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Last active January 22, 2022 13:53
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A Gist of Windows Commands for Linux Admins

Windows Docker Kubernetes Commands for Linux Admins

1.a. Find windows system path on windows terminal Run path command on any cmd prompt and this should print the path output, tested on windows 10

D:\> path

1.b. Find and temporarily modify windows system path on powershell windows 10

PS D:\> $env:Path
PS D:\> $env:Path = 'c:\foo;' + $env:Path     # attach to the beginning
PS D:\> $env:Path += $env:Path + ';c:\foo'    # attach to the end
  1. Powershell Command to download minikube
New-Item -Path 'c:\' -Name 'minikube' -ItemType Directory -Force
Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile 'c:\minikube\minikube.exe' -Uri '' -UseBasicParsing

3. Powershell set terminal to enable CTRL+W to delete backward characters

Set-PSReadLineOption -EditMode Emacs

4. Set execution policies

Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser Get-ExecutionPolicy -List

5. Docker commands
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