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Created April 5, 2018 17:30
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Pleco flash cards for Coursera's "Chinese for HSK 2" Week 1 new words
// Coursera HSK 2/Week 1
您[您] nin2 pronoun courteous you 您好! nín hǎo! How are you? or How do you do? 老师, 您早! Lǎoshī, nín zǎo! Good morning, sir (or ma’am)!
对[對] dui4 noun antithetical couplet; couplet 喜对 xǐ duì wedding couplet verb 1 answer; reply 无言以对 wúyányǐduì have nothing to say in reply 2 treat; cope with; counter 刀对刀, 枪对枪 dāo duì dāo, qiāng duì qiāng sword against sword and spear against spear 上海队对北京队 Shànghǎi duì duì Běijīng duì Shanghai versus Beijing 3 train on; direct at 枪口对着某人 qiāngkǒu duì zhe mǒurén train the gun on sb. 她的话不是对着你的。 Tā de huà bù shì duì zhe nǐ de. What she said was not directed at you. 4 bring (two things) into contact; fit together 这个榫头对不上。 Zhège sǔntou duì bù shàng. This tenon does not fit. 5 suit; agree; get along 对心眼儿 duìxīnyǎnr suit one very well; compatible 6 compare; check; identify; verify 对笔迹 duì bǐjì identify the handwriting 对号码 duì hàomǎ verify numbers 7 set; adjust 对好望远镜的距离 duì hǎo wàngyuǎnjìng de jùlí adjust the focus of a telescope 8 mix; add 茶太浓了, 给我对点儿水。 Chá tài nóng le, gěi wǒ duì diǎnr shuǐ. Add some water to the tea, it’s too strong for me. 9 divide into halves 对股劈 duìgǔ pī go halves; split fifty-fifty adjective 1 opposite; opposing See 59556067对岸dui4an4对岸 2 right; correct 猜对了 cāi duìle guess right 对, 就这么办。 Duì, jiù zhème bàn. All right, just do it. or Yes, that’s what we’ll do. 你说得很对。 Nǐ shuō de hěn duì. What you say is quite true. or You are quite right. 这事你做得对。 Zhè shì nǐ zuò de duì. You did the right thing. 他今天神色不对。 Tā jīntiān shénsè bùduì. He doesn’t look himself today. adverb mutual; face to face 对骂 duìmà call each other names; curse each other 对饮 duìyǐn (two people) drink together 对坐 duìzuò sit facing each other preposition with regard to; concerning 对健康不利 duì jiànkāng bùlì bad for one’s health; unhealthy 对青少年的教育工作 duì qīng-shàonián de jiàoyù gōngzuò educating young people; education of the young 对这个问题的不同意见 duì zhège wèntí de bùtóng yìjian different views on this question 对犯罪分子实行法律制裁 duì fànzuì fènzǐ shíxíng fǎlǜ zhìcái impose legal sanctions on criminals; punish criminals according to the law 他对父亲很尊敬。 Tā duì fùqin hěn zūnjìng. He has great respect for his father. 这录音机对我来说是够好的了。 Zhè lùyīnjī duì wǒ láishuō shì gòu hǎo de le. This recorder is good enough for me. measure word pair; couple 一对夫妇 yī duì fūfù a married couple 一对花瓶 yī duì huāpíng a pair of vases
姓[姓] xing4 noun surname; family (or clan) name “张”是大姓。 “zhāng” shì dà xìng. “Zhang” is a common Chinese surname. verb be surnamed 他姓王。 Tā xìng wáng. He is surnamed Wang. or His surname is Wang. 您贵姓?——敝姓陈。 Nín guìxìng? —— bì xìng chén. May I know your surname? — (My surname is) Chen. 姓“资”还是姓“社” xìng “zī” háishixìng “shè” socialist or capitalist; pertaining to socialism or capitalism
