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Forked from renz45/An_example.markdown
Created February 18, 2012 05:40
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Save olivierlacan/1857652 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Re-style Sublime Text 2 sidebar to a darker theme

This re-styles your sublime text 2 sidebar to be darker, so it doesn't blind you when using a dark theme.

Dark sublime text 2 sidebar

Save the Default.sublime-theme file into packages/Theme - Default, make a backup of your original if you want to be able to go back easily.

"class": "label_control",
"color": [255, 255, 255],
"shadow_color": [24, 24, 24],
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/** Small Icon Buttons **/
"class": "icon_button_control",
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/** Scrollbars **/
"class": "scroll_bar_control",
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"layer0.opacity": 1.0,
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"class": "puck_control",
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"class": "overlay_control",
"layer0.tint": [64, 64, 64],
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{ "class": "tree_row", "attributes": ["hover"] }
// "attributes": ["hover"],
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"class": "tree_row",
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"layer0.opacity": 0.8
// TODO: fix selected row color & shadow
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"font.bold": true,
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{ "class": "tree_row", "attributes": ["selected"] }
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"class": "sidebar_label",
"color": [200, 200, 200]// 0 0 0 text in the sidebar tree
// , "shadow_color": [250, 250, 250], "shadow_offset": [0, 0]
"class": "sidebar_label",
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"color": [255, 255, 255]
// , "shadow_color": [60, 60, 60], "shadow_offset": [0, 1]
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/** Quick Panel **/
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"mouse_wheel_switch": true
// Tabset override for light colors
"class": "tabset_control",
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"layer1.texture": "Theme - Default/light_tabset_background_transparent.png"
// Tabset override for medium-dark colors
"class": "tabset_control",
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// Tabset override for dark colors
"class": "tabset_control",
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"layer1.opacity": 1.0,
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/** Tabs **/
"class": "tab_control",
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"hit_test_level": 0.4
/** Tabs (file color overrides) **/
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/** Selected Tabs **/
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/** Tab Labels **/
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mhakes commented Jan 24, 2013

This worked brilliantly!

Copy link

daslicht commented Feb 9, 2013

MUCH better :) Thank you very much !

Copy link

tobia commented Feb 26, 2013

Thank you! This should be the default, or at least an easy option.

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Looking great! Thanks!

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v19i commented Mar 21, 2013

Nice job, its really useful.

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adelarsq commented Apr 7, 2013

Great! Good job!

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Thank you!

But line 744 contains a typo: "Theme - Default.arrow_right.png" instead of "Theme - Default/arrow_right.png"

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likebeta commented Jun 5, 2013

well done!Think you very mush

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pohy commented Jul 15, 2013

Thank you so much!

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msloth commented Jul 25, 2013

Sweet, thanks! For those like me that have other changes that we don't want overwritten by c/p this, here are the relevant parts, starting at around line 300:
"class": "sidebar_tree",
"row_padding": [8, 3],
"indent": 12,
"indent_offset": 17,
"indent_top_level": false,
"layer0.tint": [50, 50, 50], // <---- change this
"layer0.opacity": 1.0,
"dark_content": false
"class": "sidebar_heading",
"color": [200, 200, 200], // <---- change this; headers (open files, folders)
"font.bold": true,
"shadow_color": [0, 0, 0], // <---- change this;
"shadow_offset": [0, 1]
"class": "sidebar_label",
"color": [150, 150, 150], // <---- change this;
// , "shadow_color": [250, 250, 250], "shadow_offset": [0, 0]
"class": "sidebar_label",
"parents": [{"class": "tree_row", "attributes": ["selected"]}],
"color": [255, 255, 255]
// , "shadow_color": [60, 60, 60], "shadow_offset": [0, 1]

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crueber commented Dec 2, 2013

Brilliant. Thanks for posting this!

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Awesome, ThankYou very Much

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pketh commented May 24, 2014

Awesome, thanks!

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emamut commented May 31, 2014

Where I found the images? thanks

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bcomnes commented Dec 21, 2014

Does this work for ST3?

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Thank you!

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Nice! Thks

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xto3na commented Jul 11, 2015

Thank you! This work for Sublime Text 3!

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Superb!! I love it! thank you!

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Hello! how to activate highlight_modified_tabs? and where i found icons if I want to change them?

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