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Last active August 26, 2020 21:39
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Getting Interlisp-D running with Medley on Debian 3.1

Interlisp-D / Medley on Debian 3.1


The image that runs Interlisp-D and Medley on Linux seems to actually be a Workbench for Lexical Functional Grammar. I can only guess that this is a customisation of the Medley programming environment ...


  1. Install or download VirtualBox

  2. Download Debian 3 VDI

  1. Create a new VM in VirtualBox
  • Attach the downloaded VDI as an IDE disk.
  • Virtual box will automatically associate the .vmi drive you create for this as a SATA drive; add a new IDE device and associate the VMI with this instead. Then remove the VMI from the SATA device (SATA errors out on boot)
  • Also, make sure the pointing device is set to PS/2 Mouse (in the "System" tab at "Pointing Device")
  1. Start the VM
  • log in as root/toor.
  • edit /etc/apt/sources.list
    • comment out everything
    • add deb sarge contrib main non-free
  • run apt-get update
  • run apt-get install x-window-system
  • answer install prompts (for mouse, use /dev/psaux and then PS/2)
  1. To download the LFG software
  • go to:
  • examine and make sure that lfg.sysout and lfg/linux are present in this manifest
  • download the zip'ed archive: (~ 1GB) and unzip
  • you want the directory ... either download it to your VM or SCP from a machine using the VBox NAT'ed network connection
    • if you ssh to a local, modern machine, you may get a Kex error
    • if so, update your server to support connections from older clients, e.g., edit your /etc/ssh/sshd_config to include this and then restart sshd: KexAlgorithms diffie-hellman-group1-sha1,ecdh-sha2-nistp256,ecdh-sha2-nistp384,ecdh-sha2-nistp521,diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256,diffie-hellman-group14-sha1
  • chmod 755 lfg/linux/intel/*
  1. Start up Medley
  • startx
  • open up a terminal (e.g., left-click anywhere and select Debian -> XShells -> XTerm)
  • at the terminal, enter lfg/linux/intel/ldex lfg/lfg.sysout
  1. Play
  • After a while, the workbench will come up; the 'EXEC' window is the INTERLISP REPL.
  • If you're looking for The Answer, try typing (TIMES 2 (+ 1 2 3 4 5 6))
  • Or, if you're feeling more adventurous:


(REDUCE '+ (MAPCAR '(1 2 3 4 5 6) 'DBL))
  1. Download Medley documentation:
  1. Learn!
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Screenshot 2020-08-26 at 4 25 55 PM

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