也[也] ye3 auxiliary classical 1 [at the end of a sentence, indicating an explanation or a judgment] 陈胜者, 阳城人也。(《史记》) Chén shèng zhě, yáng chéng rén yě. Chen Sheng was a native of Yangcheng. 何其毒也! Héqídúyě! How pernicious! 2 [at the end of a question or rhetorical question] 何也? Hé yě? How is that? or Why so? 是可忍, 孰不可忍也? Shì kě rěn, shú bùkě rěn yě? If this can be tolerated, what cannot? 3 [in the middle of a sentence, marking off a sentence element about which there is to be a statement] 大道之行也, 天下为公。(《礼记》) Dàdào zhī xíng yě, tiānxiàwéigōng. (《Lǐjì》) When the Great Tao prevailed, the whole world was one community. adverb 1 also; too; as well; either 你不去, 我也不去。 Nǐ bù qù, wǒ yě bù qù. If you’re not going, I’m not going either. 我妹妹也是售货员。 Wǒ mèimei yě shì shòuhuòyuán. My sister is a shop assistant too. 中国是一个社会主义国家, 也是一个发展中国家。 Zhōngguó shì yī ge shèhuìzhǔyì guójiā, yě shì yī ge fāzhǎnzhōng guójiā. China is a socialist country, and a developing country as well. 2 [for emphasis, often before a negative expression] 她一天假也没请过。 Tā yī tiān jià yě méi qǐng guò. She has never asked for leave, not even for a day. 他忙得连饭也顾不上吃。 Tā máng de lián fàn yě gù bù shàng chī. He is so busy that he can’t even stop for a meal. 3 [used correlatively with 虽然, 即使, etc.] still; yet 你不说我也知道。 Nǐ bù shuō wǒ yě zhīdao. You don’t have to tell me. I know already. 我虽然没见过, 也听人说过。 Wǒ suīrán méi jiàn guò, yě tīng rén shuō guò. I’ve heard about it, though I have never seen it. 我怎么想也想不起来。 Wǒ zěnme xiǎng yě xiǎng bù qǐlai. I simply couldn’t recall it however hard I tried. 4 [in a hesitant or guarded statement] 也只好这样了。 Yě zhǐhǎo zhèyàng le. We’ll have to leave it at that. 他的英语也还可以。 Tā de Yīngyǔ yě hái kěyǐ. His English is passable. 这袋土豆也就一百公斤。 Zhè dài tǔdòu yě jiù yībǎi gōngjīn. This sack of potatoes weighs a hundred kilos at most.
丈夫[丈夫] zhang4fu5 noun husband
妻子[妻子] qi1zi5 noun wife
孩子[孩子] hai2zi5 noun 1 child 男孩子 Nánháizi boy 女孩子 nǚháizi girl 2 son or daughter; children 她有两个孩子。 tā yǒu liǎng ge háizi, She has two children.
忙[忙] mang2 adjective 1 busy; fully occupied (opp. 闲) 忙里忙外 mánglǐ-mángwài bustle around 忙于工作 máng yú gōngzuò busy working 忙得团团转 Máng de tuántuánzhuàn run round in circles; extremely busy 忙了一整天 máng le yī zhěngtiān be busy all day 2 imperative; anxious 不慌不忙 bùhuāngbùmáng calm; unhurried verb 1 hurry; hasten; make haste 忙什么, 再坐一会儿吧。 máng shénme, zài zuò yīhuìr ba. What’s the hurry? Stay a bit longer. 别忙于下结论。 Bié mángyú xià jiélùn. Don’t jump to conclusions. 2 work; do 忙完一天工作 Máng wán yī tiān gōngzuò finish a long day’s work 他在忙论文。 Tā zài máng lùnwén. He’s working on a paper. 我一个人忙不过来。 Wǒ yī ge rén máng bù guòlai. I can’t manage all this by myself.
每[每] mei3 pronoun every; each; per 每次 měicì each time 每小时 měi xiǎoshí per hour 每星期五 měi xīngqī wǔ every Friday 每两周开一次会 měi liǎng zhōu kāi yī cì huì hold a meeting every other week 每人一张票 měirén yī zhāng piào a ticket for each person 每四小时服一次 měi sì xiǎoshí fú yī cì to be taken once every four hours adverb 1 on each occasion; each time; per 每逢春节, 我都要去看老师。 Měiféng Chūnjié, wǒ dōu yào qù kàn lǎoshī. I always go to see my teachers during the Spring Festival. 2 literary often 春秋佳日, 每作郊游。 Chūnqiū jiā rì, měi zuò jiāoyóu. On fine spring and autumn days, we often go for outings in the country.
