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Created February 23, 2016 09:58
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Azure iothub Java SDK on Android
public class AzureIoT
private static final String sServiceHostName = "...";
private static final String sServiceSharedAccessKey = "...";
private final Activity mActivity;
private final ExecutorService mExecutorService;
public AzureIoT(Activity activity)
mActivity = activity;
mExecutorService = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor();
private Future<?> runAsyncTask(Runnable task)
return mExecutorService.submit(task);
public interface DeviceAddCallback
void onSuccess(Device device);
void onException(String deviceId, Exception exception);
private static String createServiceConnectionString(String hostName, String sharedAccessKey)
return DeviceClient.HOSTNAME_ATTRIBUTE + hostName +
";SharedAccessKeyName=iothubowner" +
';' + DeviceClient.SHARED_ACCESS_KEY_ATTRIBUTE + sharedAccessKey;
private static String createDeviceConnectionString(String hostName, Device device)
return DeviceClient.HOSTNAME_ATTRIBUTE + hostName +
';' + DeviceClient.DEVICE_ID_ATTRIBUTE + device.getDeviceId() +
';' + DeviceClient.SHARED_ACCESS_KEY_ATTRIBUTE + device.getPrimaryKey();
public void deviceAdd(String deviceId, DeviceAddCallback callback)
runAsyncTask(() -> {
Device tempDevice;
Exception tempException;
String serviceConnectionString = createServiceConnectionString(sServiceHostName, sServiceSharedAccessKey);
RegistryManager registryManager = RegistryManager.createFromConnectionString(serviceConnectionString);
tempDevice = Device.createFromId(deviceId, null, null);
tempDevice = registryManager.addDevice(tempDevice);
tempException = null;
catch (IotHubException iote)
tempDevice = registryManager.getDevice(deviceId);
tempException = null;
catch (IotHubException iotf)
tempException = iotf;
catch (Exception e)
tempDevice = null;
tempException = e;
final Device device = tempDevice;
final Exception exception = tempException;
mActivity.runOnUiThread(() -> {
if (callback != null)
if (device != null)
callback.onException(deviceId, exception);
public interface DeviceSendMessageCallback
void onSuccess(Device device, DeviceClient deviceClient);
void onException(Device device, Exception exception);
public void deviceSendMessage(Device device, String messageText, DeviceSendMessageCallback callback)
runAsyncTask(() -> {
DeviceClient tempDeviceClient;
Exception tempException;
String connectionString = createIoTDeviceConnectionString(sServiceHostName, device);
tempDeviceClient = new DeviceClient(connectionString, IotHubClientProtocol.MQTT);;
Message message = new Message(messageText);
IotHubEventCallback iotHubEventCallback = (responseStatus, callbackContext) -> {
"deviceSendMessage: IoT Hub responded to message with status " +;
if (callbackContext != null)
//noinspection SynchronizationOnLocalVariableOrMethodParameter
synchronized (callbackContext)
Object callbackContext = new Object();
tempDeviceClient.sendEventAsync(message, iotHubEventCallback, callbackContext);
//noinspection SynchronizationOnLocalVariableOrMethodParameter
synchronized (callbackContext)
catch (InterruptedException e)
// ignore
tempException = null;
catch (Exception e)
tempDeviceClient = null;
tempException = e;
DeviceClient deviceClient = tempDeviceClient;
Exception exception = tempException;
mActivity.runOnUiThread(() -> {
if (callback != null)
if (deviceClient != null)
callback.onSuccess(device, deviceClient);
callback.onException(device, exception);
if (deviceClient != null)
catch (IOException e)
// ignore
mAzureIoT = new AzureIoT(this);
String deviceId = "qwigybo";
mAzureIoT.deviceAdd(deviceId, new IoTDeviceAddCallback()
public void onSuccess(Device device)
FooLog.i(TAG, "deviceAdd onSuccess: device id=" + device.getDeviceId());
FooLog.i(TAG, "deviceAdd onSuccess: device primaryKey=" + device.getPrimaryKey());
String message = "w00t @ " + new Date().toString();
mAzureIoT.deviceSendMessage(device, message, new IoTDeviceSendMessageCallback()
public void onSuccess(Device device, DeviceClient deviceClient)
FooLog.i(TAG, "deviceSendMessage onSuccess: device id=" + device.getDeviceId());
public void onException(Device device, Exception exception)
FooLog.e(TAG, "deviceSendMessage onException: device id=" + deviceId, exception);
public void onException(String deviceId, Exception exception)
FooLog.e(TAG, "deviceAdd onException: device id=" + deviceId, exception);
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