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Forked from leereilly/gist:987094
Created May 23, 2011 18:34
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API version checking using Sinatra's before filter; supports nested resources
require 'sinatra'
# Set the version of the API being run here
VERSION_REGEX = %r{/api/v(\d)\.(\d)}
helpers do
def version_compatible?(nums)
return MAJOR_VERSION == nums[0].to_i && MINOR_VERSION >= nums[1].to_i
# Enforce compatibility before the call. Rewrite the
# URL in the request to remove the API versioning stuff
if version_compatible?(params[:captures])
request.path_info = request.path_info.match(VERSION_REGEX).post_match
halt 400, "Version not compatible with this server"
before !VERSION_REGEX do
halt 404, "Resource not found"
# Reach this route using
# http://localhost:4567/api/vX.Y/hello
get '/hello' do
"Hello there, compatible client."
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edgarjs commented Jul 1, 2012

Seems like I can skip the version validation by going to /hello directly. Since the before filter it's only ran for routes that matches the pattern, but /hello is still available directly.

There must be a way to "hide" the route.

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oisin commented Jul 2, 2012

There is - I just put in another before handler, keyed to run when the regex doesn't match, and it appears to work for the oh, say, 45 seconds of manual checking I did :)

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edgarjs commented Jul 2, 2012

Oh, it makes sense. That's nice, thanks.

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Question, how do you deal with code / responses that change between versions - it's not quite clear to me how to handle that scenario?

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oisin commented Jan 28, 2013

If you are running multiple versions of your API, the important thing is to ensure that you segregate your code -- avoid having a situation where say a method does different things depending on which version of the API it is attending to. In a production environment I would run a couple of different servers and route to one or the other depending on the version of the API that is being requested.

Short summary - this Sinatra filtering will only work to verify what it's getting is version compatible, it won't solve the is issue of maintaining multiple API versions.

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