过[過] guo5 auxiliary 1 [after a verb to indicate the completion of an action] 桃花都已经开过了。 Táohuā dōu yǐjing kāi guo le. The peach blossoms are over. 我吃过午饭就去。 Wǒ chī guo wǔfàn jiù qù. I’ll go right after lunch. 2 [after a verb or an adjective to indicate a past action or state] 你去过桂林吗? nǐ qù guo Guìlín ma? Have you ever been to Guilin? 他年轻的时候胖过。 Tā niánqīng de shíhou pàng guo. He used to be fat in his youth.
真[真] zhen1 adjective 1 true; real; genuine (opp. 假,伪) 我真的要走了。 Wǒ zhēn de yào zǒu le. It’s true I’m leaving. 这幅宋人的画是真的。 Zhè fú Sòng rén de huà shì zhēn de. This is a genuine Song painting. 2 clear; unmistakable 字音咬得真 zìyīn yǎo de zhēn pronounce words distinctly 你看得真么? Nǐ kàn de zhēn me? Can you see clearly? adverb really; truly; indeed 真有你的! Zhēn yǒu nǐ de! That was a smart! 他真信了。 Tā zhēn xìn le. He actually believed it. 你真不害臊。 Nǐ zhēn bù hàisào. You’ve got some nerve! 我真不知道。 Wǒ zhēn bù zhīdao. I really don’t know. 演出真精彩。 yǎnchū zhēn jīngcǎi. The performance was just splendid. 时间过得真快。 Shíjiān guò de zhēn kuài. How time flies! 这家伙真能说。 Zhè jiāhuo zhēn néng shuō. That fellow is very glib. 你通过了考试, 真行! Nǐ tōngguò le kǎoshì, zhēn xíng! You’ve passed the exams—good for you! 给你添了不少麻烦, 真过意不去。 Gěi nǐ tiān le bùshǎo máfan, zhēn guòyìbùqù. I’m very sorry to have put you to so much trouble. noun 1 abbreviation calligraphy regular script 2 portrait; image; exact copy of sth. 写真 xiězhēn portrait 传真 chuánzhēn fax 3 literary natural instincts (or character, disposition); nature; inherent quality; origin See 59954659返璞归真fan3pu2gui1zhen1返璞归真
早上[早上] zao3shang5 noun (early) morning 早上好。 Zǎoshang hǎo. Good morning.
起床[起床] qi3//chuang2 verb get up; get out of bed 他们已经起床了。 Tāmen yǐjing qǐchuáng le. They are already up. 我习惯六点起床。 Wǒ xíguàn liù diǎn qǐchuáng. I am in the habit of getting up at six o’clock. 我起了床还想睡。 Wǒ qǐ le chuáng hái xiǎng shuì. After I got up I still felt like going back to sleep.
早饭[早飯] zao3fan4 noun breakfast
到[到] dao4 verb 1 arrive; reach 到! Dào! [answer to roll call] Here! 到了多少人? Dào le duōshao rén? How many people were present? 火车到站了。 Huǒchē dào zhàn le. The train has arrived at the station. 时间到了。 Shíjiān dào le. Time’s up. 2 go to; leave for 到兰州去 Dào Lánzhōu qù go to Lanzhou 3 [as a verb complement to show the result of an action] 办得到 bàndedào can be done 说到做到 shuōdàozuòdào be as good as one’s word 想不到你来了。 Xiǎng bù dào nǐ lái le. I didn’t expect you would come. preposition up until; up to 到目前为止 dào mùqián wéizhǐ up to the present; until now; so far 工作到深夜 Gōngzuò dào shēnyè work late into the night 从星期三到星期五 cóng Xīngqīsān dào Xīngqīwǔ from Wednesday to Friday 温度降到零下二十度。 Wēndù jiàng dào língxià èrshí dù. The temperature dropped to minus 20 degrees centigrade. adjective thoughtful; considerate 不到之处请原谅。 Bù dào zhī chù qǐng yuánliàng. Please excuse me if I have been inconsiderate in any way.
