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Last active December 21, 2016 09:22
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  • Save orotemo/3cc368e30cbb492db082db69a1a412f5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save orotemo/3cc368e30cbb492db082db69a1a412f5 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
draws rectangles with labels. example input provided. expects the input image to have similarly named `.csv` file next to it
read base_name <<< $( echo $1 | awk -F "\." '{print $1}' )
size=$(convert "$1" -print "%wx%h\n" /dev/null)
read width height <<< $( echo $size | awk -F'[x]' '{print $1" "$2}' )
export IFS=","
int_coord () {
read fi <<< $(echo "$1*$2" | bc)
echo $(printf '%.*f\n' 0 $fi)
cat "$base_name.csv" | while read label x0 y0 x1 y1; do
ix0=$( int_coord $x0 $width )
iy0=$( int_coord $y0 $height )
ix1=$( int_coord $x1 $width )
iy1=$( int_coord $y1 $height )
echo "these are the coords: ($ix0,$iy0) ($ix1,$iy1)"
convert $1 -fill none -stroke black -draw "rectangle $ix0,$iy0 $ix1,$iy1" $1
if [ "$prev_label" != "$label" ] ; then
convert $1 -fill none -stroke black -annotate +$ix0+$iy0 "$label" $1
label x0 y0 x1 y1
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Coats 0.706347346306 0.146474629641 0.981228232384 0.704934597015
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Neclesses 0.302464842796 0.185173735023 0.461443960667 0.317349016666
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