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Created January 20, 2016 04:15
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(defrecord Merror [wrap])
(defmonad error-m
[m-bind (fn m-bind-error
[x f]
(if (contains? (:wrap x) :error)
(f x)))
m-result (fn m-result-error
(defmacro m->
[x & form]
`(-> ~x
~@(map (fn [xx] (if (seq? xx)
`((monad/m-lift 1 (fn [y#] (~(first xx) y# ~@(next xx)))))
`((monad/m-lift 1 ~xx))))
#_(monad/domonad error-m
[x (Merror. {:success ""})]
(m-> x
(println "1" "2")
((fn [x] (println "0" x) (Merror. {:error 1})))
(#(println "2" %))))
#_(defendpoint request-sms
[req app_id]
{:pre [(not (adb/allow-verify-sms-code-api? (:flags (:app req))))
(keyword (format "%s.sms.blacklist" (-> req :app :app_id))))
"Your app is in blacklist, please contact us."]
:validators [(when-let [st (-> req :json-params :smsType)]
(require-sms-type st))
(-> req :json-params :mobilePhoneNumber))]})
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