课[課] ke4 noun 1 class 课后留校 kè hòu liúxiào detention 一节物理课 yī jié wùlǐ kè a class in physics; a physics class 我们星期六下午没课。 Wǒmen Xīngqīliù xiàwǔ méi kè. We don’t have any classes on Saturday afternoon. 2 subject; course 这学期开了一门新课。 zhè xuéqī kāile yī mén xīn kè. A new course is offered this term. 3 lesson 第一课 Dì-yī kè Lesson One 这本教科书共有二十五课。 Zhè běn jiàokēshū gòngyǒu èrshíwǔ kè. This textbook contains 25 lessons. 这课书比较难。 Zhè kè shū bǐjiào nán. This lesson is rather difficult. 4 dated division or subdivision of certain administrative units; section 会计课 kuàijì kè accounting section 秘书课 Mìshu kè secretariat noun dated tax 完粮交课 wán liáng jiāo kè pay the grain tax verb literary levy; collect tax; impose 课以罚款 kè yǐ fákuǎn impose a fine; fine sb. noun dated a kind of divination; fortune-telling 卜课 bǔkè divine
最[最] zui4 adverb 1 [in front of an adjective or a verb] most; -est 最大 zuìdà the biggest 最美 zuì měi the most beautiful 最小 zuìxiǎo the smallest 最不发达国家 zuì bù fādá guójiā the least developed country 最基本的条件 zuì jīběn de tiáojiàn fundamental prerequisites 他最不讲道理。 Tā zuì bù jiǎng dàoli. He’s most unreasonable. 我最喜欢吃巧克力冰激凌。 Wǒ zuì xǐhuan chī qiǎokèlì bīngjilíng. I like chocolate ice cream best. 2 [placed in front of a noun of locality, or a place word] farthest or nearest to (a place) 最东头 zuì dōngtóu farthest to the east; at the very east end 最上头 Zuì shàngtou farthest (or nearest) to the top; at the very top noun the utmost; the best (or highest, greatest, etc.) 钻石之最 zuànshí zhī zuì the best (or biggest) of all the diamonds
累[累] lei4 adjective (be) tired; weary; fatigued 累坏了 lèi huài le tired out; worn out; exhausted 不怕苦, 不怕累 Bù pà kǔ, bù pà lèi fear neither hardship nor fatigue verb 1 tire; wear out; strain 累死人的差事 lèi sǐrén de chāishi fatiguing errand (or job) 看小字累眼睛。 Kàn xiǎozì lèi yǎnjing. Reading small print strains the eyes. 这个活儿真累人。 Zhège huór zhēn lèi rén. This work really makes you tired. 这件事别人做不了, 还得累你。 Zhè jiàn shì biéren zuòbuliǎo, hái děi lèi nǐ. Since no one else can do it, I have to bother you. 2 work hard; toil 累死累活 lèisǐlèihuó tire oneself out with back-breaking work; work oneself to death 为孩子累了一辈子 wèi háizilèi le yībèizi toil all one’s life for one’s child 你累了一天, 该休息了。 Nǐ lèi le yī tiān, gāi xiūxi le. You’ve been working hard all day. You need a rest.
上班[上班] shang4//ban1 verb go to work; start work; be on duty (opp. 下班儿) 她上班去了。 Tā shàngbān qù le. She’s gone to work. 下午不上班。 Xiàwǔ bù shàngbān. We’ll take the afternoon off. or No work this afternoon. 我们每天早上八点钟上班。 Wǒmen měitiān zǎoshang bā diǎn zhōng shàngbān. We start work at 8 every morning. 他一般骑车上下班。 Tā yībān qíchē shàngxiàbān. He usually rides bike to and from work.
公共汽车[公共汽車] gong1gong4 qi4che1 noun (public) bus 上公共汽车 shàng gōnggòng qìchē get on the bus 下公共汽车 Xià gōnggòngqìchē get off the bus 双层公共汽车 shuāngcénggōnggòngqìchē double-decker bus 乘1路公共汽车去西单。 chéng 1 lù gōnggòngqìchē qù xī dān. Take Bus No.1 to Xidan.
