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Last active February 13, 2023 14:32
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  • Save orhun/fc24e612437ce3b07acaf540b42f0c2f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save orhun/fc24e612437ce3b07acaf540b42f0c2f to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Have you ever wanted to transfer all the pull requests from a repository to another? Me neither!
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -eu
# repositories should be identical at the time
# make sure you have the correct scope permissions
# get the list of PRs
curl -s -H "Authorization: Bearer ${GITHUB_TOKEN}" \
readarray -t prs <<<"$(jq -r '[[.[]] | reverse[] | select(.draft ==false)][].number' <<<$open_prs)"
# switch to a temporary directory and clone target repository
cd "$(mktemp -d)" || exit
git clone "${TARGET_REPO}" && cd "${TARGET_REPO#*/}" || exit
git remote add source "${SOURCE_REPO}"
# process PRs one by one
for pr in "${prs[@]}"; do
echo "Transferring ${pr}..."
# get individual PR details
pr_details=$(jq -r "[.[] | select(.number == ${pr})][0]" <<<$open_prs)
pr_branch="${pr}/$(jq -r ".head.ref" <<<$pr_details)"
cat <<eof
> Upstream: [#${pr}](${SOURCE_REPO}/pull/${pr})
$(jq -r ".body" <<<$pr_details)
# switch to the main repository and checkout PR contents
gh repo set-default "${SOURCE_REPO}"
gh pr checkout "${pr}"
# create a default branch and push changes
git branch -m "${pr_branch}"
git push origin "${pr_branch}"
# create a PR in the target repository
gh repo set-default "${TARGET_REPO}"
gh pr create \
--repo "${TARGET_REPO}" \
--head "${pr_branch}" \
--title "$(jq -r ".title" <<<$pr_details)" \
--body "${pr_body}"
# retrieve the created PR's number
pr_num=$(gh pr list --json number --jq .[0].number)
# get the list of comments
comments="$(curl -s${SOURCE_REPO}/issues/${pr}/comments)"
readarray -t comments <<<"$(
curl -s -H "Authorization: Bearer ${GITHUB_TOKEN}" \${SOURCE_REPO}/issues/${pr}/comments | jq '.[] | "\(.user.login) said: \(.body)"'
# post the comments to the PR
for comment in "${comments[@]}"; do
if [ -n "${comment}" ]; then
echo -e "${comment}" | sed -e 's/^"//' -e 's/"$//' | gh pr comment "${pr_num}" --body-file -
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