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Created September 10, 2014 13:57
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  • Save olegam/ba6c7ff75e72b0067089 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save olegam/ba6c7ff75e72b0067089 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. do |s| = "google-plus-ios-sdk"
s.version = "1.7.0"
s.summary = "Google+ Platform for iOS."
s.description = "Create a more engaging experience and connect with more users by integrating social into your app. Extend your app in new and creative ways using these Google+ platform features."
s.homepage = ""
s.license = {
:type => 'Copyright',
:text => 'Copyright 2013 Google Inc.'
} = 'Google Inc.'
s.source = { :http => "{s.version}.zip" }
s.platform = :ios
s.vendored_frameworks = "google-plus-ios-sdk-#{s.version}/GoogleOpenSource.framework", "google-plus-ios-sdk-#{s.version}/GooglePlus.framework"
s.source_files = "google-plus-ios-sdk-#{s.version}/{GoogleOpenSource,GooglePlus}.framework/Versions/A/Headers/*.h"
#s.resource = 'google-plus-ios-sdk-1.5.1/GooglePlus.bundle'
s.framework = 'AddressBook', 'AssetsLibrary', 'Foundation', 'CoreLocation', 'CoreMotion', 'CoreGraphics', 'CoreText', 'GoogleOpenSource', 'GooglePlus', 'MediaPlayer', 'Security', 'SystemConfiguration', 'UIKit'
s.requires_arc = false
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