走[走] zou3 verb 1 walk; go 走遍全国 zǒubiàn quánguó travel the length and breadth of the country 走很远的路 zǒu hěn yuǎn de lù walk a long distance 走下主席台 zǒu xià zhǔxítái step down from the rostrum 走群众路线 zǒu qúnzhòng lùxiàn follow the mass line 走社会主义道路 zǒu shèhuìzhǔyì dàolù take the socialist road 走在游行队伍的前列 zǒu zài yóuxíng duìwu de qiánliè march in the van of the procession 走前人没有走过的道路 zǒu qiánrén méiyǒu zǒu guò de dàolù break new paths; take untrodden paths 一直往前走 Yī zhí wǎng qián zǒu go straight ahead 这船一小时走十五海里。 Zhè chuán yī xiǎoshí zǒu shíwǔ hǎilǐ. The ship makes 15 knots. 2 run; move 钟不走了。 Zhōng bù zǒu le. The clock has stopped. 你这步棋走坏了。 Nǐ zhè bù qí zǒu huài le. You’ve made a bad move. 这个表走得很准。 Zhège biǎo zǒu de hěn zhǔn. This watch keeps good time. 打得赢就打, 打不赢就走。 Dǎ de yíng jiù dǎ, dǎ bù yíng jiù zǒu. Fight when you can win, leave when you can’t. 3 leave; go away 走开! Zǒukāi! Get away! or Clear off! 我们该走了。 Wǒmen gāi zǒu le. It’s time we left. or We must be off now. 他把蓝图拿走了。 tā bǎ lántú ná zǒu le. He’s taken the blueprint away. 4 demonstrate a certain tendency See 78185187走高zou3gao1走高;78194147走强zou3qiang2走强 5 visit; call on 他们两家走得很近。 Tāmen liǎng jiā zǒu de hěn jìn. The two families often visit each other. 6 euphemistic pass away 昨夜他安详地走了。 Zuóyè tā ānxiáng de zǒu le. He died peacefully last night. 7 through; from 咱们走这个门进去吧。 Zánmen zǒu zhège mén jìnqu ba. Let’s go in through this door. 8 leak; let out; escape 走气了。 Zǒu qì le. The gas is leaking. or The air is escaping. 9 depart from the original; lose the original shape, flavour, etc. 把原来的意思讲走样了 bǎ yuánlái de yìsi jiǎng zǒu yàng le fail to get the original meaning across; distort the original meaning
着[著] zhe5 auxiliary 1 [added to a verb or adjective to indicate a continued action or state, often with the particle 呢 at the end of the sentence] 大门敞着。 Dàmén chǎngzhe. The gate is wide open. 雪正下着呢。 Xuě zhèng xià zhe ne. It’s snowing. 别站着, 坐下吧。 Bié zhànzhe, zuòxia ba. No need to stand, please sit down. 他穿着一身新衣服。 Tā chuānzhe yī shēn xīn yīfu. He is wearing new clothes. 夜深了, 屋里的灯却还亮着。 Yèshēn le, wū lǐ de dēng què hái liàng zhe. It was late at night, but the lights in the room were still on. 他们正谈着话呢, 请你在外头等几分钟吧。 Tāmen zhèng tán zhe huà ne, qǐng nǐ zài wàitou děng jǐ fēnzhōng ba. They are talking just now, please wait outside a few minutes. 2 [in sentences beginning with a place word, added to the verb to indicate a resultant state, the verb plus 着 having the force of “there is”] 墙上挂着一幅山水画。 Qiáng shàng guà zhe yī fú shānshuǐhuà. On the wall hangs a landscape painting. 桌上放着好些东西。 Zhuō shàng fàng zhe hǎoxiē dōngxi. There are a lot of things on the table. 