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Python DupeFinder
#!/usr/bin/env python3.9
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at
import os
import time
import xxhash
from collections import namedtuple
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, List, Optional
FILE_READ_CHUNKSIZE = BLOCK_SIZE << 5 # lshift 5 empirically determined to give best perf
Problematic = namedtuple("Problematic", ["path", "problem"])
class FileDat:
# XXH3 might be faster, but we want as collision-free as possible
# Because there's a danger of irrecoverable data loss if algo chosen exhibits too many collisions
# (Data loss due to you deleting an "alleged dupe" while it's in fact not)
# Maybe the probability of that happening is statistically very small, but let's be safe than sorry
HASH_METHOD = xxhash.xxh128
def __init__(self, filepath: Path):
assert isinstance(filepath, Path)
self.filepath: Path = filepath
self._stat: Optional[os.stat_result] = None
self._endshash: Optional[bytes] = None
self._wholehash: Optional[bytes] = None
self._hasher = FileDat.HASH_METHOD()
def stat(self):
if self._stat is None:
self._stat = self.filepath.stat()
return self._stat
def ends_hash(self):
if self._endshash is None:
with open(self.filepath, "rb") as fin:
hasher = self._hasher
# Files 3 blocksize or larger will have only 1st block and last 1 (or 1 + a partial) block read
if self.stat.st_size >= FileDat.THREE_BLOCKS:
end_block = (self.stat.st_size // BLOCK_SIZE) - 1
end_seek = end_block * BLOCK_SIZE
# Files smaller than 3 blocksize skips the seek above, so they will be hashed in whole
# Now let's do some memory-limited reads:
while chunk :=
self._endshash = hasher.digest()
return self._endshash
def whole_hash(self):
if self._wholehash is None:
# See note in FileDat.ends_hash
if self.stat.st_size < FileDat.THREE_BLOCKS:
self._wholehash = self._endshash
hasher = self._hasher
with open(self.filepath, "rb") as fin:
while chunk :=
self._wholehash = self._hasher.digest()
return self._wholehash
def gather_filedats(
targroot: Path,
filedats_coll: Dict[int, List[FileDat]],
problematics: List[Problematic],
) -> int:
files_count = 0
print(f"Scanning {targroot} ...")
targfiledats_g = (FileDat(tp) for tp in targroot.rglob("*") if tp.is_file())
for tfd in targfiledats_g:
filedats_coll.setdefault(tfd.stat.st_size, []).append(tfd)
files_count += 1
except Exception as e:
problematics.append(Problematic(path=tfd.filepath, problem=e))
return files_count
def identify_dupes(filedats: List[FileDat], problematics: List[Problematic]) -> int:
fff = None # Suppress "might be referenced before assignment" warning on line 126
can_save = 0
# First we check the hash of the 'ends' (head & tail) of the file
# Saves time when different files are very large
# Example cases: 2 files of exact same lengths but differing in their headers/tails,
# such as differently-tagged -- but identical sized -- audio files.
by_ends: Dict[bytes, List[FileDat]] = {}
for fd in filedats:
by_ends.setdefault(fd.ends_hash, []).append(fd)
except Exception as e:
problematics.append(Problematic(path=fd.filepath, problem=e))
for fdlist in by_ends.values():
if len(fdlist) < 2:
# Next we grab files with same ends_hash and check hash of whole file
by_whole: Dict[bytes, List[FileDat]] = {}
for fd2 in fdlist:
by_whole.setdefault(fd2.whole_hash, []).append(fd2)
for fdlist2 in by_whole.values():
if len(fdlist2) < 2:
print(" These files are identical:")
for fff in fdlist2:
print(f" {fff.filepath}")
can_save += (len(fdlist2) - 1) * fff.stat.st_size
return can_save
def main():
problematics: List[Problematic] = []
filedats_bysize: Dict[int, List[FileDat]] = {}
all_count = 0
for targpath in TARGET_DIRS:
targroot = Path(targpath)
if not targroot.exists():
all_count += gather_filedats(targroot, filedats_bysize, problematics)
print(f"\nTotal of {all_count} files from {len(TARGET_DIRS)} dirs")
print(f" ... {len(filedats_bysize)} file size bins")
# Remove size bins with just 1 member
filedats_bysize = {
sz: flist for sz, flist in filedats_bysize.items() if len(flist) > 1
print(f" ... {len(filedats_bysize)} size bins with more than one file each")
# Zero-sized files are _always_ identical, let's just print them out :-)
if 0 in filedats_bysize:
print("Zero-sized files:")
for fd in filedats_bysize[0]:
print(" ", str(fd.filepath))
del filedats_bysize[0]
total_savings = 0
# Sort .keys() then grab the value is much faster than sort .items()
# (Yes, tested using timeit.repeat(). Reliably 20%-30% faster!)
for sz in sorted(filedats_bysize.keys()):
flist = filedats_bysize[sz]
print(f"Checking {len(flist)} files of size {sz:,} ...")
dupe_size = identify_dupes(flist, problematics)
if not dupe_size:
print(" No dupes")
total_savings += dupe_size
f"\nYou potentially can save {total_savings:,} bytes if you delete the dupes..."
if problematics:
print("\nThese files are problematic")
for pf in problematics:
print(f" {pf.path}: {repr(pf.problem)}")
if __name__ == "__main__":
started = time.monotonic()
elapsed = time.monotonic() - started
print(f"\nDupeFinder completed in {elapsed:.2f} seconds")
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