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Last active November 24, 2021 06:06
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Generate yarn resolutions for audit-ci fixes

How to use this

node auditResolutions.js

This will print some output that looks like this –


Simply paste this in your package.json

    "name": "my-project",
+   "resolutions": {
+       "css-select@npm:2.1.0/nth-check": ">=2.0.1",
+       "css-select@npm:4.1.3/nth-check": ">=2.0.1"
+   }
// Script that generates yarn resolutions for your audit-ci advisories.
// Requires `audit-ci` and `yarn` installed.
// Assumes `audit-ci.json` as your audit-ci configuration file present in the current working directory.
const { EOL } = require('os')
const util = require('util');
const exec = util.promisify(require('child_process').exec);
const getAuditCIOutput = async (configPath) => {
try {
// Would be nice if `audit-ci` exported a programmable interface :-(
return await exec(`npx --yes audit-ci --config ${configPath} --report-type full`, {
stdio: ['ignore', 'ignore', 'ignore']
} catch (err) {
return {
stdout: err.stdout,
stderr: err.stderr,
const parseAuditCIOutput = (input) => input
.substring(input.indexOf('{') - 1, input.lastIndexOf('}') + 1)
.replaceAll(EOL, '')
const buildResolutions = async (advisories) => {
const whys = => {
const { module_name: moduleName } = advisory
// TODO: Get this programmatically from `@yarnpkg/plugin-essentials`
// TODO: Build fallback for npm
return exec(`yarn why ${moduleName} --json`)
const responses = await Promise.all(whys)
return, index) => {
const { module_name: moduleName, patched_versions: patchedVersion } = advisory
const { stdout: yarnWhy } = responses[index]
const moduleUsages = yarnWhy.trim().split(EOL).map(_ => {
return JSON.parse(_)
const recommendedResolutions = => {
return {
[`${moduleUsage.value}/${moduleName}`]: patchedVersion
return recommendedResolutions
(async () => {
const { stdout: auditCIRawOutput } = await getAuditCIOutput('audit-ci.json')
const jsonString = parseAuditCIOutput(auditCIRawOutput)
const auditJSON = JSON.parse(jsonString)
const advisories = Object.values(auditJSON.advisories)
const resolutions = await buildResolutions(advisories)
resolutions[0].forEach(resolution => console.log(JSON.stringify(resolution)))
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