3 [verb plus 着 placed before another verb, indicating an accompanying action or state] a [verb plus 着 serving as an adverbial modifier] 他爱吃着饭看报。 Tā ài chī zhe fàn kànbào. He likes to read the newspaper while eating. 他老低着头走路。 Tā lǎo dī zhe tóu zǒulù. He always walks with his head bent. 他正忙着准备考试。 Tā zhèng mángzhe zhǔnbèi kǎoshì. He is busy preparing for the examination. 孩子们急着要出去玩儿。 Háizi men jí zhe yào chūqu wánr. The children are in a hurry to go outside and play. 路不远, 咱们走着去吧。 Lù bù yuǎn, zánmen zǒu zhe qù ba. It’s quite near, let’s go on foot. 探险队冒着大雪上山。 Tànxiǎnduì mào zhe dàxuě shàngshān. The expedition climbed the mountain in spite of the heavy snow. b [verb plus 着 repeated, indicating that while one action is in progress another is expected] 她想着想着笑了起来。 Tā xiǎng zhe xiǎng zhe xiào le qǐlai. She thought for a while and then burst out laughing. 走着走着天色暗了下来。 Zǒu zhe zǒu zhe tiānsè àn le xiàlai. As we walked along, it began to grow dark. 4 [in imperative sentences, used after verbs or adjectives for emphasis, often with 点儿 added] 等着! Děngzhe! Wait! 慢着! Mànzhe! Hold it! 快着点儿。 Kuài zhe diǎnr. Hurry! 你听着。 Nǐ tīngzhe. Listen! 过马路看着点儿。 Guò mǎlù kànzhe diǎnr. Mind when you cross the street. 这事你记着点儿。 Zhè shì nǐ jì zhe diǎnr. Be sure to remember this. or Don’t forget! 5 [in forming a preposition] 向着 xiàngzhe towards 沿着马路 Yán zhe mǎlù along the road
公司[公司] gong1si1 noun company; corporation; firm 公司(内部)成员 gōngsī chéngyuán members of a company
旁边[旁邊] pang2bian1 noun side 旁边有一棵树。 Pángbiān yǒu yī kē shù. There is a tree nearby. 我坐在他旁边。 Wǒ zuò zài tā pángbiān. I sat by his side.
就[就] jiu4 verb 1 come near; move towards 大家就拢来烤火取暖。 Dàjiā jiù lǒng lái kǎohuǒ qǔnuǎn. They all gathered round the fire to get warm. 你就着桌子吃西瓜。 Nǐ jiù zhe zhuōzi chī xīguā. Eat your watermelon over the table. 我们就着路灯下棋。 Wǒmen jiù zhe lùdēng xiàqí. We played chess by the light of a street lamp. 2 undertake; engage in; enter upon 就农 jiù nóng engage in farming 3 accomplish; make 这个鼎是青铜铸就的。 Zhège dǐng shì qīngtóng zhùjiù de. This tripod is made of bronze. 4 take advantage of; accomodate oneself to 我们就这个机会谈谈。 Wǒmen jiù zhège jīhuì tán tán. We’ll take this opportunity to have a talk. 只好就这块料子做了。 Zhǐhǎo jiù zhè kuài liàozi zuò le. We’ll have to make do with this little piece of fabric. 我反正有空, 就你的时间吧。 Wǒ fǎnzheng yǒu kòng, jiù nǐ de shíjiān ba. Make it anytime that suits you; I’m free anyway. 5 be eaten with; go with 炒鸡蛋就饭 Chǎo jīdàn jiù fàn scramble eggs to go with the rice 他用花生就酒。 Tā yòng huāshēng jiù jiǔ. He nibbles peanuts with his drink. preposition 1 with regard to; concerning; on 就我所知 jiùwǒsuǒzhī as far as I know 双方就共同关心的问题进行了会谈。 Shuāngfāng jiù gòngtóng guānxīn de wèntí jìnxíng le huìtán. The two sides held talks on matters of common interest. 