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Created February 11, 2023 16:00
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This code demonstrates how it's possible to compress two numbers into one and then convert it back to two numbers.
public class TwoNumbersCompression {
public static void main(String[] args) {
double compressed = compress(-5.57,8);
System.out.println("Compressed: " + compressed);
double[] decompressed = decompress(compressed);
System.out.println("Decompressed: " + decompressed[0] + ", " + decompressed[1]);
// Convert to between 0 and 1
public static double convert(double a) {
// 0.5 + tan^-1(a) / pi
return 0.5 + Math.atan(a) / Math.PI;
// Convert back to original number
public static double convertBack(double a) {
// tan(pi * (a - 0.5))
return Math.tan(Math.PI * (a - 0.5));
// Compress two numbers into one
public static double compress(double a, double b) {
double a1 = convert(a);
double b1 = convert(b);
// Compression algorithm
// (0.abcde, 0.fghij) -> 0.afbgchdiej
// Explanation: a and f are the first digits, b and g are the second, etc.
// Convert a1 to string
String a1s = Double.toString(a1);
// Convert b1 to string
String b1s = Double.toString(b1);
// Remove the 0. from the beginning of the strings
a1s = a1s.substring(2);
b1s = b1s.substring(2);
// Create a new string to store the compressed number
String c = "0.";
// Loop through the strings
for (int i = 0; i < Math.min(a1s.length(), b1s.length()); i++) {
// Add the first digit of a1s to c
c += a1s.charAt(i);
// Add the first digit of b1s to c
c += b1s.charAt(i);
// Convert c to a double and return it
return Double.parseDouble(c);
// Decompress a number into two numbers
public static double[] decompress(double c) {
// Convert c to string
String cs = Double.toString(c);
// Remove the 0. from the beginning of the string
cs = cs.substring(2);
// Create two new strings to store the decompressed numbers
String a1s = "0.";
String b1s = "0.";
// Loop through the string
for (int i = 0; i < cs.length(); i++) {
// If i is even, add the digit to a1s
if (i % 2 == 0) {
a1s += cs.charAt(i);
// If i is odd, add the digit to b1s
else {
b1s += cs.charAt(i);
// Convert a1s and b1s to doubles
double a1 = Double.parseDouble(a1s);
double b1 = Double.parseDouble(b1s);
// Convert a1 and b1 back to the original numbers
double a = convertBack(a1);
double b = convertBack(b1);
// Round the numbers to 5 decimal places
a = Math.round(a * 100000) / 100000.0;
b = Math.round(b * 100000) / 100000.0;
// Return the decompressed numbers
return new double[] {a, b};
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