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Last active August 27, 2021 15:08
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Incur Credit Card Fees or Not?
import squants.Dimensionless
import squants.DimensionlessConversions._
import, MoneyConversions._
case class CreditCard(name: String, points: Dimensionless, checkingAPR: Dimensionless) {
def charge(amount: Money, fee: Dimensionless = 0 percent, flatFee: Money = 0 dollars): String = {
val fees = amount*fee + flatFee
val interestEarned = amount * checkingAPR/12
val cashBack = (amount + fees)*points
val saved = cashBack - interestEarned - fees
val (verdict, result) = if (saved < 0.dollars) {
s"Too expensive to pay ${amount.toFormattedString} by $name card" -> "Pay in fees"
} else {
s"Use your $name card to pay ${amount.toFormattedString}" -> "Earn in points"
|Fees Charged = ${fees.toFormattedString}%8s
|Checking interest earned = ${interestEarned.toFormattedString}%8s
|Cash back ($points) = ${cashBack.toFormattedString}%8s
|${result.padTo(24, ' ')} = ${saved.abs.toFormattedString}%8s
val myCard = CreditCard(name = "Bank of America Premium Rewards", points = 1.5*1.75 percent, checkingAPR = 0.02 percent)
println(myCard.charge(amount = 5000 dollars, fee = 2.65 percent, flatFee = 2.25 dollars))
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