2 [used to form a set phrase with a passive meaning] 就捕 jiù bǔ be arrested adverb 1 at once; right away 我就来。 Wǒ jiù lái. I’ll come right away. or I’m on my way. 我这就去。 Wǒ zhè jiù qù. I’ll go right away. 一会儿就得。 Yīhuìr jiù děi. It’ll be ready in a minute. 2 as early as; already 我星期一就给你钱。 Wǒ Xīngqīyī jiù gěi nǐ qián. I’ll pay you on Monday. 今天我七点钟就来了。 Jīntiān wǒ qī diǎn zhōng jiù lái le. I was here by 7 o’clock today. 3 as soon as; right after 说干就干 shuōgànjiùgàn act without delay 我吃了饭就出去了。 Wǒ chī le fàn jiù chūqu le. As soon as I finished eating, I went out. 我一见他就生气。 Wǒ yī jiàn tā jiù shēngqì. Whenever I see him, I get angry. 他每天下了课就回家。 Tā měitiān xià le kè jiù huíjiā. He comes home every day right after class. 4 in that case; then 要是你来, 我就高兴了。 Yào shì nǐ lái, wǒ jiù gāoxìng le. If you come, (then) I’ll be very happy. 不经过艰苦奋斗, 就不能胜利。 Bù jīngguò jiānkǔfèndòu, jiù bù néng shènglì. All victories are won through arduous struggle. 5 as much as; as many as 光衬衫他就有二十件。 Guāng chènshān tā jiù yǒu èrshí jiàn. He has as many as 20 shirts. 光回收废品一项, 他们就给公司节约了二十万元。 guāng huíshōu fèipǐn yī xiàng, tāmenjiù gěi gōngsī jiéyuē le èrshí wàn yuán. Just by collecting scrap, they saved all of 200,000 yuan for the company. 6 [between two identical elements to express resignation] 丢了就丢了吧, 以后小心点。 Diū le jiù diū le ba, yǐhòu xiǎoxīn diǎn. If it’s lost, it’s lost. Just be more careful from now on. 7 to begin with; as expected 我就料到他会等我们的。 Wǒ jiù liàodào tā huì děng wǒmen de. I knew he’d be waiting for us. 我本来就不懂法语。 Wǒ běnlái jiù bù dǒng fǎ yǔ. I never said I knew any French in the first place. 8 only; merely; just 就这一本了, 看完请马上还。 Jiù zhè yī běn le, kàn wán qǐng mǎ shàng huán. This is the only copy left. Please return it as soon as you finish reading it. 我就要几张纸。 Wǒ jiùyào jǐ zhāng zhǐ. I just want a few sheets of paper. 我就去过一次上海。 Wǒ jiù qù guò yī cì Shànghǎi. I’ve been to Shanghai only once before. 我们就等你的决定了。 Wǒmen jiù děng nǐ de juédìng le. All we need is your decision. 9 just; simply 我就不信我们妇女干不了这一行。 Wǒ jiù bù xìn wǒmen fùnǚ gànbuliǎo zhè yīháng. I just don’t believe we women can’t do this job. 不知道为什么, 我就不喜欢他。 Bùzhīdào wèishénme, wǒ jiù bù xǐhuan tā. I don’t know why I don’t like him. 10 exactly; precisely 医务室就在这儿。 Yīwùshì jiù zài zhèr. This is where the clinic is. conjunction even if 你就生气也没用。 Nǐ jiù shēngqì yě méiyòng. Even getting angry won’t help. 你就不说, 我也会知道的。 Nǐ jiù bù shuō, wǒ yě huì zhīdao de. Even if you don’t tell me, I’ll know anyway.
下班[下班] xia4//ban1 verb get off work; knock off (opp. 上班儿) 我们每天下午六点下班。 wǒmen měitiān xiàwǔ liù diǎn xiàbān. We knock off at six p.m. every weekday. or We finish work every day at 6 p.m..
晚上[晚上] wan3shang5 noun (in the) evening; (at) night 晚上好。 Wǎnshang hǎo. Good evening.
