see the specified Unit
uiLookAtUnitByName(scenarioName): moves the camera to see the specified Unit
uiMapPointerControl([x],[y],[doGoto]) : Moves the map pointer
uiMapPointerGoto([activeCheck]) : Jump to map pointer location
uiMessageBox([stringText] [stringCommand]) : pops up a message box with text that activated the cmd when the ok button is hit
uiMessageBox2([stringID] [stringCommand]) : pops up a message box with text that activated the cmd when the ok button is hit
uiPatrolAtPointer: intended for UI use only. Sends an patrol order
uiPoliticianUI: Used to activate the politician UI
uiReleaseDownKeys: pops up all downed keys
uiRemoveFromAnyNumberGroup: removes current selection from any army
uiRepairAtPointer: Commands the selected unit(s) to repair the target building at the pointer position
uiResetScreenSelect : resets screen selection
uiScreenSelect([modifier]) : screen selection
uiSelectionButtonDown : intended for ui use only. Indicates that selection button has been pressed
uiSelectionButtonUp : intended for ui use only. Indicates that selection button has been released
uiSelectNumberGroup([integerGroup]) : selects the units in the given number group
uiSendIngameChat: used direcly by UI
uiSetGatherPointAtPointer ( bool homeCity, bool water ): Sets the gather points for the selected unit(s) to the pointer position
uiSetHCNotifyText : Adds notify text, can play a sound too
uiSetHomeCityWaterSpawnPointAtPointer( void ): Sets the HC spawn point
uiSetProtoCursor(<stringProtoName>, <setPlacement>) : sets the cursor to a proto-unit
uiSetProtoCursorID(<integerProtoID>) : sets the cursor to a proto-unit
uiSpewDownKeys: spews all down keys
uiStopSelectedUnits : stop selected units
uiTechDetailHelp(techID) : brings up the detail help UI for the given tech node ID
uiTechDetailHelp(techID, civ) : brings up the detail help UI for the given tech node ID
uiToggleSelectionButton : intended for ui use only. uiAddSelectionButtonUp : intended for ui use only. Indicates that the add selection button has been released
uiTopicDetailHelp(topicName) : brings up the detail help UI for the given help topic
uiTransformSelectedUnit: transforms the selected unit into the specified proto unit
uiUnitDetailHelp(protoID, civID) : brings up the detail help UI for the given proto ID, or -1 for current unit selection proto
uiWheelRotate: intended for ui use only. Rotate with wheel -- i.e. intended to be mapped to wheel
uiWheelRotateCamera: intended for ui use only. Rotate with wheel -- i.e. intended to be mapped to wheel
uiWheelRotateRiverShallow: intended for ui use only. Rotate river shallow with wheel -- i.e. intended to be mapped towheel
uiWorkAtPointer: intended for ui use only. Issues "work" at pointer location
uiVPAccelClick([unitID]) : Shows the VP accel building from the unitID
unitReturnToWork: Issues a return to work for the selected unit(s)
unitSetStanceAggressive: Sets the unit stance for all selected units to aggressive
unitSetStanceDefensive: Sets the unit stance for all selected units to defensive
unitSetStancePassive: Sets the unit stance for all selected units to passive
unitSetTactic: Sets the tactic for this unit
unitTownBell: Issues a town bell for the selected unit(s)
unlockImperialArmy( int playerID ) : Unlocks IA
upgradeTradeRoute(int unitID) : UI use - upgrade the trade route associated with this unit
void cancelResearchInSelected(<TechID>) : cancel researching of a tech in any valid selected unit
void cancelTrainInSelected(<ProtoUnitID>,<All>) : cancel training of a unit type in any valid selected unit
void click() : plays the default UI click sound
void homeCityMakeActiveByID(<playerID> <techName>) : Activates the given home city tech
void homeCityResearch(<playerID> <techName>) : Researches the given home city tech
void homeCityResearchByID(<playerID> <techName>) : Researches the given home city tech
void homeCityResearchByIDOutsideGame(<playerID> <techName>) : Researches the given home city tech when a game is not active
void homeCityResearchByIDPregame(<techID>) : Researches the given home city tech when you are *really* completely out side of the game
void researchByID (<TechID> <ResearchingUnitID> [Player#]) : Start the research of TechID from ResearchingUnitID for the current player (if no player is pecified)
void setWorldDifficulty( int v ): Sets the world difficulty level
void tis(<stringProtoName>,<traincount>) : just like train in selected, but more abbreviated
void trainByID (<ProtoUnitID> <TrainingUnitID> [Player#]) : Start the training of a unit of ProtoUnitID from TrainingUnitID for the current player (if no player is specified)
void trainInSelected(<stringProtoName>,<traincount>) : tries to train the selected unit type in any valid selected unit
void trainInSelectedByID(<protoID>, <traincount>) : just like train in selected, but fastAr because it takes a protoID
vsync(int state) : Set vertical syncing (-1 toggles, 0 is off, 1 is on)
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how to use commands?

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