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Created April 26, 2020 20:03
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Linux BLE sniffer
BLE sniffer for Linux. Requires hcidump and hcitool executables to
be available (e.g., apt-get install bluez-hcidump). Run as root.
Works with Python 2.7 (which is still the likely version of system Python)
If you get
Set scan parameters failed: Input/output error
try to fix with:
hciconfig hci0 down; hciconfig hci0 up
This is presumably caused by random bugs in the Linux Bluetooth stack.
import subprocess
import binascii
import struct
def parse_ibeacon(ads):
if len(ads) != 1 or ads[0].type != '\xff': return None
msg = ads[0].data
if msg[:3] != '\x4c\x00\x02': return None
l = ord(msg[3])
payload = msg[4:(4+l)]
uh = binascii.hexlify(payload[:16])
b = {
'uuid': '-'.join([uh[:8], uh[8:12], uh[12:16], uh[16:20], uh[20:]]),
'major': struct.unpack('>h', payload[16:18])[0],
'minor': struct.unpack('>h', payload[18:20])[0],
if l >= 21: b['txpower'] = struct.unpack('b', payload[20])[0]
return b
def parse_ad_structures(msg):
class ADStruct: pass
i = 0
ads = []
while i < len(msg):
ad_len = ord(msg[i])
if ad_len == 0: break
i += 1
s = ADStruct()
s.type = msg[i] = msg[(i+1):(i+ad_len)]
i += ad_len
return ads
def parse_ble_adv_msg(msg):
# see BLE specs, if you can find them
# 04 = HCI Event
# 3E = LE Advertising Report
HCI_LE_ADV_REPORT = '\x04\x3e'
if msg[:2] != HCI_LE_ADV_REPORT: return None
# Then one byte "Total parameter length"
total_len = ord(msg[2])
# The rest is defined in
# Bluetooth Specification v5.0, Vol 2, Part E, sec
le_adv_params = msg[3:(3+total_len)]
subev = le_adv_params[0]
if subev != HCI_LE_ADV_REPORT_SUBEV: return None
n_responses = ord(le_adv_params[1])
# assume there's only one (TODO)
if n_responses != 1: return None
class BLEAdvPacket: pass
packet = BLEAdvPacket()
packet.type = {
'\x00': 'ADV_IND',
'\x01': 'ADV_DIRECT_IND',
'\x02': 'ADV_SCAN_IND',
'\x03': 'ADV_NONCONN_IND',
'\x04': 'SCAN_RSP'
packet.raw_hci = msg
packet.addr_type = {
'\x00': 'Public',
'\x01': 'Random',
'\x02': 'Public ID',
'\x03': 'Random Static ID'
packet.hw_addr = le_adv_params[4:(4+6)]
response_length = ord(le_adv_params[10])
packet.raw_event = le_adv_params[11:(11+response_length)] = parse_ad_structures(packet.raw_event)
packet.rssi = struct.unpack('b', le_adv_params[11+response_length])[0]
packet.ibeacon = parse_ibeacon(
return packet
class Scanner:
def __init__(self):
from subprocess import DEVNULL # py3k
except ImportError:
import os
DEVNULL = open(os.devnull, 'wb')
self.scanner = subprocess.Popen(
['hcitool', 'lescan', '--duplicates'], stdout=DEVNULL)
self.hcidump = subprocess.Popen(['hcidump', '--raw'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
self.line = ''
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback):
def read_line(self):
return self.hcidump.stdout.readline().strip()
def read_single(self):
while '>' not in self.line:
self.line = self.read_line() # ignore
if self.line is None: return None
buf = ''
while True:
buf += self.line.replace('>', '').replace(' ', '')
self.line = self.read_line()
if self.line is None: return None
if '>' in self.line: break
return binascii.unhexlify(buf)
return ''
def read(self):
while True:
b = self.read_single()
if b is None: return None
if len(b) > 0:
msg = parse_ble_adv_msg(b)
if msg is not None: return msg
def message_as_json(msg, raw=False, text=False):
h = binascii.hexlify
if text:
enc = lambda x: ''.join([chr(ord(c)) if 32 <= ord(c) <= 127 else '.' for c in x])
enc = h
obj = {
'rssi': msg.rssi,
'mac': h(msg.hw_addr),
'mac_type': msg.addr_type,
'type': msg.type,
'data': [{
'type': h(a.type),
'data': enc(
} for a in ],
'ibeacon': msg.ibeacon
if raw:
obj['raw_hci'] = h(msg.raw_hci),
obj['raw_event'] = h(msg.raw_event)
if obj['ibeacon'] is not None:
del obj['data']
if obj['ibeacon'] is None:
del obj['ibeacon']
return obj
if __name__ == '__main__':
import json
import argparse
p = argparse.ArgumentParser(__doc__)
p.add_argument('--raw', action='store_true',
help='Also output raw HCI and other unparsed hex data')
p.add_argument('--text', action='store_true',
help='Try to decode text in manufacturer data')
args = p.parse_args()
with Scanner() as scan:
while True:
print(json.dumps(message_as_json(, **vars(args))))
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