晚[晚] wan3 noun 1 evening; night 晚风 wǎnfēng evening breeze 2 literary later years; latter life 岁晚 suì wǎn one’s later (or remaining) years; latter life; old age adjective 1 far on in time; late 晚唐 wǎn-Táng the late Tang Dynasty 晚做总比不做好。 Wǎn zuò zǒng bǐ bù zuò hǎo. Better late than never. 2 younger; junior; succeeding 比某人晚一辈 bǐ mǒurén wǎn yī bèi one generation younger than sb. 3 geology upper; neo- 晚白垩纪 wǎn Bái'èjì Upper Cretaceous 晚古生代 wǎn Gǔshēngdài Neopaleozoic
回家[回家] hui2//jia1 verb go or come home; return home; go back
运动[運動] yun4dong4 verb 1 motion; movement 运动的形式 yùndòng de xíngshì form of motion 运动中的物质 yùndòng zhòngdì wùzhì matter in motion 行星的运动 xíngxīng de yùndòng movement of a planet 运动是物质的存在方式。 Yùndòng shì wùzhì de cúnzài fāngshì. Motion is the mode of existence of matter. 乘敌运动之际, 打击敌人。 Chéng dí yùndòng zhījì, dǎjī dírén. Attack the enemy while he is on the move. 2 sports; athletics; exercise 室外运动 Shìwài yùndòng outdoor sports 散步也是一种运动。 Sànbù yě shì yī zhǒng yùndòng. Walking is also a form of exercise. 游泳是我喜爱的运动。 Yóuyǒng shì wǒ xǐ'ài de yùndòng. Swimming is my favourite sport. noun (political or cultural) movement; campaign; drive 竞选运动 Jìngxuǎn yùndòng election campaign 技术革新运动 jìshù géxīn yùndòng drive for technological innovation
游泳[游泳] you2yong3 verb swim 去游泳 qù yóuyǒng go for a swim; go swimming 参加游泳比赛 cānjiā yóuyǒng bǐsài take part in a swimming contest 在游泳中学习游泳 zài yóuyǒng zhōng xuéxí yóuyǒng learn to swim by swimming noun sports swimming
打篮球[打篮球] da3 lan2qiu2 play basketball
踢足球[踢足球] Ti1 zu2qiu2 play football
跑步[跑步] pao3//bu4 verb 1 run; march at the double 跑步走! Pǎobù zǒu! [word of command] At the double, quick march! 跑步前进! Pǎobù qiánjìn! [word of command] Double time! 2 (a form of physical exercise) jog
次[次] ci4 noun 1 order; position in a series; place in a sequence 车次 chēcì train (or coach) number 2 literary stopping place on a journey; stopover 旅次 lǚcì stopping place on one’s journey adjective 1 second-rate; inferior 次棉 cì mián poor quality cotton 这本书真次。 Zhè běn shū zhēn cì. This book is really no good. 我的字写得可次了。 Wǒ de zì xiě de kě cì le. My handwriting is terrible. 2 chemistry hypo- 次氯酸 Cì lǜsuān hypochlorous acid number second; next 次年 cìnián next year 次子 cìzǐ second son measure word occurrence; time 三次 sān cì three times 首次 shǒucì first time; first 进行几次会谈 jìnxíng jǐ cì huìtán hold several talks 一次服三粒(药) yī cì fú sān lì take three pills at a time
小时[小時] xiao3shi2 noun hour 按小时计费 àn xiǎoshí jìfèi pay by the hour
吧[吧] ba5 auxiliary 1 [indicating a suggestion, request or mild command] 咱们走吧。 Zánmen zǒu ba. Let’s go. 你好好儿想想吧! Nǐ hǎohāor xiǎngxiang ba! Just think it over. 2 [indicating consent or approval] 明天就明天吧。 Míngtiān jiù míngtiān ba. All right, let’s make it tomorrow. 好吧, 就这么办吧! Hǎo ba, jiù zhème bàn ba! O.K., that’s what we’ll do. 3 [in a leading question which asks for confirmation of a supposition] 他会来吧? Tā huì lái ba? He’ll come, won’t he? 你是中国人吧? Nǐ shì Zhōngguó rén ba? You are Chinese, I suppose (or I take it)? 4 [indicating some doubt in the speaker's mind] 他们走了吧。 Tāmen zǒu le ba. I suppose they’ve left. 他好像是这么说的吧。 Tā hǎoxiàng shì zhème shuō de ba. That seems to be what he said. 5 [marking a pause after suppositions as alternatives] 去吧, 不好;不去吧, 也不好。 qù ba, bù hǎo; bù qù ba, yě bù hǎo. If I go, it’s no good; if I don’t, it’s no good either.
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